Ch.6 mmmm

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Vince takes me to his room letting me explain everything I felt like I couldn't say the details but Vance could tell I was panicking. He sat me down and made sure I could breathe. And tried to calm me down.

"She was in the mirror Vince! How can I be calm!" Vince held me close.

"Please, what did you see? Love, I need to know what exactly is wrong so I can help you." Vince asked I latch onto him. I looked into the mirror behind him. I saw her again... her face was decaying with only black circles for her eyes. Her mouth gaping open with a dark brown liquid leaking out of it. She wanted me dead. I could tell by her reaching out to me. Her lengthy fingers poked at my heart... more fluid leaked from her neck where a knife was digging into. I sob into Vince's chest.

"I see Manon..." Vince looked confused and looked behind him at the mirror. He got up and took the mirror down and flipped it.

"Love, do you think you might be paranoid?"

"I don't know!" I scream at him. He grabs my hands and kisses them. He then gets up and takes off all the mirrors in the apartment.

"Alright dear now will you calm down?" He plaused realizing the lack of empathy in his voice. He's not the best in cases like this so I try to stop my panic. Vince hugged me as I tried to bottle up my emotions.

"Love, I think we should leave my apartment for a while. We can stay with my mothers if it makes it easier for you." I nod and hug him. Vince is taken aback by all this; he probably thinks I'm crazy now. Vince pulls me and starts packing. Most of my stuff was already here cause I've been staying with him for 5 weeks now. After a while he had stuff.

"Vince, are you sure this will help?" Vince's stares abit off me.

"Yeah maybe..." he kisses me with his face turning into that stern expression he always had. I look down. yup he thinks I'm crazy...
Vince drags me to the downstairs restaurant.

So actually noticed me and tried saying hi but Vince cut them off and led me out the door. We made it to the train station although I've personally never been to this one. Marble arch ways and more beautiful architecture, beautiful floor, my eyes feel like it's getting lost in this place. I moved around in the station but had to be pulled back by Vince..

"Sorry Vince"

"It's fine Rody just Please watch your surroundings." Vince takes my hand and leads me up the stairs into the actual station part we waited on the platform. I looked to the side of it and almost fell off the platform. Vince pulled me back quietly.

"Rody what the fuck! Have you never been on a platform before!" Vince yelled in a bit of a panic.

"I'm sorry i haven't been on a train since I was a kid"

"Rody um sorry for yelling just I thought you were gonna fall on the tracks." Vince signed.

"I just don't want you to get hurt" Vince pulled me in and held me. People stared abit and I felt Vince start shaking. I started understanding why he was acting so rash in public. He's been in a situation like this before. He doesn't want people to know and I don't blame him for this. Now that I think about it, it makes sense... I turn around and hug Vince.

"If you're scared to show affection towards me you can stop, ok Vince" Vince nods and just holds my hand. Vince looks very uncomfortable with everything around him. He tugs my hand tightly. The train arrives and we step onto the train Vince takes me to our seats, his grip gets tighter. Vince looked embarrassed. I looked around as the seats got crowded. I pulled Vincqqe closer and got him to relax. Vince laid on me and slowly fell asleep as the train started to move.

A one time thing (heavy smut) Rody x VincentWhere stories live. Discover now