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All I remembered in the beginning was the scent of flowers. It's

alluring scent filled my mind with beautiful dreams of happiness,

cats roaming the earth peacefully, their carefully groomed pelts

glistening in the sunshine as their kits ran to a stream full of silver
fish. I watched as they all laughed with joy as they lived in this

happy world they called their own. Until, one day the flower scent

suddenly disappeared. Never in my life had there never been the

scent of nothingness. This nothingness filled my nose with bitter

sadness and I watched the dreams of happiness for us cats

dissappear like a bad memory. All that was left for me, for all of

us was hatred, a cold lust that brought us to fight, to hate, to kill

one another. Before, there was laughter, now there are tears, tears
for what things use to be. Before the world went cold. I knew I had
to change this world I had now seen into the world it once was, so

I decided to leave the safety of where I lived and venture to Earth

where the cats roam, to save them from destruction. So I set out,

to save the world they call home. To save my dream.

Warriors: A Lit Dream Sky 《Dream Series Book 1》Where stories live. Discover now