Devil's Due

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I hustled to HQ, eager to wrap up work so I could hunt down Ghost. But my mood soured seeing prick in charge waiting there.

"What do you want Price," I sneered at him. This hardass always gave me extra grief, like I wasn't the best damn soldier he had.

"Easy Shepherd, just need you on recon," he replied gruffly. A boring ass scouting job, figures. I leaned against the table with a bored sigh.

"Make it quick eh? Places to be, people to do." Price didn't crack a smile.

"You're better off staying away from that boy, he's trouble." I snorted, he had no clue.

"Ghost is the only fun around here. Jealous no one wants a go with you grandpa?" His frown darkened and my smirk grew. Push all the right buttons with this chump.

He shoved the intel at me roughly. "Just do your damn job and stay outta trouble, girl."

Whatever. I tucked the files away, saluting lazily. "Yes sir! Now if you'll excuse me..."

Ducking out before he could bark more orders, I hopped on my bike. Time to track down my favorite troublemaker and have some fun.

I gunned the engine, tearing across base towards the barracks. My whole body buzzed just thinking about seeing Ghost again.

Screeching to a halt, I leapt off and strode inside, eager eyes scanning for him. Most the lads were still crashed out after last night's revelries.

There at the end of the hall though, Ghost's door stood ajar. I crept up silently, heart pounding as I peeked inside-

Only to find the room empty, bed long cold. A tingle of frustration and disappointment snaked down my spine. Where the hell had my devil gone off to now?

Just then a familiar husky laugh drifted in from outside. I stalked to the window, scanning the yard below-

And there he was, lounging against a stack of crates surrounded by a bunch of giggling birds. Ghost flashed that roguish grin as one preened against his chest like a damn pet.

Fury and jealousy roared to life inside me at the sight. How dare he move on so quick, after the night we'd shared? That pretty boy was mine, not theirs to fawn over.

With a possessive growl I stormed back outside, stalking towards my stolen property. Time to collect what was owed and then some..

Ghost's POV

- Ghost's POV -

I laughed and chatted with the girls crowded around, enjoying the attention after my long night. Out of the corner of my eye though, I spotted a tantalizing figure storming over.

Shepherd cut an intimidating figure as always, fury radiating off her tight little body. The birds sensed the tension immediately, scattering like mice.

"Well well, if it isn't my favorite troublemaker," I drawled with a lazy grin. "Miss me already?" But her scowl only deepened at my teasing.

"Save it Ghost. Fucking around already, after the way you begged for me last night?" Her words stung more than I'd admit.

"Aww don't be like that darlin, you know I only got eyes for you," I tried to soothe her rage. Shep just snarled and strode right into my space.

"Bullshit, you just wanted a piece of tail like always. But no more, you made your choice pretty boy." Ouch, low blow there.

I grabbed her wrist to stop her turning away. "C'mon baby don't do this, let me make it up to you." She jerked from my grip, eyes like flint.

"Forget it! You're dead to me Gho-" Her threaten was cut off by my lips crashing to hers in a bruising kiss. I poured every feeling into it, begging her silent forgiveness.

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