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A few months later..

Life was great. I mean, you and Jin were dating and everything was going well. Sex was great, dates were great, and the love received and given was amazing.

You were in college now as summer was over and school time was starting up again. You both had grown to trust each other with everything little thing you could possibly tell one another, giving the relationship bond a tighter feel.

You guys could also be mistaken as best friends at this point, surprising new friends you made in your freshman year.

Han Jisung and Christopher Bahng were your in-college Hoseok and Namjoon, serving as them while they were away in Japan.

Not like they didn't know about each other-they knew each other very well.

Anyways, you walked down the dorm buildings hall and pressed the elevator, stepping in once it opened.

Someone came running down the hall yelling 'wait!' so you stuck your foot in aggravated-now you'd have to ride with another person.

But lo and behold, it was Chris.

"Hey! I thought you were someone else, I was pissed." You said, moving your foot and finally pressing your floor button.

"Yeah," he panted, "sorry about that. How's Jin?"

"He's good. I'm actually going to his dorm right now."

"Oh, nice. How are you?" He asked suddenly, touching my shoulder softly.

I wonder how he knew. Maybe it was my wearing of a onesie, maybe it was my puffy eyes from crying that were enhanced by my glasses.

Maybe it was the way I started crying when he asked.

"Hey, no, it's okay! I'm sorry, did I upset you?"

"No," I cried, leaning into the wall.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's not you, it's me. I just-so much has happened in the past month and I'm happy, yeah, but my mom.." I stop, starting to wail once more.

"Oh, oh, Jazz, no. Don't cry, please," He stooped to my level and hugged me tight which made me cry more.

"Why didn't you tell Jin? Or any of us, for that matter."

"I didn't want to bother anyone, I'm sorry for doing this to you-"

"Never be sorry for your feelings, okay? Never. There is nothing wrong with you crying over a sensitive topic. You are fully justified to cry and scream and wail or whatever.

"So let it out."

Those 4 words made me cry out everything I could, screaming and crying so hard I felt like a vein would pop.

By the time we got to the 14th floor, I was okay. My eyes were still puffy and I had to take my glasses off so I couldn't really see.

Chris walked me all the way to Jin's dorm room and explained what happened while I pushed my way into his dorm.

I heard the door shut and felt Jin come to give me a hug.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. But you don't have to worry anymore-you're with me. It's okay." He cooed, kissing my face and the tips of my fingers.

I smiled weakly and thanked him, smiling harder once he kissed my lips quickly.

"Get some rest, I love you."

"I love you ,too."

And I drifted off.

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