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『 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟬𝟬𝟵 』
━『 Hospital 』

"You were reckless, Kawaki," I remarked, leaning back against the chair, observing his reaction as he turned his head away.

"I couldn't just watch Lord Seventh get taken, I had to go," he responded defiantly.

"What about your arm, Kawaki? What if it had deactivated mid-fight? What if I didn't come?"

"That didn't happen."

Sighing, I continued, "We need Amado to fix it."

"Where did you go?" Kawaki inquired, "Where were you when you stepped through the portal before you came and helped us?"

"I went to see Amado," I disclosed, and Kawaki's head snapped back towards me.

"You did what?!" he exclaimed, clearly surprised, and I quickly silenced him. "Did you meet with him?"

"I didn't get that far," I mumbled. "Code had stopped me from doing so."

"Code?" Kawaki replied with widened eyes. I nodded to confirm.

"He let me go, said that he wouldn't tell Jigen about my sudden appearance," I informed Kawaki.

"Are you an idiot? How can you believe him? That he won't tell Jigen?"

"Code and I... Code-" I struggled to find the right words to cover up the situation. Kawaki doesn't know about me, and I intend to keep it that way until certain conditions are met. "I just believe Code. There isn't anything else to it."

Code keeps my secret, and in return, I keep his.

"How can you believe him?! We know basically nothing about him, and yet you trust him?!" Kawaki shouted, and I rolled my eyes.

I was aware of Code's abilities, having a deeper understanding due to the extensive DNA integration within my body. I could perceive more than my sister.

"Trust me, Kawaki," I replied sternly, but he just scoffed.

"What about the fight you had with Delta?" Kawaki pressed on. "You think I didn't notice? You were strong, Shin. How?"

I remained silent, and he let out a scoff. "Whatever. Keep hiding shit from me."

The door to the room abruptly opens, and I immediately recognize the scientist doctor and the girl with long purple hair. "Ah, Kawaki! You're up and running!" the scientist exclaims. "I'm just going to examine you quickly, and we'll be on our way."

After a few minutes of silence from Katasuke, he lets out a hum. "This is an adverse reaction from forcing the continued attachment of the chakra-incompatible prosthetic," Katasuke says, referring to the prosthetic arm Kawaki is using. "The nanomachines in your blood might be attempting to reject it. At this rate, your physical functions will slowly continue to decline, and your chronic muscular pain will persist as well."

I grit my teeth at Katasuke's overview of the situation. This is why we need Amado.

I stand up, and with the chair scraping loudly against the tiles, I move out to leave the room. "Is he okay?" Sumire asks Kawaki just before I left the room.

"Yeah," Kawaki replies slowly.

Walking out of the room, Boruto runs into me at full speed. Holding my head in pain, I let out a groan at the blonde's actions. "Sorry, Shin!" He exclaims with a smile on his face. "Dad woke up!" he announces to all of us.

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