Ch.12 even i have my limits

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(I've written some of the most cursed shit in this story *cough* *cough* *chapter 2* but even I have my fucking limits)

The next morning. Vince had already gone to work but left me a note and breakfast. I got dressed and ate my breakfast. And headed down stairs. And saw Vince waiting tables.

"Hey Vince I think I'm ready to start working again" Vince turned to me and sighed.

"You sure Rody?"

"Yes I'm sure" Vince hands me the apron and my notepad. He walks into the kitchen and into his office... that office has sins that should never be known outside of this restaurant. What happened in that office makes me happy we have boundaries.

I started to take orders and serving tables.

"Oh hey Rody you're finally back!" I heard a table of 4 yell over to me. I walked over a bit confused mostly because well I didn't think anyone cared about service.

"Hey" I awkwardly walk over to the group.

"Where have you been?"

"I got hurt and had to take a bit to recover" geez why am I so bad at lying.

"Oh what happened to your neck?" Why does everyone ask me about that?

"Don't worry about it, it's fine" I go back to taking orders hoping to not get any more questions about my neck.

After a few hours the restaurant was mostly empty, giving me at least enough time to take out the trash. I walk into the kitchen to see Vince smoking. I take his cigarette, put it out, and put it in the trash.

"Smoke in your office, not the kitchen where there's food" Vince glares at me.

"Fine" he walks into his office. Then a chef walks up to me.

"How can you talk to him so calmly"

"Um well I don't know actually" the chef looks uncomfortable by my answer while also watching Vince as he went inside his office. As soon as that door locked the chef had a really stupid grin on their face.

"Hey don't tell anyone but wanna know some drama?" Um you know what Why not.


"So you didn't hear this from me but an employee like a few weeks ago. An employee had sex with Vince to get on his good side personally I think they did it just to get a. Raise." You know what, I don't think I want to have this conversation.

"Oh I also heard Vince pulled some sadism oh the guy and we haven't seen him since. Also I don't understand why we have to respect a f*g like him" Get me out of this. I suddenly don't feel safe here. I slowly go to the trash. Hearing them call him that felt so uncomfortable. (Personally I don't like putting slurs into my story's so I normally censor it.)

"Hey you know I really need to take out the trash" I run outside with the trash bag and just kinda hid outside you know I knew someone saw but... calling him that... what will they call me if people found out. I'm scared... am I making the right choice being with him or will this end up getting me killed just because I fell in love.

"Sh! Salam! stay quiet, he might hear us!" I hear a voice coming from the side of the dumpster. I get up and look to the side of the dumpster. I saw a little girl and a little boy. The girl had big glasses that were too big for her face, orangey brown hair, and gray eyes. While the boy had a ripped up teddy bear, black hair, and greenish gray eyes. They both looked like they were wearing clothes stolen from a dry cleaner.

"Um what are you two doing back here?" The girl noticed me and kicked my shins and tried to run with the boy. I grab both of them and drag them back over.

A one time thing (heavy smut) Rody x VincentWhere stories live. Discover now