Ch.14 this is short cause im tired (small smut)

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Pov. Rody

It was morning. Everyone was still asleep. So I took that as a chance to finish painting the room. I reopened the paint can and started painting the walls again. After a while I finally finished. As I stared at the room I felt someone's hands on my waist.

"What are you doing up so early~" I blushed and turned around.

"Morning Vince" I kissed him and he pulled me closer to him. He then started biting on my neck. I covered his mouth before he could make any more bites.

"Ok what's up your normally not this sexual I'm the mornings?"

"Love, this is normal," he smiles. There's definitely something up.

"You sure Honey"

"Well maybe i'm just too excited for my surprise for you" he held my waist moving his hands up to my chest.

"Well what's the surprise?"

"Can't tell you~" he kisses me and walks out of the room. Odd... I walked out and knocked on Vince's room since We're Salam and Ruby have been sleeping.

"Morning Rody" Ruby walks out.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah I guess" She looks at the new painting room down the hall.

"Wanna get breakfast?" I smiled. She nodded and went to the living room. I walked into the kitchen and saw Vince almost burn something.

"Um Vince breakfast is burning" Vince looked at me and came to reality. He quickly stopped the burning and threw out the burnt food.

"Honey what's gotten into you today." Vince shoves something into his pocket and turns to me.

"Just getting distracted" Vince looked embarrassed as he mumbled to himself.

"Hey Love, would you like to go out, just the two of us?" He lights a cigarette.

"Ok but please don't smoke in front of the kids" he nods and grabs his coat.

"Wait who's watching Salam and Ruby." He dragged me to the door.

"Your mother" Actually, that makes sense. He dragged me outside. Somethings definitely off with him. He takes me to the park. We kinda just walk down the bike trail.

"So what's going on with you?" I held his hand as we walked.

"Just getting sidetracked it's nothing." He leaned closer to me and started biting me again.

"Hey! We're in public!" My face turned red.

"Sorry you're just irresistible~" he chuckled

"Honey what's going on?"

"Aw come on can't you trust me?" He smiled.

"Alright let's keep walking..." he held my hand and took me deeper into the forest. We passed multiple different areas.

"I think you're going to love it" ok please don't be a corpse.

"Alright I'm trusting you" He took me off trail and to a hot spring.

"Here we are" he looked me up and down and smiled.

"Where did you find this?"

"I found it a while ago just been waiting to show it to someone" Vince took off his jacket and set it on the ground.

"Oh" I stared into the water."

"Hey love~" I looked over. Vince took off his shirt and pants leaving his boxer.

A one time thing (heavy smut) Rody x VincentWhere stories live. Discover now