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𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 but being patient definitely wasn't one of them. So as she waited at the guidance councillors door, her foot began to bounce impatiently. Whoever the lady was speaking to had been in there forever, Scarlett was starting to believe she would be a corpse by the time they came out.

It wasn't even like she was there for anything that important or life changing, she just wanted her fucking timetable. So she could go to class and just get today over and done with.

Finally, a sad scrimpy looking boy came out. His head hung low as he pushed passed Scarlett, not even bothering to say 'excuses me'. "Love the manners" she grunted sarcastically, glaring at the back of the boys head.

Soon enough, a chirpy brunette pecked her head around the door. Her bright smile aimed towards Scarlett. Great, rainbows and happiness. "Come on in" she grinned welcomingly, her hand extended towards her room.

Following her instructions, Scarlett took a seat at the lady's desk. Waiting expectantly for her to speak first. "Hi, I'm Miss Jacobs but you can just call me Tara" she introduced herself, before taking a seat on her chair. "What can I do for you?" She added, as she began to type on her keyboard.

"I just started here, and I haven't been given my time table yet. So I was hoping you could maybe give it to me" Scarlett explained, making sure to add a soft smile on. "I wasn't sure where to go, and your office was the first one I saw?" She told Tara, though it sounded more like a question then an answer.

Tara nodded understandably, "you must be Jackie" she smiled sadly.

Scarlett's brows drew together in confusion, she was in fact, not Jackie. "Ah, nope. Not Jackie. I'm Scarlett Davies?" She told the women opposite her awkwardly. Whoever this Jackie was definitely had a fuck up to warrant such a sad look from Tara. She just hoped Tara wouldn't use it on Jackie, pitiful looks weren't something anyone enjoyed.

The guidance counsellor let out a gasp, "I'm so sorry, Scarlett. I was just expecting Jackie today. But yes, of course I can help with that" she rushed out, her cheeks tinting a pink colour.

After reassuring Tara that it was fine and Scarlett wasn't bothered, Tara soon got to work. Something that had became very clear to Scarlett was that Tara loved to chat. They spoke about a lot of things, things Scarlett hadn't even expected to share as they printed out her time table, things about her father.

She could see why Tara was a counsellor, and a good one at that.

"Thank you so much, Tara" Scarlett grinned, as Tara handed the freshly printed time table to the young girl.

Tara smiled back, she saw a difference in the girl from only a small chat. At first Scarlett had been very closed off and reserved but after a bit of conversations Tara peeled back a small layer of her defence mechanism. She realised that Scarlett could maybe benefit from a few more chats.

Leaning against the printer,"Of course, I'm here anytime. Just remember I've had to add you into some Junior classes because of the different learning levels we have compared to England. So if your struggling with anything-" she started, before raising her brows "-or anyone, just let me know. Okay?"

Scarlett nodded back, she wasn't all that bothered about being with an older group for some classes. Not much in life did bother her, unless it were her sister. "Yep. Got it, boss. Thanks" Scarlett hummed, before quickly leaving the room.

She was already late enough to class, so chatting to Tara wasn't something she wanted to keep doing especially when it was about that man. After closing the door behind her, Scarlett looked down at her time table. Her eyes scanned for the Monday column until she finally found it.

OH, ME. OH, MY.  c.w Where stories live. Discover now