Flirty Birdie

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As we took our positions at the range, I could feel Ghost's eyes watching me from the lane over. I raised my rifle and blew out a breath, steadying myself before taking my first shot. A near bullseye.

"Not bad, lassie!" Ghost called. "But you've got nothing on me."

I chuckled. "We'll see about that, mate."

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Alejandro gazing my way as well. He whistled low in appreciation as I squeezed off another round. "Muy caliente, chica. You can shoot me any day."

I winked playfully at him. "Maybe I will, handsome."

Soap groaned from beside me. "Hey now, none of that on the range unless you want an ND." But I noticed the gleam of amusement in his eyes.

We continued firing, good-natured trash talk flying as targets riddled with bullets. Though my heart still ached for what might have been with Konig, being here with these crazy men who had my back filled me with joy. Their flirtations, however light, also reminded me I was still desirable - something the past week had made me doubt.

By the time we emptied our clips, Ghost had barely edged out the win. I pouted in mock disappointment as the targets were retrieved. "Better start thinking of a way to pay up, Ghostie."

He chuckled behind his mask. "Aye, you've got me there lass. Drinks are on me tonight, you scoundrels."

As we made our way inside to clean up, I caught Alejandro hanging back to walk beside me. "You know, chica, if you ever want some arm candy for a night out..." He let the offer trail with a wink.

I smiled, touched. "I'll keep that in mind, 'Dre. You're sweet." My heart wasn't ready yet, but their friendship meant everything. Brighter days truly were ahead.

That evening, the group met up at our favorite bar on base for the promised drinks. Stepping inside, the loud music and laughter wrapped around us like a warm hug. All around soldiers from various units relaxed and mingled, a welcome escape from the stress of our daily duties.

Ghost led us to a corner booth, already waving down the server. "First round's on me, as promised. What's your poison, lass?" He asked, turning to me.

I considered for a moment. "Surprise me, Ghostie."

He nodded and placed our orders. As we waited, Alejandro scooted in beside me, sliding an arm along the back of the seat. "Save a dance for me later, sí?"

I grinned. "We'll see, hot shot." His charming flirting never failed to lift my spirits.

Soap rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Alright you two, break it up before you scare off the drinks."

Just then our server appeared with a tray laden with shots. "Tequila for the lady, as requested," Ghost announced, sliding me a glass filled with pale gold liquid.

I raised it in a toast. "Cheers, lads. To surviving another week in this madhouse we call home."

We clinked glasses and threw them back together. The sweet burn of liquor warmed my insides as laughter and easy conversation flowed through the following hours. Dancing and drinking alongside my chosen family, I felt truly happy for the first time since Konig's rejection.

These men saw me for who I was - strong, capable, and worth caring for. And that meant everything when the world tried so hard to knock me down. As long as we had each other's backs, nothing could defeat our spirit.

The evening wore on and more drinks flowed, loosening our inhibitions as warmth bloomed in my chest. Leaning into Alejandro's side, I watched Soap challenge Ghost to an arm wrestle, laughter bubbling at their drunken competitiveness.

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