Chapter 10: Unnecessary Concerns

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After 4 long days of travel and arrived at Puzzle City. Kim knew he had to retrieve the Vitality of the Heart before the crippled first son of the Stan household, Taylor Stan. This power was supposed to be his last hope but upon retrieving it quickly became his despair upon learning the power could only heal injuries after retrieving the power. He would die shortly after the Plaza Terror incident by assassins sent by the bastard Venion. Taylor's best friend Cage, a priestess of the God of Death, killed those assassins in her state of anger and grief causing her to be excommunicated from the church. Well, it's not like she ever liked the Church in the first place.

After having reserved their rooms, Hans decided to tell about an ancient legend about Puzzle City.

Hans: "Did you know there is a curious story tied to this city that dates back to ancient times?"

Kim: "Is this a long story?"

Hans: "It was said that one day during the Ancient Times the god this land once worshiped abandoned them."

Kim: 'I guess he thought the story wasn't too long'

Hans: "Even after the citizens began to offer sacrifices the god never returned so instead of wallowing in despair they began a tradition to build small stone towers to represent their hopes and dreams whenever a person accomplished their goals they would topple their tower representing accomplishing those goals with their own hands."

Although the story was interesting Kim couldn't help but notice the scornful faces of the kittens directed at Hans. He probably didn't realize he had shattered the kids' expectations, thinking they were just ordinary kittens. Kim made a fake cough bringing Hans' attention to the kittens.

Hans: "Oh my are the lovely kitten-nims hungry I'll go retrieve some jerky." As he scurried off completely misunderstanding the kittens.

On: "How dare that butler lie to us."

Hong: "Yeah, we were looking forward to having our wishes granted."

Kim: "So do you still want to go see them or not?" Kim allowed them to sit beside him, petting them carefully allowing themselves to be comforted. Cale smiled seeing his brother open up to the kittens allowing them closer to him even petting them. It was nice seeing the close-hearted man finally opening his heart.

On: "Of course we still want to."

Hong: "Just because that stupid butler lied to us doesn't mean we don't want to at least check it out."

Cale: "Ron. You can go and rest now."

Ron: "Will Choi Han-nim leave in 2 days

Kim: "That's right. What's wrong? Feeling sad that he's leaving? Do you want to go with him?" All Kim was thinking was 'Even if it's only temporary please give us a break I don't want to continue getting teased by you and that dreadful beverage.' A brief pause went between them even Cale who was far more attached to Ron couldn't help but want the same 'Anything to rid them of being forced to drink the dreadful liquid.'

Ron: "How could I ever leave you, Young Masters? I wish to stay with both of you."

Both twins shivered as chills went throughout their bodies

Ron: "I just thought it would've been better if Choi Han-nim went with us, is all. I should go speak to him before he leaves. Hm... Beacrox will probably feel disappointed as well."

Cale: "Well, you three can see each other plenty at the capital since we'll be traveling together once we're there."

Ron: "I look forward to being together with everyone including Choi Han-nim at the capital. This old man only wishes that we all arrive at the capital safely."

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