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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑, as the moon begged to shine. It dreamed to be as bright as the sun, though it never seemed to come close. The sun was beautiful, it brightened the world with its joy. The moon, however beautiful it was, it never seemed to shine as bright.

Scarlett was the moon, wishing she could shine like the sun. But her beauty wasn't like the sun, it was mysterious, sharp and different. She shone but never seemed to realise it. It was surprising, really. Especially when her smile seemed to brighten the room with its own joy.

Soon someone would see that. That is if he hadn't already. Wishing upon the sun was overrated. People never really paid it any mind when it was around. The moon was what they focused on, trying to capture a picture of it. But never seeming to fully grasp its beauty.

All thoughts of the moon spun around Scarlett's mind as she stared up at it from her bedroom window. She was perched on her bed, which was just next to the window. It gave her the perfect view of the moon, oh and the stars.

They'd always seem to capture Scarlett's attention. Even in London, when they were quiet and meek, she still couldn't seem to look away. But here? In Silver Falls, they weren't afraid to shine bright. Stealing away the moons spotlight.

"Scarl!" Her mother yelled, inturuping her inner monologue. Uh, rude! The sudden sound caused the girls soul to leave her body, as she jumped off her bed. Falling onto the ground beneath, falling onto the cold wooden floor. Splat.

Hearing the loud noise, "you okay?" She called out, loudly. She'd felt the whole apartment shake.

Groaning, Scarlett pulled her arms in front of her, before pushing herself up. "Yep. Totally" she grumbled. She and her mother had an argument after she'd arrived home, due to the lack of notice from Scarlett's outings. So teen was already mentally preparing for the second row, her mother had most likely remembered something else to yell at Scarlett for.

As glad she were that her daughter had made friends, she'd have liked a message. Just to let her know what Scarlett was doing. Because she hadn't, when Jenny had arrived home after her first day at the vet clinic. She'd been panic stricken when her middle - no, eldest daughter was nowhere to be seen.

"Come here!"

Rolling her eyes, Scarlett begrudgingly made her way out her room, walking down the hallway. She passed her sisters room, a crumpled sheet of paper sellotaped in the middle of the door with the words 'NO SCARLETT'S ALLOWED' written in blood red sharpie. If that wasn't a threat then Scarlett didn't know what was.

The sight of it made Scarlett roll her eyes once again, what an arse. As she passed, she brought her clenched fists up to the door, before banging on it. Causing her sister to let out a frightful squeal at the sudden noise, "piss off, Scarlett!" She screamed.

Letting out a menacing laugh, Scarlett continued her way down the partially decorated hallway. A few photos hung around the walls, plants dotted in corners but one photo caught Scarlett's attention. Just one.

That one.

Scarlett quickly reverted her gaze, nope not today. She wasn't about to ruin her makeup, she wouldn't have wanted that. So, Scarlett shook her head, as if that could clear all the painful thoughts that plagued her mind. It did, for a moment. But that was all she needed, a small sweet escape.

Reaching the kitchen Scarlett swung into the room, "yeah?" She asked, not yet realising they had a guest. Her voice was dragged out, ready and awaiting the screaming match that was about to start.

OH, ME. OH, MY.  c.w Where stories live. Discover now