Chapter Six: "Dark Treassure"

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*You do not choose your destiny. It chooses you.*

Days before the Black Wolf murder......

It is almost midnight in Tokyo Japan, the streets are mostly empty, city lights from street lamps and billboard screens reflect on the wet concrete road with road signs painted with white paint, cheering can be heard echoing in the empty streets, beneath the ground in a parking lot, electronic music was playing, cars were reving, girls were dancing in their revealing clothes, two cars were side by side ready to take off as a girl in a sexy outfit stood at their helm with a black cloth in hand, she waves the cloth around as the cars rev their engines more, the sexy girl in the sexy outfit at the helm of the two cars gives the signal and the cars take off in high speed and screeching tyres, the Yakuza was there as well with Kira, having decided to go out and have fun and socialise. People were all intimidated by the daughter of the Yakuza boss's presence in the scene but they had nothing to worry about as the Yakuza were all about not following the rules but did have a code, Kira loves watching street races and placed bets on which would win every time she'd go there, despite being a regular in such scenes people still weren't completely used to being around the most dangerous woman in the Yakuza. Kira always carried her Kitana, a gift from her father which she uses to great effect, whilst watching the race she sees a boy who is eyeing her, she squints and calls him over, the boy was hesitant being intimidated by the crew surrounding her, she gets up and walks over, her Kitana strapped to her hip in a leather sheath, wearing ever so formal clothing as a symbol of her status in the crew, her men were handpicked by her father having been tested to great capacity.

As she walks over to the boy her men follow but she orders them to hang back, they do so but not being too far as if they ever failed in their job at protecting the Dark Treasure, Takashi would behead them, he has done so before and they bore witness to the executions, Takashi does not tolerate failure even from his Dark Treasure Kira. Kira stood before the boy and they converse

"(Japanese) Why were staring at me? Do you not know it's not polite to stare?"

Kira said as the boy gulps thinking she was offended but actually Kira was being flirty, her reputation and that of her father has made it hard for her to get a boyfriend due to fear and that did frustrate her, watching others her age being romantically involved while she was not was infuriating, and to top it off she never had friends of her own, only the stoic postured men around her protecting her and shadowing her always

"(Japanese) forgive me Ms Takara...."

He bows to her in respect and clear intimidation..

"(Japanese) I did not mean to offend, I just thought you were pretty and stared too long, it was meant to be only a second"

The boy admits as Kira smirked and has him stand up straight, all this bowing was drawing eyes and she hated it, he leans forward and looks into his eyes asking him straightforward if he liked her, hesitant to answer the boy does admit he does and has for quite a while, Kira squints at what he said about liking her for a while but their conversation was interrupted by approaching cars whom were racing, Kira takes a moment to look at the cars while others cheered and clapped for the winner making Kira smile having won her bet, when she looks back he was gone as if a ghost, Kira's heart sank believing she might have scared him off, who was he? Why did he speak like he knows her? Kira was determined to find out, she sees a girl nearby and pokes at her shoulder and asks her if she saw the boy she was standing with just now but the girl did not know as everyone else was distracted by the racing cars.

Kira sighs and walks back to her crew, one of the men with her was holding a phone in his hand having just got off it, he looks at her as she approached, lost in thought Kira was thinking about the boy, the man placed his hand on her shoulder snapping her back to reality, he tells her Takashi had just called and wants to meet her but Kira dismisses it, and sits down, the man tries to insist, annoying Kira, she threatens to pull out his insides if he does not shut his mouth, the man submits and steps back, she continues having a good time as the man gulps fearing what Takashi's reaction will be. Hours later the police show up and everyone scatters away including Kira and her men, they make their escape while some were caught, Kira was having fun now and demands she be taken to a nightclub to have more fun as others would surely be there throughout the night, the man who had told her Takashi summons her tries protesting and pleads to her that she needs to see her father as it sounded important, Kira took a moment to think and agrees reluctantly as the car takes her to her home. Arriving there, bodyguards were standing around in their black suits like always keeping watch, Kira walks past them in her majestic elegance being followed by her crewmembers, reaching Takashi's office she has her men wait outside and enters, seeing her father sitting there on the mat, a small table before him and two cups of tea and a tea container, he grabs the tea container by the handle and pours for them both and asks her to sit, Kira removes her Kitana from her hip, unstraping the belt and sits down across from her father sitting her Kitana beside her on her right side

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