Ch.10 trauma

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(Warning the first part of this chapter is triggering for some please if it triggers you move to the end of the dream scene and take a break from the book get some water ok)

I was being held limb from limb...

I felt as Vince cut open my arms and legs. I look to my side. Manon was pulled at my legs slowly ripping them off my body.

I was screaming but nothing was heard.

Vince then plunged his knife into my chest and slowly ripped out my heart...

I didn't wake up. I knew it was a dream but I let it continue...

I was then put into another place from my memories.

My childhood home... in another room was me and my mother. I don't remember this memory...

She was trying to teach me how to bake.

"You're doing great, Rody." She held my hands as she helped put frosting on the cupcake... I don't remember this...

We heard the front door open... she was panicked. She shoved me under the sink... then footsteps...

1... she started begging. Then she was hit...

2... she started sobbing... Then she was hit...

3... he grabbed her wrist... and... snap...

4... she stopped moving...

5... she was dragged into her bedroom...

6... screaming... I want to wake up...

7... I want to wake up...

8... Let me wake up...

9... LET ME WAKE UP...

10... silence...

I woke up, I didn't move. Tears streamed down my face. I just laid there next to Vince. He was asleep. I held onto him. Placing my head in his chest...

In the morning Vince got dressed and noticed I was more quiet. Why does he have to notice?

"Love what's wrong did you get sleep last night"

"No I didn't... I rather not talk about it."

"Nightmare?" I nod and start tearing up. He pulls me in for an embrace. I felt numb but that's normal after stuff like this... Vince kissed me and gave me some nicer clothes. He then got my bags and took them downstairs.

Well I have to get up now... I forced myself up and got dressed. Then I walked downstairs.

"Hey Love. I made you some coffee"

"Thx" I took it from him and just stared at it.

"Rody, are you alright?" Lilly walked towards me. (I saw all your comments in ch.6)

"I'm fine" I responded and she gave me some tea bags.

"Rody if you ever need somewhere to go your welcome here" she hugged me and we said goodbye. Me and Vince were leaving to go back home. But it's nice to know we get along.

After the train ride and getting to Vince's apartment. Vince went to work while I was alone in the apartment. It felt too silent. Everything was too silent.

After laying on Vince's bed for abit i decided to go on a walk. Maybe that will make me feel a bit better. I get up and grab Vince's jacket and leave.

His jacket was really comfortable and soft. I might steal this from him. I walked downstairs and walked out of the restaurant.

I decided to walk to the same park where I buried Manon. The sky was strangely calm and beautiful.

I walked along the river as I noticed the water was abit red... I backed away for a second. I decided to follow it.

The trail led me into the forest. The water slowly turned into a trail of dried up blood and rot. Flies swarming around the area.

When I finally got to the end I froze. I saw a body... David's body...

I get closer starting at his half rotted face. He's been dead for a while... I clenched my fists... another memory came to me.

My mother was arguing with him. He said my dads death was a weakness... well looks who's fucking dead now! I kicked his corpse.

The police will probably find him soon due to the trail... he doesn't deserve to be recognized...

1... I stomped on his skull in...

2... his face is disfigured... I crushed it again...

3... I do it again... and again... and again...

I was sobbing. My shoes and clothes were covered in flesh and other matter. I look at what I've done... geez...

He deserved this but... did I take this too far?

I walked away from the sight and tried hiding away from the sight of other people on my way back.

When I got home I climbed through the window into vinces room. Why aren't I phased after bashing a corpse's head in?

The room was dark not how I left it but at least I'm home now I take off Vince's jacket and wash it. Then I got myself cleaned up. This feels wrong but it doesn't feel like it matters. What is wrong with me? Why am I doing this...

I take a deep breath and walk into Vince's room... It was dark and I heard footsteps.
I walk to his bed only to be pinned to the wall.

"Love where were you?" Vince pressed against me.


"Then what's with you coming home cover is what I think is blood"

"Vince It's nothing" he pulled me close to him and touched my waist.

"Love your lying"

" I know..." I look to the side.

"Was it the nightmares?" I nod. Sadly it's not just the nightmares. Just that's the most I can tell him right now.

"Well I have a game that might make you get your mind off it~"

"What game?" I amused him. He then kissed me and told me the game.

"You'll be blindfolded naked while I do some... things to you"

"So your just gonna fuck me while I have a blindfold on?" I ask.

"We'll yes but also others things" you know what why not.

"Alright" Vince kisses me while taking off his belt. He then hangs me from my wrists from the ceiling fan.

"N-not used to be dangling like this"

"I know but you look adorable like this" Vince gets a blindfold and puts it on me. I heard an array of different objects being moved.

"Now we can begin"

A one time thing (heavy smut) Rody x VincentWhere stories live. Discover now