Chapter 15: The Northeastern Nobles Meeting

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Rosalyn: "Ha! I heard you were famous for being trash, but I guess that was a lie."

Cale: "I am indeed famous for being trash. But even a title as trash has its uses." Cale smiled to himself having fooled everyone for so long.

Kim: "My brother has his faults. However, a mage should make their judgement based on their five senses, should they not?"

Rosalyn: "You are right, Young Master Kim. We only believe the things we experience ourselves."

Kim found it interesting how much she placed importance on her identity as a mage. She speaks informally to them as a princess, but when she refers to herself as part of the society of mages by using the term "we", she speaks formally. It seems as though her identity as a mage is important to her.

Kim: "Then, your highness.

Rosalyn: "Rosalyn."

Kim: "Fine, Miss Rosalyn. You have no more questions?"

Rosalyn: "Yes, I'm done. Young Masters, I thought you didn't want to be involved with me?" Rosalyn thought to herself how despite knowing that she was a princess. However, she didn't feel disrespected or hated as well as told her to stay as long as she wanted. If Rosalyn ever wanted such treatment, then I would've revealed my full name and identity in the beginning.

Rosalyn: 'He's also the one who told us of Lock's situation and his benefactor.'

Kim: "Is that so? I just acted that way since Your Highness seems to prefer it this way.

Rosalyn: 'Liar. That's just a good excuse. A human who travels with a dragon. His brother was known to be trash while he was the sickly older twin blood related to that trash. The reality was not that at all. He could have easily revealed my existence here in this kingdom if he really wanted to do so.' "It seems like you have not informed the Roan royalty. Thank you." Rosalyn looked over to the twins. Kim was constantly helping the dragon fill his plate with food while Cale was peacefully drinking his wine while taking occasional glances at Kim and the dragon.

Cale: "No problem."

Kim: "Something like that should be based on the individual's wishes." 'If I did that that crown prince bastard would probably barge into this residence.'

Cale: 'Wait he would do that?!'

Kim: 'Have you forgotten how lacking the crown prince's backing is currently?'

Cale: 'I guess when you put it that way I can see how you'd come to that conclusion.'

Rosalyn: "You are correct, Young Master Kim. I do not wish to reveal myself. If this lands you into trouble in the future, please let them know that I asked you not to do so. I will send a messenger to back up your story.'

Kim: "We got it."

Rosalyn: "Thank you for letting me stay here. I will take care of my business and not cause you any trouble." Kim smiled while Cale held back his thoughts knowing full well Kim's plans with Rosalyn.

Twins: "Thank you."

Rosalyn: "Of course. It's a given." As Rosalyn was about to grab some food from another plate the dragon's claws got in the way.

Dragon: "Eat yours. This is mine." Rosalyn looked slightly in flustered shock at the dragon protectively keeping hold over the plate.

Cale looked on with a small grin as Kim fed some food to the dragon. Rosalyn looked back up to Kim as he raised his hand showing 4 fingers and mouthing "4-years-old". At that moment Rosalyn understood the reasoning of the young dragon.

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