Whiskey & Fuckin'!

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I smiled softly, fingers lacing with Ghost's as we wandered back toward the barracks, relishing these quiet moments together. The sun hung low in a fiery sunset, blanketing the base in a warm glow. 

"Care to come in for a drink?" I asked gently once we reached my door. "There's some whiskey with our names on it."

Ghost's eyes crinkled fondly beneath his mask. "For you, lass, I'd brave far worse than whiskey."

Inside, familiar walls welcomed us, the space feeling larger somehow with his welcome presence filling it. As I poured our drinks, Ghost admired pictures and nicknacks along the shelves.

"You've made quite a home here," he observed softly.

I hummed, passing him a glass. "It's a home because of people like you, Ghostie. You gave me back my sense of belonging."

His masked jaw worked thoughtfully. "I aim only to foster your light, darling. You deserve the galaxy."

Warmth filled my chest, rising to meet his gaze openly. "Then stay awhile and enjoy this little corner of it with me?"

Ghost smiled, clinking our glasses in a silent toast before savoring the liquor. Watching his Adam's apple bob with each gulp sent flickers through me, longing both tender and passionate.

As night deepened around our quiet refuge, all else fell away but this man and his steadying presence by my side. No darkness could touch me here. And in Ghost's eyes, crinkled with adoration and promise, hope bloomed anew for whatever tomorrow may bring.

Our drinks emptied too soon, leaving us nestled close in the low lamplight. Ghost's fingertips traced delicate patterns along my arm, raising tender bumps in their wake.

Under his gentle ministrations, a flame sparked within me - part warmth, part want. Gazing openly into his veiled face, I wondered if he felt it too.

As if reading my mind, Ghost cupped my cheek, thumb sweeping tenderly. His voice came husky yet hopeful. "May I kiss you again, lass?"

Heart lurching, I smiled against his palm. "I thought you'd never ask."

Our lips met soft as a sigh, melding with care and intention. Ghost kissed with a reverence that left me trembling, pouring heart and soul into each caress as if trying to make me understand what I meant to him without words.

The taste of his answering groan set my nerves dancing, blood singing with knowing I affected him just as deeply. As passion built within our embrace, Ghost's hands remained gentle - worshipping, not wanting. They told me I was precious.

Breaking apart gently, foreheads resting, his mask brushed my swollen lips in a chaste caress. "Darling girl," Ghost murmured thickly, "you undo me in the best way."

Nuzzling closer, I cradled his jaw, heart so full it ached. In Ghost's arms, I was weightless - cherished down to my soul in a way I never thought possible again. Konig was a distant memory eclipsed completely by the sunrise of new hope blooming before me, written across Ghost's adoring eyes for me alone to read.

Night deepened around us as our kisses grew bolder, passion blossoming where gentleness had sown its seeds. I whimpered softly against Ghost's masked lips, wanting - needing - to feel his closeness wholly.

Pulling back to meet his clouded gaze, breathing heavily, I asked tenderly "Can I see all of you, love? I want to know you..." In every way, hung unspoken yet understood.

A soft groan escaped him as calloused thumbs brushed heated cheeks. "Are you certain, lass? I don't wish to pressure-"

I silenced his doubt with a kiss, conveying all the trust and care unraveling within me for this incredible man alone. His breathing hitched as his answer. 

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