Chapter 19 You are so handsome, the most handsome guy in the world!

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The person in front of the car was gone, and Lu Yan took off his seat belt.

  Deng Tian covered his knees, and the snow on his hair melted, hanging crystally at the ends of his hair. He raised his face, shed two tears, and whispered aggrievedly: "Mr. Lu..." At a certain

  moment, Lu Yan remembered Lin Si.

  When Lin Si cries, the tip of his nose will turn red, and the redness on the sides of his cheeks will spread, making people who don't like him soften their hearts for a moment.

  But the person in front of me was like a piece of maltose melting away.

  Lu Yan's education since childhood prevented him from scolding: "Where did you get the address?"

  "I..." Deng Tian couldn't figure out Lu Yan's temper. He didn't know whether he was greeting people with a smile or continuing to act weak, "I asked someone to check... "

  I'll pay Duan Yang for the medical expenses."

  Deng Tian smiled happily and was about to get up from the ground: "Thank you, Mr. Lu...I..."

  Lu Yan suddenly lowered his head and looked at him condescendingly, one side of his pupils illuminated by the car lights. Transparent amber color. "Next time, I won't step on the brakes."

  Deng Tian's smile froze on his face, his eyes widened, and he grabbed Lu Yan's coat with his hand.

  Lu Yan straightened his back, ignoring the corner of his clothes that was grabbed by Deng Tian. After getting in the car, he pressed the horn fiercely. Deng Tian's conditioned reflex made him tremble and step aside.

  The passage recognized Lu Yan's car, and the gate slowly opened. The rear of the car disappeared into the passage, and the heavy gate closed again.

  Before entering, Lu Yan took off the jacket that Deng Tian had touched and threw it into the trash can.

  There are thousands of lights in the city. At a glance, the light seems to scatter into the windows.

  Lu Yan sat on the sofa and stayed there for two seconds. His phone vibrated in his pocket.

  Forgot love: [Go home? 】


  Lin Si cooked three dishes for himself.

  Two dishes would look too lonely, but three dishes would look better.

  "Come and celebrate the New Year. Let's enjoy the latest new dishes from Xiaolin's private kitchen."

  Lin Si recorded it on his mobile phone, then took the bowl and ate slowly while watching the Spring Festival Gala program, while sighing, "There are only so many days in a year. Have a good time." He held up his cell phone and waited for news from Y.

  He originally planned to chat and watch programs with Y in the evening, so he told Liao Ji boldly that he would not be bored during the Chinese New Year.

  As a result, Y just disappeared and there was no news all night.

  Lin Si looked more and more sleepy, tilted his head and fell down.

  When the host was delivering a speech, he woke up from the quilt he was wrapped in, opened his eyes drowsily and looked at the screen, and woke up instantly.

 He sent a message to Y: [Go home? ]

  Before Y could reply, Lin Si felt that the host's words on TV were getting faster and faster, so he hurriedly sent another message: [It's time to celebrate the New Year]


  Y: [Happy New Year . 】

  Lin Si's eagerly beating heart skipped a beat.

  He didn't hear the host say happy new year.

  But I know that Y's [Happy New Year] appeared at the same time as the last second.

  Y then said: [New Year, good health and everything will be fine. 】

  Y's blessing was plain and simple. Lin Si stared at it for a long time, burst out laughing, and straightened his legs out into the air with joy.

  The blessing is so old-fashioned!

  Lin Si: [Happy New Year! ! 】

  Lin Si: 【You also need to be healthy and have a smooth new year. Don't work overtime! ]

  Y: [Okay. ] Lin Si grabbed him and asked: [Are you at home? ]

  Y: [I just got home not long ago, I have something to do in the afternoon, sorry. 】

  Lin Si: 【It's okay, no need to be so polite. Is the matter settled? 】

  Y: 【 Not bad. ]

  Lin Si didn't think much and said to him: [You missed a lot of shows, and this year's skit was particularly funny]

  Y: [Really? ]

  Lin Si felt that his question sounded ignorant and asked: [Don't you watch the Spring Festival Gala in previous years? ]

  Y: [Well, no time. ]

  Lin Si: [It's too difficult, it's too difficult for you]

  Lin Si: [Huluhulumao.jpg]

  Y: [Can you still watch it now? ]

  Lin Si: [It's almost over, but if you look at it now, there's still a little bit left] After a while, Y said: [It's singing. ]

  Lin Si: [Sing two more songs and it will end]

  Lin Si: [If you didn't watch the Spring Festival Gala before, how would you celebrate the New Year? ]

  Y: [Outside. 】

  Lin Si: 【One night? 】

  Lin Si: 【You're so busy late, have you eaten yet? ]

  Y: [Eat. ]

  Y: [What about you? 】

  Lin Si: 【I must have eaten it. I made several dishes, but I didn't finish them all. ]

  Y: [Don't you eat more during the Chinese New Year? ]

  Lin Si: [I'm used to it, but I can't eat so much. Do you want to see what I cook? I'm a very good cook. I can cook both small stir-fries and large dishes.]

