The Crush

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So there's this boy.. his name is Konig.

I have the biggest, most fattest crush on him. But he doesn't know it yet, and I plan on telling him today.


I had woken up around 10:25am because of my stupid alarm I keep forgetting to turn off. I grab the blanket and toss it to the side.

I plant my feet onto the floor and rub my eyes, sighing.

"Ughhh. Why did I have to wake up this morning? I gotta turn off that stupid alarm." I said, my back slouched as my elbows rest on my knees.

I sighed again before standing up from my bed, walking over to my bathroom. I strip my clothes, throwing them into my laundry bin before I step into the shower. I turn the faucet and set it to somewhat warm water, but it should've been cold so it can fully wake me up.

I let the warm shower water run down my back while I stare off into the wall. Man, I'm fucking tired. I grab my shampoo and pump a decent amount into the palm of my hand, and then lather it into my scalp.

"God, I hope this day goes well." I said, gathering my hair together in my hand continuously rubbing the soap into my hair.

That's when Konig popped into my mind.

"Mmh.. he's so fucking hot." I say, washing the shampoo from my hair.

How can one person be so sexy? I smile and continue my shower, Konig still in my mind. I then finish washing my body and hair and then off the shower faucet.

I grab my towel and wrap it around my body as I stepped out of the shower.

"I should go get some breakfast, I'm hungry as hell." I laugh. I open my drawer and ramble through my clothes, but I remembered I can't dress the way I really want too. So instead I just pull out some denim jeans and a black compression shirt.

I drop the towel onto the ground and grab my panties, sliding them up my legs until they've fully covered my ass. Lol.

I put on my bra and then throw on my shirt, as well as my pants. I sit down on my bed and grab my socks and shoes, slipping my socks over my feet, and then sliding them into my Converse.

It was time to start the day. I wanna go back to bed.

I walk in the hallway with my hands in my pocket while my eyes just dart at other doors and lights.

I open the doors to messhall, and that's when I saw it.

My smile had dropped in an instant as I saw Konig and some woman sitting together while his arm was wrapped around her waist.

She was absolutely beautiful, I couldn't lie about that. It just hurt me knowing she got to him before I did.

I pressed my lips together in a thin line before walking the opposite direction, towards the ladies restroom.

I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. I quickly made my way into the restroom, obviously not wanting anyone to see me break down. I leaned against the sink and took a few deep breaths to try and steady my racing heart.

I can't believe after all this time, I was too late. Konig had never shown any interest in me other than as a fellow soldier. How stupid was I to think I even had a chance? Very stupid, obviously.

Wiping my eyes, I stared at my reflection. I had to pull myself together. Crying over someone who didn't want me wasn't going to change anything at all.

Konig had made his choice, and it wasn't me. Now I had to accept that, no matter how badly it made me want to fall apart inside all over again. This really topped off my morning.

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