Memories of Him.

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As warmth from Ghost's touch gradually leeched away, leaving contented tingles in their wake, unbidden thoughts crept in to fill the void. Specifically, of a certain someone whose rejection had once cut so deep.

Konig's smug, sneering face materialized in my mind's eye - yet where before bitterness lingered, now stood only pity. What a small, pathetic creature he seemed - clinging to vapid conquests to mask the void within.

I shook my head ruefully. How had I ever found appeal in such weakness? Ghost, so, embodied everything Konig lacked - strength, compassion, care for others above all else. My soldier treated me as something precious rather than disposable plaything.

Rising languidly, I let water heat and stripped away remnants of intimacy, both physical and mental. Under steam's gentle barrage, cares melted away, leaving only sweet memories of devoted hands worshipping every inch, finding sacredness where once brokenness had lain.

Grasping the showerhead's handle, I murmured Ghost's name like a prayer, arching into pulsing currents as rapture built once more between my thighs. Filling voids he'd so exquisitely tended before leaving me sated yet aching for his return.

Konig existed only as ashes on the wind now, eclipsed completely by dawnbreaking brightness that was the care and passion my soldier poured into our joining. Washing away the past, embracing the light of new tomorrows glowing on the horizon hand in hand with my steadfast protector.

With him at my side, no darkness could touch me - I was absolute. Whole. Happy.

After taking time to masturbate and shower and pull myself together, I made my way to meet the lads at our usual spot in town. Strolling beneath colorful streetlamps flickering to life along the lane, laughter and music spilled warmly from the pub's windows, soothing residual tensions from earlier musings.

Pushing through the swinging door, my eyes found my soldier at once - masked face tilting towards me in welcome as arm wrestlers around him roared and hollered.

"Lass!" Ghost crowed boozily, sweeping me into a crushing side-hug. "Just in time to see me mop the floor with old Ripper 'ere!"

I grinned, taking my seat and cheering Ghost on as he bested opponent after opponent amid their colorful protests and congratulations. Their ease and camaraderie, Ghost's careless smiles, illuminated crevices Konig's passing ghost had left in my spirit. Here, surrounded by friends, belonging, all feeling of void fled.

As games concluded, Ghost stole me against his chest, breath ghosting across my earlobe tantalizingly. "May this soldier have a dance, lover?"

Heart full to bursting, I nodded, letting him lead me swaying under dimmed lights as twangs of guitar swirled through smoke and chatter. Ghost's adoring eyes drank me in as if I were the only soul in the room, banishing final shadows. His touch conveyed safekeeping, passion - all the unspoken depths dwelling in our burgeoning bond.

Breathless, I rested my head to his chest, listening to the melody of his steady heart. Here, in these arms, was home. Konig's memory crumbled to dust, eclipsed completely by the sunrise of new hope illuminating my skies, written in Ghost's loving smile for only me to see.

As Ghost and I strolled the moonlit lanes arm in arm, content simply to exist together, a rustling in the brush drew our attention. Turning, we found Soap and Alejandro emerging with exaggerated subtlety, grinning like kits on a spree.

"Well don't you two look cozy," Soap crowed, waggling his brows.

Alejandro slung arms around our shoulders mischievously. "Sí, we interrupt special moment, no?"

Ghost sighed, bemused. "To what do we owe this disruption, lads?"

"Thought you might like company for the walk back," Soap nudged, eyes twinkling.

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