Another One Opens

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It was silly, to feel so choked up as the Hogwarts Express gave a deafening screech and began its journey. It was hardly the last time she would be seeing Hogwarts, considering she was coming back in just a month to begin her apprenticeship. Still, if even Fred and George were looking a little teary-eyed over the fact, then she wasn't going be embarrassed.

"So how's it feel, to not be a Hogwarts student anymore? Must be great, huh?" Ron asked, ever one who couldn't read the atmosphere.

But that seemed to be exactly what they needed, since the silence was finally broken by the twins' snorts.

"A little odd," Heather settled on saying. And exciting, and scary, and sad, and satisfying. She was sure the younger students in the cabin would understand when their turn came.

Hadrian put a reassuring hand over hers, sensing her internal conflict. She sent him a grateful smile and changed the subject.

"So, Fred and George, when do you want to go see your new shop?" That was sure to pick the mood up.

They both snapped their gazes to hers. "What?"

"We haven't settled anything-"

"-yet, you know this!"

"We were planning on that one place-"

"-93 Diagon Alley, but some lucky-"

"-bastard already snatched it up!"

"We have other options, of course-"

"-but that was the best!"

Heather tilted her head, smiling slyly. Summoning a scroll from her trunk with a flourish, she said, "Some lucky bastard, you say? One might take offence."

Their jaws dropped.

"No!" "You didn't!"

Taking pity on them, she sent the parchment floating their way, laughing at the way they scrambled to get it.

Hadrian, Hermione and Ron peeked over the twins' shoulders to read.

Her brother whistled, impressed. "Deed to 93 Diagon Alley. Dang, Heather, you sure work fast. It wasn't even a day after they found the property that they moaned about someone buying it."

"It's a very strategic location. Just a few shops down from Ollivander's and near a busy intersection," Hermione said nodding, "Sure to have a lot of foot traffic."

"Cor, wait till Mum hears about this!" Ron said gleefully.

Fred and George slapped their hands over their brother's mouth.

"No way! No one's telling her until opening day!"

"Imagine the look on her face when she finds out!"

"Prime prank opportunity!" they crowed together.

Heather gave herself a mental pat on the back at the job well done. "I take it you like your graduation gift?"

"We love it! Thanks Heather!" They leapt at her from across the cabin squish her between them. She was feeling a little suffocated, but that was okay.

"We'll name our shop after you!"

She shuddered. "No thanks. Knowing you guys you'd name it something horrid like 'Harpy's Happy Hoaxes'."

An unholy light entered their eyes. "Now there'san idea."

"No, no I refuse."

"We're just messing with you. We've actually already settled on a name."

White Heather for ProtectionWhere stories live. Discover now