Chapter 3: The Twin's Secret

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Meanwhile Cale headed for his mother's grave digging out the box she left behind. Taking out a dagger he cut a small part of his palm until he drew blood letting it drip onto the box. With a click the box unlocked itself and Cale was able to open it. Inside was a diary. As he opened it and began to read his mind became chaotic and began to chuckle.

"Holy Shit the hell you've been hiding mom."

My Dear Cale,
I hope you forgive this terrible mother of yours so early but to ensure you and your foolish father's safety I had to make sure my ancient power could not be easily obtained. Knowing what you were going to experience was honestly the hardest pill for me to swallow. So please take care of yourself along with your new twin brother, I know he will do well to protect you but please don't let him get too carried away. He's lived a life of nothing but loss and pain, but I'll let him open up about his past when he's ready.

Anyways, to get to the important parts, the other half of my ancient power resides in Harris village. There are also two other ancient powers residing in the Forest of Darkness. I'll let you decide if you want Kim to know now or later, I get the feeling he'll need them more than you. Now you might be wondering how I know this well. The God of Death showed me his past before you regressed so I was able to rewrite fate a bit and modify the contents of this diary. As for how well you and now Kim are very special. For more context there are different ways to describe a person's soul which have been discovered through my family's research; the are three different categories the regular souls who are put back into the cycle of reincarnation once they die losing all memory of their previous cycle, what I refer to as single-lifers who only have a single life but we believe become a greater existence once they perish they are also the only souls that can be transported to a different world without causing repercussions in the multiverse though the side effect of single lifers traveling to a different dimension usually causes their lifespan to grow dramatically, also single-lifers are most commonly human the likelihood of a single-lifers being of another race has yet to be seen so we've concluded the likelihood of single-lifers being a non-human is none. 

Finally are the variables which are souls that have interfered or have been affected by someone who has interfered with fate. There are several variations of variables of the ones we know of there are 3: reincarnators, transmigrators, and regressors, regressors like you Cale can only occur when there is a direct deal with a god and an individual with a strong enough soul to change the fate of the world and rewind it to an earlier time. Transmigraters usually can't occur without significant repercussions to a regular soul but fortunately that wasn't the case for your brother as he was already a variable soul. This leads me to the reincarnators which I believe the enemy you face most likely is occurs as a curse or deal with a god, reincarnators consists of many annual rings with the original life being at its center followed by all the following lives connecting to it which allows the reincarnator to retain their memories of their previous lives. If I had to compare the annual ring of a 1000 year old dragon and a reincarnator who's died and reborn many times for 1000 years then the reincarnators rings would definitely be stronger which is what makes them so difficult to deal with. A reincarnator lives by taking over a body with similar characteristics to their original body while the soul originally supposed to be born within that body wanders until it is born into a different world once it can, which is what I believe your brother is. 

If the enemy you face is is indeed a reincarnator then you can use my power to see the weakness of his original annual ring which once destroyed will shatter the others but the only way to do this is to attack it using a part of something with annual rings that surpasses the reincarnator. The part of my ancient power I left in Harris is the fundamental essence of my power without the information in this diary the most one would see is the length and whether or not there is a twist in there time. Only someone from the direct Thames bloodline can truly use the full potential of this ancient power.

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