Its Time To Get Over It

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I walked back to my bunk, mash potatoes and gravy still dripping down my uniform.

I sigh before chuckling to myself, rubbing the corners of my eyes.

"Fuck my life." I mutter to myself, letting out a chuckle.

I open the door to my bunk and take off my shoes, tossing them against the wall.

I began to take off my gravy stained clothes, placing them down into the washing machine. I shake my head before removing the remainders of my clothes. I just took a shower not even 30 minutes ago.

As I peeled off my soiled clothes and tossed it in the wash with a grimace, I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous mess this day had become.

It was like the universe was doing everything in its power to make sure I didn't have a single moment to dwell on Konig choosing someone else.

Stepping into the shower, again, I let the hot water rinse the mess from my skin while also washing away the frustrated tears I hadn't let fall. Ghost was right - I was better off without Konig if he couldn't see what was right in front of him.

And who knows, maybe this little catastrophe was a sign it was time to take the masked man up on his offer of distraction sometime.

As I dried off and pulled on clean sweats, I felt lighter than I had all day. Sure, it still stung to think of Konig with his new girl. But between Ghost's reassurances and this insane string of events, I was starting to believe there may be happier times ahead after all.

And if nothing else, at least now I had an interesting story to tell at the mess tomorrow.

I stared up at the ceiling just thinking about how stupid I was, thinking about how I could've gotten with Konig.

I knew I was sorta out of his league, but it was always worth a shot. I'll get over it in like— the next 3 weeks. I just know it.

I sighed before turning my  body to the side and wrap my arms around my pillow, hugging it tightly.

I cried myself to sleep.

The next day.

The next morning, I woke with a renewed sense of purpose. No more wallowing over Konig - it was time to take back control. After dressing in fresh camos, I made my way to the mess hall with my shoulders back, determined not to let seeing him get to me.

When I spotted Konig's usual table from across the room, I steeled myself before glancing over. Surprisingly, he was alone this time, reading something on a datapad while eating.

Part of me wanted to scurry away before he noticed me staring. But I wasn't about to let him ruin my breakfast too.

Chin up, I strode confidently through the tables to the buffet line. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Konig glance up, and for a moment our gazes met. But I didn't blush or look away - I simply raised an eyebrow in acknowledgment before turning back to fill my tray.

Let him wonder what I was thinking for a change.

Finding a table with some other squadmates, I sat with my back to Konig, bantering and laughing like the day before hadn't left me shattered on the floor of the bathroom stall. I was taking back control...and it felt damn good.

The people sitting at my table were Ghost, Alejandro and Soap.

Ghost was the man I knew the longest in T141. We met because of a similar incident, bumping into each other and spilling food.

But that didn't really matter right now. We were laughing at random things as we ate our breakfast. I occasionally took glances at Konig, seeing him sit alone all by himself. It was kinda funny for some reason.

*I chattered and joked happily with Ghost, Alejandro and Soap, a wide smile on my face as I shoveled scrambled eggs into my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye, I'd occasionally glance over to where Konig sat alone, almost feeling bad for him in a way. But I wasn't about to let pity ruin my newfound resolve.*

"Look at him over there, all mopey by himself," Soap chuckled, following my gaze. "Guess the new bird didn't stick around long, eh?"

I smirked, taking a swig of coffee. "Serves him right for not realizing what he had right in front of him."

"Aye, his loss!" Ghost agreed, clapping me on the shoulder. "You're well shot of 'im now, lass."

Alejandro nodded sagely. "Sí, is time to find someone who appreciates a woman of your quality, chica."

I grinned, feeling lighter than I had in weeks as we bantered and ate together. Konig may have broken my heart...but now I had these guys in my corner.

And it was about time I started living for myself instead of dwelling on what could have been with someone who didn't want me in the first place.

When breakfast wrapped up, I left the mess with my friends, not sparing Konig another thought. The future was bright, and I was ready to move on.

After breakfast, Ghost, Soap, Alejandro and I all headed to the armory to gear up for our morning training session. As we walked, I laughed and joked easily with the guys, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in weeks.

"I tell ya, nothing clears my head like a good round at the range," Ghost said, pumping a round into his rifle.

I nodded in agreement. "Nothing settles a broken heart like blowing things up."

Soap chuckled. "There she is, back to her tough self in no time."

"Sí, you're made of steel, chica," Alejandro added with a grin. "That pendejo Konig doesn't know what he lost."

I smiled, grateful to have such supportive friends around me. It still stung a bit thinking about Konig, but their belief in me meant more than any man ever could.

"Thanks for sticking by me, lads. I don't know what I'd do without you all."

"Aw, c'mere you softie," Soap teased, pulling me into a side hug. I laughed and shoved him off.

As we made our way to the range, Ghost fell into step beside me. "You sure you're alright, lass? I know rejections can cut deep."

I glanced at him, touched by his concern. "Honestly? It still aches a little. But I'll be fine, especially with all you nutters watching my six."

He nodded, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "We always will, darling. Now show me what you've got - bet I can still outshoot ya!"

I giggled, raising my rifle as we arrived. "You're on, ghost boy. Loser buys the first round tonight!"

We took our positions, and I focused down my sights with renewed determination. I was moving on, and nothing would hold me back anymore.

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