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Karina Mariano

"No thanks", I said before shoving him away and walking back to where I was before.

"Nobody walks away from me", said the same peculiar man. 

He had scruffy brown hair along with dark brown eyes. The look in his eyes was quite intimidating, but I ain't easily intimidated. Look now I may seem like a bit of a pussy but trust me I can go absolutely ninja mode on you if I feel like it. After all, all those lessons of self-defense and boxing need to be useful sometimes right? The guy had several tattoos on his arm but quite frankly I don't give a fuck about him or his tattoos.  I rolled my eyes at his statement.  

 I wandered over to Jen and Alex who were sitting at the bar and ordered a whiskey on the rocks because I was frustrated. In several different ways but mainly because of the way Luca's acting. I shouldn't let it affect me but I'm curious to know what even happened for him to act this way. 

I remember when we were kids he would protect me from everybody if they even came close to me. In case anybody would he would fight them for me. As a kid, I was quite nerdy truth be told but I was still as sassy and sarcastic as I am today. The only other difference was puberty took a toll on my skin and I also had braces. Now braces aren't bad but trust me when I was a kid I was hella insecure about my skin and braces. Although my biggest insecurity was my weight. Which eventually I lost a lot of weight but I still was curvy I'd just worked out to make my curves hit at the right places. It just made me feel comfortable in my own skin. 

I was 12 years old when we shifted and he was 15. He used to be super hot before as well but the man ages like fine wine. I sort of had a massive crush on him back then but that is besides the point. Very much besides the point. As I was lost in my thoughts I heard something or rather someone. "Hey you", scowled the same guy. 

"What do you want from me?", I scowled back at him. 

"I want a piece of this", he whispered in my ear grabbing my waist tightly and pointing towards my body. 

"But guess what?", I replied. 

"You aren't getting it", I whispered in his ear. 

"You fucking bitch", he said. I was ready to throw punches and fucking choke slam this guy but I heard a familiar voice.

"Don't call her that", came the familiar voice. At this point I had drank about 4 glasses of whiskey neat. I am fast when it comes to drinking. 

"Luca?", I questioned. 

He rolled his eyes and nodded. 

"Oh no Boss. I'm so sorry I didn't know this was your girl", the guy said in an apologetic voice. 

"You see Luca he wanted a piece of my body", I said to Luca just wanting to aggravate this moment. I wonder why he was here in the first place though?

"You said, what to her", came Luca's angry voice. His jaw clenches and his hands curled into fists. 

I smirked. 

I for one was enjoying this encounter. Although my friends were here who knows what this guy could have possibly done or was at least planning to do to me. He seemed almost mafia related. I scoffed on the inside. Mafia. Hah, that's only possible in my trashy romance novels. Except they're not so trashy and pretty good but I ain't admitting that. I just did didn't I. Someone save me from myself.

Luca threw a sharp punch at Aldo's face and Aldo's face turned red possibly from embarrassment. I wasn't satisfied but better than nothing right? Men like Aldo disgust me. There is a limit and a boundary that you must not cross unless given consent. Especially if someone downright rejects your offer. It's not that hard man. What hurts me the most is the amount of people that go through this. Not only women but even men. I wish I could do something to help but there isn't exactly much I can do. The least I can do is offer support to those who have went through this. 

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