Setting Things Straight

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My mind spun as I sped back to base, Konig's tender kiss replaying on an endless loop. All this time, had he felt the same?

It was so hard to process - after years of dormant longing, now his care and devotion shone clear as day. Nothing had ever felt so right.

But what did it mean for Ghost and I? We had passion in spades, yet he wasn't capable of this depth of feeling. Was he?

I cared for the fool, against my better judgment. His roguish charm drew me in like a moth to flame each time, got me burnt more often than not.

Konig's steady calm called to the broken parts of my soul, soothed wounds Ghost tended to rip back open without thought. Could I really trust the chance Konig offered me?

Pulling into camp, I spotted Ghost lounging morosely by the garage. This wasn't a conversation I could put off or avoid, for both our sakes.

Steeling my resolve, I parked and strode over to finally untangle this twisted web between us once and for all. May the chips fall where they may afterward...

At base

I walked up to Ghost leaning against the garage. He looked up with sad eyes as I approached. "Shep, we need to talk."

I nodded, crossing my arms. "Yeah, guess we do Ghosty." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was being dumb flirting around like that." A start, but not enough.

"You're always dumb Ghost, but this time really hurt me." His face fell more seeing the truth.

"I know babe, I just get carried away sometimes. But you know you're the only one for me." I wasn't so sure anymore.

"Do I Ghost? Cause it seems like every skirt turns your head." He shook his sadly.

"Not like you Shep, it's always been you." I wanted to believe him so badly.

"Then why do this to me over and over? I'm tired of dealing with your crap Ghost!" He reached for me but I stepped back.

"I'll do better Shep, please just give me another chance. I love you!" Did he really though?

I sighed, rubbing my head tiredly. "I don't know Ghost...I just don't know anymore."

He grasped my arms, eyes begging. "Just come back to me baby, let me prove it to you!"

Could I trust him not to break my heart again?

Ghost clutched my arms, eyes pleading. "Babe, we've been through too much. All those nights pouring our souls out, showing each other heaven..."

I shuddered thinking of his touch, everything we'd explored together. But so much hurt piled up too.

"I know Ghost, and I'll always care about you. But Konig..." He dropped his hands, pained.

"So it's him now, huh?" I grabbed his face, forcing eye contact.

"Listen to me! With Konig it's different, he sees me not just physical. Like how we used to be..."

Ghost gazed at me, eyes welling. "I'm sorry I screwed that up Shep. Just tell me what to do, I'll do anything."

I sighed heavily. "I don't know man! You broke my trust so many times..."

He nodded desperately. "I know, and if I could take it back I would. But let me earn it back, start over fresh with you!"

Was that even possible after so much drama? And Konig waited so patiently...

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