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━『 Crash 』

The sudden turbulence caused the plane to shake and tilt, sending a surge of anxiety through me. I scanned the cabin frantically for any sign of danger. My grip on Kawaki's arm tightened, and I could feel him tense up in response to my unease.

Kawaki's voice was filled with concern and a hint of alarm as he asked me, "What's the matter?" He gazed at me, his eyes reflecting worry and confusion.

I could feel my voice trembling as I spoke, "Did you feel that?" My heart was racing and I couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that something was amiss.

Kawaki's voice wavers as he replies, "I didn't feel anything." He takes a deep breath and reassures, "But we'll be okay, don't worry."

I edged closer to Kawaki, feeling the tight space between us. As I moved, I noticed him gazing at me with a slight unease, which made me uncomfortable. Trying to ignore his glances, I curled up tighter, hugging my knees against my chest.

Before we boarded the airship, Jigen made it clear that I should not use my abilities during the flight. I could tell he was afraid and cautious of what I could do.

As the plane hit turbulence, I stumbled and reached out to grab onto Kawaki for stability. He let out a small complaint as I leaned in, but I knew he didn't mind. We had formed a bond of trust with each other and in moments like these, we relied on that trust to keep us grounded.

I leaned in close to Kawaki and expressed my concerns about the situation, but he remained silent. Suddenly, a force pushed us both backward, slamming us against the back of the plane. In that moment, I knew things were dire. Without hesitation, I shielded Kawaki with my body to keep him safe.

As I slowly come to, I find myself disoriented and lightheaded. Soft grunts catch my attention, and I realize that Kawaki is standing next to me. My head feels heavy, and it takes a moment for me to process what has happened.

We're no longer on the plane; we've been in a crash.

My arm is around my shoulder, Kawaki's holding me up. Despite feeling relieved that he is there with me, I know we are in trouble. "We crashed," I manage to say weakly, struggling to form the words.

Kawaki advises, "Just be quiet. You're injured and I haven't taken out the metal fragments yet."

Through gritted teeth, I ask him, "How many parts does it consist of?" while trying to suppress a pained expression.


I swiftly activated my dojutsu to survey the surroundings and observed a few individuals in close proximity. Despite the pain, I managed to free my arm from Kawaki's grip and step away. "Hey, I said you're hurt!" he protested.

I gasped, my voice strained as I said, "Kara's robots are tailing us." My mouth filled with blood, making it difficult to speak. "Could you please remove the rod?"

Without hesitation, he yanked out the steel pole from my back, causing me to grunt in agony. "Thank you," I whispered gratefully.

Struggling to breathe, I reached into my chest and pulled out another piece of metal, coughing up more blood in the process. In a swift motion, I threw it away, and it made a loud clank as it hit the ground in the forest.

"I'll fight," Kawaki declares, turning to face the approaching robots. "You stay down and heal yourself." I nod and lower myself to the ground, sitting on the forest floor.

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