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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒. Never a drip of rain fell from the bright blue skies the week that the Davies' family moved into their little apartment in the centre of the bustling town. It was odd for them, the weather forecast for London consisted of rain, more rain and maybe a little thunder if it were feeling fancy.

It was a small adjustment for the family. Especially when most of their clothing were jumpers, thick north face coats and wellies. Well, apart from Scarlett. She'd never let the rain strip her from her slutty clothing.

She didn't believe in getting cold, it was for boring basic bitches - her words to her younger sister who'd questioned why she was wearing a miniskirt in the middle of winter. After that, she'd regretted her decision. Becoming a popsicle will do that to you. But none of her family needed to know that, especially when they'd tried convincing her to put on something a bit warmer.

But nevertheless, Scarlett was ready to brisk in the hot weather. Maybe that was the only upside to moving to Sliver Falls.

"Where's my fucking skirt, Sarah!" Scarlett's frustrated voice rang through the once quiet apartment. She pushed through the piles upon piles of clothes sprawled out over her bare bedroom floor. Her room had yet to be Scarlett-ifid, so the walls were plain and an off white colour, with only her bed in the middle of the room. Even that lacked colour.

The only things that were placed in her room was her bed, wardrobe that she had yet to actually put clothing in and boxes stacked on top of each other, awaiting the day she finally accepts Sliver Falls as her home. She was still in deep denial about that place being her new proper home. Bless.

She believed her family might realise that this wasn't the best idea and move somewhere else! Like literally anyway but here. That so could happen. Totally, yep. Delusional twat.

"I don't have it!" The girl in question called back from her room next door. She sounded just as frustrated as Scarlett, but unlike her older sister she actually didn't mind moving. Said it would be a nice bit of fresh air, what a suck up.

Letting out a groan, Scarlett stood up before storming towards Sarah's room, slamming her door as she did. "Then how the fuck do you know what one I'm talking about, huh?" She raged, pulling Sarah's door open, eyes as wide as golf balls.

Scarlett's eyes scanned around Sarah's more colourful room, searching for her skirt, her eyes soon found it. It laid neatly out on her sisters bed, clearly wanting to wear it for her first day at middle school. Middle school?

Yep, Scarlett didn't understand that, but she was starting to love the idea of being away from absolute arsehole of a sister. Shooting her sister a glare as soon as she saw it. To which she received a mischievous smirk back.

Striding over towards the skirt, she picked it up. "What's this then?" Scarlett spat, her voice full of venom. She waved the skirt around in her grasp, her grip tightening.

Sarah, who sat at her desk fixing her mascara let out a small unbothered shrug. She'd grown use to her sisters anger. Plus she'd been preparing for this the moment she'd stolen the skirt. "Ugh, why can't I just wear it? It looks nice with my top. Mum agrees" Sarah bickered groggily at Scarlett's unneeded anger, looking through her mirror watching as Scarlett sent her a raging glare.

Glaring, Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Mhm, god I don't know?" She started growing more enraged by the second. "Maybe because it's my fucking skirt and you didn't ask!" She screamed, okay maybe Scarlett had a short fuse. But Sarah brought out the worst in her and surely her parents must have jinxed it by naming her after the colour red, which was known as the angry colour.

OH, ME. OH, MY.  c.w Where stories live. Discover now