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𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐘 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊, then again Scarlett had only been in there for about half an hour, due to her late shenanigans. Soon enough she was packing up her pen and new book, and shoving them into the deep depths of her bag.

Jaycee and Scarlett hadn't stopped chatting the majority of the lesson, sure they had their quiet moments after getting told to shut up by Mr Piper but soon carried on afterwards. They were similar in some ways and different in others. An example of that, was Jaycee had grown up in Sliver Falls, never knowing any different. Unlike Scarlett who'd grown up in a city full of life and constant rain, but they related in the way they both wanted to get the hell out of Silver Falls as soon as possible.

"You know who your sitting with at lunch?" Jaycee questioned, pulling her bag onto one shoulder as they finished packing up. Jaycee hadn't expected to get along with the new girl so well, especially after Erin had complained to her about Scarlett.

Apparently she'd caught Cole watching her on their way to class. But it wasn't Scarlett's fault she was hot, so Jaycee couldn't hold it against her. Especially when she'd realised Scarlett was sorta funny.

Turning her attention back to Jaycee, Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, this boy called Danny. He's a sweetie" She nodded, the two beginning to walk out of class together.

Jaycees brows shot up, a smirk falling onto her lips. "Danny Walter?"

Eyebrows drawn together in confusion, "eh, I don't know? Didn't ask for his last name, why?" Scarlett questioned, she was confused on the sudden mood change.

"Oh, no reason" she grinned, before spinning slightly. She stayed slewing for a short moment, for dramatic affect. "Only he's got the hottest brother ever" Jaycee sang, raising her brows up and down at Scarlett. What? Yeah she was friends with Erin, but Jaycee also happened to have eyes? She'd never do anything, sometimes she'd just look over at him for a distraction.

Scarlett let out a laugh, unable to stop herself at the girl's face. "God, Jaycee. Think with your mind not your-" raising her brows, so the girl knew exactly what she was talking about.

Jaycee let out a shocked gasp, "how dare you, I've been very kind to you. I'm literally helping you find the theatre, because your stupid ass didn't ask him where that was" she raged, though a small grin smiled onto her features. Betraying her.

"Mhm, and I'm so so very grateful" responded a giggling Scarlett. The two began giggling between one another. Though their conversation was cut short when they turned a corner, Danny in sight.

Jaycee grinned, "you better be" she responded, though her attention was focused on Danny. No, not Danny. The person next to him? "You lucky little shit" she mumbled towards Scarlett, her grin only growing as she subtly leaned into the girl.

Before Scarlett could question what Jaycee meant by that, Danny caught sight of the two girls. "Scarlett, Jaycee, hi" he greeted, his arm holding his backpack in place.

"Hey, Danny" Jaycee responded, "Cole" she nodded, before turning her attention back to Scarlett. Ah, Cole. "Right, this is where I leave you. If you need anyone, just give me a shout" she smiled, before spinning off, leaving the three alone. She didn't wait for a response from Scarlett, wanting to find Erin instead. 

Walking closer towards the two boys, Scarlett started to realise something. Or someone. She was pretty sure that blondie next to Danny, was the one who had attempted to murder her.

Danny who'd seen the way Scarlett narrowed her eyes slightly, spoke up. "Scarlett, this is my brother, Cole. And Cole this is Scarlett, she's new" he introduced the pair, standing in between them. He smiled, watching as Cole turned his gaze to her, he began to smirk. Which made Danny internally groan, nope. Cole was not about to try and flirt with his new friend. Absolutely not.

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