Chapter 17

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"Will you become my mate?" Dustpaw asked as I started blankly at his preposition.

"W-what?" He didn't just ask what I though he did... did he?

"I want to know if you want to become my mate?" Dustpaw repeated as his eyed darted away from my gaze.

"U-uh, sure, I would be honored." I meowed as I felt hot with embarrassment. Dustpaw's face lit up as we both gave bright smiles. "Oh that's right!" I meowed out randomly, causing Dustpaw to give me a confused glance.

"What is it Echopaw?" Dustpaw asked out of confusion and worry.

"You worry too much, your worse than my mom!" I meowed as I let out a mrrow of laughter.

"A-am not!" Dustpaw meowed back as his once worried expression turned into a frustrated one. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Anyways, I need to tell Ripplestar something." I meowed standing, but Dustpaw blocked my path.

"Tell him what exactly?" Dustpaw asked me as I tryed to move him away, but I just now noticed just how tiered I really was.

"Something important, so move please!" I hissed, but Dustpaw didn't budge.

"Tell me what your going to tell him, if it's so important, it wouldn't hurt if you told me." Dustpaw meowed as he sharpened his gaze on me. I let out a soft sigh, seeing how Dustpaw wouldn't let me go until I told him, I gave in.

"StarClan told me a prophecy; 'echos of the past now reflect off the wind, rain, sun, and clouds. It is up to the powers of one alone, to save the clans'." I meowed remembering the words of the wise StarClan she-cat.

"I see.... I understand half of what they meant, but you should tell both Ripplestar and Lilacpetal. They might understand it all." Dustpaw meowed as I nodded at his words.

"I was trying to do just that, before you rudely interrupted." I meowed as Dustpaw let out a small laugh.

Echos of the past now reflect off the wind, rain, sun, and clouds. It is up to the powers of one alone, to save the clans

I wounder what that could possibly mean...

StarClan, what do you have in store for me?

Warriors: A Lit Dream Sky 《Dream Series Book 1》Where stories live. Discover now