Chapter 4

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I wake up and the whole world is bright. Just great. I didn't wake up early enough and now they probably knew I was gone. I wasn't going back for a while.

I leave the fort and walk to the skate park. It was really close and partly in the forest. What I didn't expect was Eyes and one of my new foster siblings? I don't know what to call them.

Eyes sees me first. He comes over to me but once he does the other one sees me to. What should I call him. He was the youngest triplet if I remembered right.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. His voice was laced with anger. I shrug. Eyes looks at him and back to me.

"How do you know each other?"

"This brat is living with me now" The triplet couldn't speak with more disgust but I couldn't care less. I was used to it.

"Wait, you legal guardian Mr. Vinci?" I swear, I've never heard Eyes so shocked. Words gave such a clear definition of what your emotions were. It made me sick.

No dumbass, I just wanted to meet them

Eyes laughs. The triplet gets angry.

"Iver, this guy hasn't spoken once since we met him and he was gone last night not even 10 minutes after Eden showed him his room!"

Was that her name. I guess the oldest triplet wasn't called that E name I thought of. I probably got mixed up with the girls name. Either way, this only makes Eyes laugh harder.

"That's because he's mute Ji"

'Ji's' face flushes red. Seriously who named their kid Ji. What a stupid name. I want to ask Eyes if that's his real name or a nickname, but the thought of signing in front of Ji terrible.

That is until I realized I already signed in front of him. How embarrassing. The thought makes me panicky, but Eyes saved me by asking if we were actually going to skate. Just as I shrug, Ji has to talk.

"He knows how to skate?"

Eyes stares at him like he's a moron. I'm starting to think he is.

I drop the stick on the floor and wait 2 seconds for it to change. Eyes does the same thing. Before Ji can say anything I'm already skating away from them. Why did I listen to people talk. It was a waste of time.

Ji pulls out a actual skateboard while Eyes starts doing tricks. I ride up the ramp and do some myself but I'm just wasting time so that I don't have to go back to the Demon house.

Eyes comes up to me. "Hey, why did you leave yesterday? From the Vinci house?"

I guess Vinci was their last name. Thats for me to know and you to find out my friend.

Eyes groans and I feel my mouth twitch but immediately scold myself. I couldn't smile or laugh outside of the fort. I couldn't tell him what actually happened, although I think I already did.

I don't know. Some of the conversations I've had with him and Ears are fuzzy. The kind of fuzzy that covers the memories of what happens in the foster houses. Most of that happens anyway.

I would have to tell him that all of the foster houses hurt me and I don't want to admit that since then he would think I couldn't take care of myself and wouldn't let me help him with the Mafia anymore.

The only reason I didn't fight back was because they scared me. I was living with them and they purposely hurt me. They were supposed to take care of me but hurt me, and so when they started, I just froze and the feeling came and I didn't know what to do so I would pull it and then I couldn't remember anything.

Eventually Ji has to go back to the Demon house and he drags me back with him. Not literally but he tells me to follow him and when I try to leave and escape to the forest, Eyes tells me that I need to go with him.

Stupid Eyes. Why did I listen to him? It was the world's largest mystery. Why would Silent listen to Eyes? No one knows.

I'm sounding crazy and all I'm doing is thinking. Imagine if I actually said it out loud. I'd look insane.

Before I can finish the conversation with myself, we get to the Demon house. I look at Eyes and hope he gets the idea. Get me out of here. Wait, when did he get here? I thought we left him at the skate park. Apparently not.

We walk in the door and immediately I'm being bombarded with questions. That I will never answer because I won't speak to them. My chest starts to hurt and I close my eyes. I could barely breathe. Luckily, Eyes saved me.

"Do you really expect him to answer?" He asks if like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Which to us it is.

"Yes. What, you don't?" Asks the girl. Ji said her name was Eden earlier.

"He's mute" Ji mutters. But not quiet enough, so everyone hears him.

Everyone acts like it's the biggest thing they've ever heard. They gasp and ooo and aaah and I just want to shove something in their mouths to shut them up.

"So your mute?" The youngest triplet asks.

"I never would have guessed Aslan" Eyes mocks him. I bite my lip. That was the second time today I wanted to smile outside of the fort.

It was contagious.

I guess the youngest triplet was Aslan. The girl and middle triplet was named Eden. The oldest triplet was Ji and I think the oldest was named Ezra but I wasn't positive.

Too many names if you ask me. Too many people.

I sneak away and go to my room. Too much socializing for me. The conversation with Ji at the skate park in addition to that. I was done. More socializing than I did in weeks actually.

I guess it wasn't, but I wasn't counting Eyes and Ears as socializing. That was survival. It felt like I had to see them to survive and while it was partly true, I actually wanted to be with them. Definitely not socializing.

Socializing was boring and took to long. Eyes and Ears were anything but boring although they did take a long time. 

Guess that's not for me to tell though. I almost get lost in the giant mansion. I almost joke that I have a photographic memory, but my memory wasn't that good. I was missing a lot of what happened in the foster houses.

Outside of that it was fine. I guess I'm taking everything back because sometimes I would end up at the fort and I didn't remember how I got there and sometimes I would have conversations with Eyes or Ears where I felt like I said too much, but I don't remember what I said at all.

Does anyone else get that?

Days pass and I spend as much time as possible avoiding everyone. I still hadn't received a welcoming beating which was very shocking and no one mentioned the fact that out of 24 hours I was only home for 3. 12:30 - 4:30 because anymore was exceptionally dangerous.

A part of me said that it has been a week and they hadn't even hit me yet, but there was always a yet, a but, something that screamed fake.

They screamed fake and secrets and danger. Just like Eyes and Ears really. But I trusted Eyes and Ears. They were that way because they were in the Mafia. Very important people in the Mafia too.

I was beginning to think the Demons were too.

I pull off the mask since I'm done painting. Ears is in his corner carving like usual. He glanced up and smiled. How did people smile so easily?

"Done painting?" He asks

I shrug. I had nowhere else to paint. I had once again filled the walls so I would have to paint over them all again. I wasted a lot of paint, but since they were in Mafia's they got upset when I bought my own or didn't paint as much.

I sit on the couch and Ears comes over. Something tells me that Eyes is doing something he shouldn't. Not the usual, he's killing someone, but like he's telling a secret.

Maybe he found a girl he likes and was telling her that he was in a Mafia. I hope it was that. I try to leave but Ears asks me to stay and so I do but the feeling only gets worse

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