Chapter: 14 Princess Rosalyn

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That night Ron entered into Kim and Cale's connected rooms as they had just finished being dressed for bed, serving his dreaded lemon tea.

Twins: "... Lemon tea before bed?"

Ron: "That's correct." Cale was about to protest but upon seeing Ron's smile quickly shut his mouth downing the drink, meanwhile keeping his ever-present stoic expression that masterfully hid his disgust of the sour beverage. But unfortunately, something made them cough out their drink "Young masters. May I make a request?" Both twins never would have expected this from Ron. Kim being the first to regain his composure answered Ron.

Kim: "What is the request?" 'This devious old man has a request for people like us whom he probably regarded as useless for the longest time .'

Cale: 'Well it's not like that hasn't changed recently.'

Kim: 'Wait what? Since when?'

Cale: 'Probably since we changed or more accurately started being more active, I've already hinted to him and Becrox of our origins.'

Kim: 'Well that's your choice since Ron practically raised you. But let's hear his request first.'

Ron: "May I get 2 days off?" Kim's eyes brightened while Cale looked visibly shocked

Cale: 'Only 2?'

Kim: 'It doesn't matter how much anything to be free from this viscous old man.' Kim rose from his chair while he mustered his brightest smile going up to hold Ron's hands. "Sure. That's a great idea. Ron, you've worked hard for ten years trying to take care of my trash brother..."

Cale: "Hey!"

Kim: "And my sickly self. If you want a break, you can take as many days as you want. You are more than welcome to do that." 'Hey, Cale did you remember how Ron and Beacrox left?'

Cale: 'Of course, I had woken up after being bedridden for several days because of Choi-Han only to learn they had left without leaving any word.'

Kim: 'That's what he did at Choi-Han's party as well he would either leave without any notice or remind Choi-Han of their contract before leaving shortly after. Beacrox was the only exception. I'm sure because of your whole trash act you created a wall between each other thus believing he didn't matter enough for you to care about their whereabouts similar to the relationship he had with Choi-Han despite knowing each other for so long. I'm sure if you hadn't created that wall he would have at least left a note to you. He would have joined Choi-Han either way to seek revenge on the organization that killed his entire family either way.'

Kim hadn't stopped smiling at Ron while holding his hands while speaking to Cale. But Cale eyes opened wider; if that's the case then his sudden departure without a word made a lot more sense. In a way, Ron never felt as though he abandoned Cale because he felt that Cale had already abandoned him, he didn't want that this time. Meanwhile, Kim went to retrieve something.

Kim: "Give me one second." Kim went over to a desk opening a drawer and taking a small pouch from it, before returning to Ron. "Here. It's not much, but buy yourself some delicious food and enjoy your break." Ron's eyes hovered over the two young masters with this he had finally made up his mind he had to leave to make sure that crazy organization really crossed here from the eastern content, that also meant he had to leave his son here as well.

In that brief moment, Ron accepted his feelings of care for these troublesome twins. This caused a ripple effect that created an unbreakable bond between the twin demi-gods and himself that would only be truly discovered once the twins reached their first growth phase.

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