  Y: [Yeah. 】

  Lin Si jumped off the sofa, raised his phone high, pointed it at the unfinished dishes, and took a video. "Because I'm eating alone, I only cooked three dishes." He moved his phone and squatted down a little. "This is a new thing I learned, the squirrel mandarin fish. It seems to be very popular, but this is my first time. There is still room for improvement, and then the pan-fried tofu will beat all the restaurants you have been to." Lin Si looked away, "There is still the most ordinary green vegetable left."

  He sent the video to Y and collected it at the end of the party. Praise to Y.

  Y: [They all look delicious. ]

  Lin Si: [You are very knowledgeable. Next time I have a chance, I will cook it for you.]

  After a while, Y replied: [Okay. ], and then said: [The show is over. 】

  Lin Si looked at the time and asked Y: 【Do you want to sleep? ]

  Y: [I need to take a shower first. 】

  Lin Si put the unfinished food in the refrigerator and told Y: "Well, you go take a shower first."

  After he packed everything, he found a video message on his phone.

  It's from Y.

  Lin Si covered his mouth and then his eyes: "You sent me some bathing video, right?" With excitement in his heart and trembling hands, Lin Si clicked on the video, and everything turned dark.



  He waited for the progress bar to move, and after seven seconds, it finally lit up.

  There is a white marble floor in the picture, and then a pair of dark gray house shoes, half of which is exposed, is walking forward.

  Y probably turned on the light after walking for a while.

  Lin Si saw something familiar.


  Y's right hand is placed on it. The joints are clear and the whole body is slender. Not to mention the simplest eight degrees, Lin Si feels that ten degrees are easy enough for Y.

  Lin Si was very excited and didn't know what music Y was going to play for him, so he immediately picked out several love songs in his mind.

  Immediately afterwards, smooth piano music flowed from the speaker, and Y played a bar for him with one hand -

  "Gong Xi Fa Cai"


  Why didn't this follow the script?

  Where is the love song that was promised, the sweetness that was promised?

  At the end of the video, Lin Si swallowed his saliva and praised him with "appreciation": [Thank you, it sounds really good]

  Y was probably taking a shower, and he didn't reply for a long time.

  Lin Si climbed into bed, played games for a while, and then clicked out to watch Y's video.

  Almost brainwashed.

  When he was about to fall asleep, Y came back: [Yeah. Lin

  Si woke up and asked: "Why are you playing this for me all of a sudden?" ]

  Y: [Last time you sent a voice message, you asked me to send you a paragraph too. 】

  Lin Si: "..."

  Qian Y felt that if I sent him a video, I would probably ask him for the video as well, so he reciprocated in advance.

  Lin Si: [Seal applause.jpg]

  Actually, I didn't think about this at all. I wouldn't be so naive and careless. I'm not that kind of person. But Y has made considerable progress and deserves praise!

  Y: [Choose a song in a style you should like. 】

  Lin Si:? ? ?

  Is this my style?

  My fans say I am very fashionable...

  Lin Si: [Can you play me another song next time?]

  Y: [What do you want to hear? ]

  Lin Si said: [The sweet one makes me want to fall in love as soon as I hear it]

  Y was silent for a while: [Are there any other styles to choose from? ]

  Y didn't want to play, so Lin Si could only say: [I haven't thought about it yet, but can you owe me first and wait until I think about it]

  Y: [Consider it a New Year's gift. 】

  Lin Si: 【Thank you, handsome guy, for your New Year's gift! 】

  Lin Si: 【You are so handsome, a beauty and a handsome guy in the world! ]

  Y: [Sleep. 】

  Lin Si smiled so much that his whole face heated up: 【You are so easy to praise, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha so so so so so so so so much Lin Si's face heated up with laughter:

  [I'm busy tomorrow. 】

  Lin Si felt that Y was like a disobedient elder. When he was embarrassed, he could only talk to himself in an attempt to pretend that nothing happened.

  Lin Si: [Okay, let's talk tomorrow when we have time. ]

  Y: [Good night. ]

  Lin Si: [Good night]

  Maybe Lin Si didn't realize that saying good night to them has become a habit.

  Maybe Lin Si didn't realize that he was indeed not alone during the New Year's Eve.

  The author has something to say: I am afraid that only 4 can accept the romance of the elderly (hhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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