Competitive People

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Ghost and I strolled lazily back to the pub, fingers loosely twined. The night air felt crisp and refreshing after our passionate tryst.

Spotting Soap and Ale still stuffing their faces, I laughed softly. "Wonder if they've left anything for the rest of the town!"

Ghost pulled me close, pressing a kiss to my hair. "Not a chance, bottomless pits those two."

As we approached the boys' booth, Soap tossed a balled up napkin at us with a cheeky grin. "Good fuck, was it? Thought we lost ya for the night!"

I slid into the booth beside him with a happy sigh, sneaking bites off Soap's plate. "Perfect as always, boys. You know Ghost always makes me feel like a queen."

Ale made kissy noises, waggling his brows. "Thought we heard some moaning like poor Konig's girl earlier!"

Ghost growled playfully, nipping my neck where his mark still lingered. "Only one moaning for me is this gorgeous creature."

I snuggled close as the boys continued barbing us good-naturedly. Being here with those I cared for most filled me with deep gratitude and joy. Life didn't get much better than this.

As the boys continued roughhousing amid raucous jokes and laughter, my stomach growled angrily. I caught the waitress' eye, flashing her my most charming smile.

"Another bacon avo burger, extra thick please love. And a Dr Pepper to wash it down," I ordered with a wink. Ghost whistled and pinched my waist, making me squeal.

"Worked up another appetite already?" he teased darkly, planting a firm kiss on my neck. I moaned wantonly, nibbling his earlobe in retaliation as the boys groaned in protest.

When my mammoth burger arrived, I dug in like a woman possessed. Big bites disappeared in seconds as the meaty goodness melted in my mouth. The boys gawked in awe, placing bets on how fast I could finish.

By the time I drained the last of my pop with a satisfied sigh, not a crumb remained. Ghost scratched my belly fondly while Soap dropped a few quid in Ale's greedy palm, stunned by my vacuum abilities once more.

Leaning back sated against Ghost's strong frame, I sighed contentedly. "That hit the spot, lads. Now what trouble shall we stir up next, eh?"

The three blokes stared slack-jawed at the spot where my massive burger once sat, before glancing back at my sunny smile like nothing was amiss.

Ghost shook his head in disbelief, squeezing my waist. "Blimey woman, where do you put it all?"

I blinked innocently, patting my trim middle. "I've got hollow legs, didn't you know?"

Soap gaped, still fighting the urge to hurl at my inhuman feat. "Swore you was a bird, not a garbage disposal!"

Ale just crossed himself in quiet terror, earning raucous laughs all around.

Pretending not to notice their lingering shock, I stretched widely with a content sigh. "Now that I've refueled lads, what's next on the agenda? Bar crawl? Pool tournament? Or should we head down to the docks for a late night row?"

My nonchalance sent them into fresh guffaws, barely registering my mischievous suggestions beneath their awe. Ghost nibbled my ear playfully.

"With an appetite like that beautiful, I bet you're always up for a bit of fun, yeah?"

I shot him a wink, grabbing Soap's beer for a hearty swig. "You know it, soldier. Let's get this party started!"

The night was still young and my blood sang for adventure with my men. As Soap wiped tears from his eyes and Ale collected his winnings, I bounced ideas off Ghost with eyes aglow.

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