Chapter 11: New Family Member

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Kim entered the cave filled with strong winds that went well beyond what he was expecting. As though the winds alone could cause the walls to collapse at any moment. It made him wonder when he would get the wind's ancient power and if it would be similar to the wind inside the cave.

Kim: 'If it wasn't for Cage Taylor definitely wouldn't have been able to retrieve this power.' It was now a race against time.

Dragon: "N-no! You'll get hurt!! You're extremely weak!!!!"

It seems as long as Kim didn't explicitly show his aura or maybe due to the dragon's inexperience he couldn't sense Kim and Cale's true aura, but then again neither did Ron or Choi Han they only seemed to perceive their auras being larger than expected probably due to their years of experience rather than their actual strength is what allowed them to even able to vaguely sense Kim and Cale's divine aura.

Before the dragon revealed himself Kim had already turned in the dragon's direction after sensing the slight change in mana. The dragon swiftly stopped mid-flight, as Kim sighed, summoning his indestructible shield. The dragon was completely shocked seeing the weak human summon such a strong power with wings much different from his own. Kim was imbuing his divine energy significantly strengthening the shield as a test, which heavily reduced the strain Kim was originally feeling using the shield against the wind. His long braided hair is carried by the wind moving violently behind him.

Dragon: "Huh...?"

Kim: "Tch." Kim turned back to the dragon

Dragon: "O-oh, I-I was just passing through. W-wait! How did you know where I was before you appeared!?!!" Kim sighed he didn't have time with the dragon right now. According to The Birth of a Hero, the wind was on a cycle, the strength of the wind fluctuates every 3 hours and currently, it's at its weakest. I need to finish this before the wind gets stronger.

Dragon: "I'm sure you were a weak human..." Not wrong but not completely true either. I'm not completely human after all, and it's more that I choose to be weak rather than being weak. The dragon looked at Kim in awe as the strong winds that blew many small rocks at lightning speed toward Kim effortlessly bounced off his shield.

Dragon: "What...In the world is that power?"

*The rest goes the same as the novel & manga with the crybaby noticing that Kim has the power of his old friend the indestructible shield and how his power is cursed. As well as mentioning his other friends/siblings while crying. Kim reprimands the crybaby calling him annoying and that being selfish is part of being human, mentioning that living comes first. He successfully builds and topples after the power says "Now destroy it. By doing so you will 'overcome' your limits." the rock tower and retrieves the Vitality of the Heart*

Dragon: 'This human's weird.'

The power becomes a ball of light and flies straight into Kim's heart successfully earning the power. As he feels the energy flowing inside his body making both him and his shield stronger. With this power, he'll be able to recover much faster than a normal person.

Both Kim and the dragon exit the cave with the dragon doing its best not to look at Kim, Kim looks over to the dragon. Seeing that Cale had walked a bit further away from the entrance lying by a tree nearby.

Kim: "Do you want to follow me?" The dragon flew up in surprise before flying back down and scrunched back to the floor.

Dragon: "You're so weak that you need protecting... but I don't like humans!" That answered his question in the affirmative. The dragon turned invisible right in front of Kim. Despite the young dragon's efforts he still was no match for Kim's keen observation, as he saw an area of disturbed grass out of the corner of his eyes.

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