Chapter 22

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To my great disgust, at school the next day I actually look at the paper. I had already gone through three classes and I know I'm not going to pass. I won't even be able to get my grades up in time for Nur.

In physics we made a speaker out of paper plates and I grudgingly admit that it was cool. The teacher was dumbfounded to see me participating, and probably died of shock after I asked her what I could do to get my grade up.

She said I have to participate and gave me a packet of work to finish. I had to turn it in the next class period to get that D. She was one of the more lenient ones.

In math I have to finish a mountain of work and I don't even want to think of everyone else. Like, why do I need to know the third derivative. Although it was funny to learn it's called a jerk.

In English I spoke to my teacher and said I'd do what she needed to get my grade up or whatever with the exception of reading that book. I wasn't touching that monstrosity.

She said I have to write seven hundred words on why not doing work is unacceptable and then another four hundred words on why leaving the classroom without being excused was wrong. I was seconds away from being charged with manslaughter.

To say I was relieved is an understatement when school ends. Who knew not doing anything for three weeks in school could amount to so much?

I walk towards the woods because right about now I could really use a painting session. It seems like fate wants to make me as miserable as possible though, and Bryan shows up. I grimace as I remember the last time I saw him.

"Hey, where you goin'?" He asks falling into step with me.

I groan softly. Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why

"Well" He drags out the word and I don't know if I ditch him but I probably owe it to him to at least here what he has to say "I guess being with all of my group was a little too much at first, but that's okay. We've had worse reactions. So, what do you do for fun since you obviously don't like bars?"

Just like that? No questions or anything? Just acceptance that I freaked out in the bar? I look at him strangely and decide that I might as well have some fun.

I take my skateboard out of my bag and he gets the idea. I skate through the streets and can't help but smirk. If he doesn't ditch me after this I guess he's alright.

I take him to the entrance of the construction site and he is so confused. I ollie onto the railing and he stares at me before opening his mouth. I wait, balancing on the railing to see if he'll get on. He shakes his head and shuts his mouth before joining me on the railing.

I smile. Let the test begin.

Lean forward I glance back at him as I fall. He was mortified. I land the fall but my knees buckle. I push myself on the floor skinning my fingers but keep going. I hear a clatter behind me and chuckle. Looks like he failed level one, but it was also a shock he followed.

I get into the construction site and look at him. He definitely failed level one. For once he looked messed up. I debate if I should go to point three or skip it all on the crane.

It was his trail by fire to be my friend though.

I get to the crane and run. My foot slips but I catch myself and keep running.

Bryan is definitely shocked. He stops in front of the crane and looks at the cars. He warily starts running after me on the crane.

Look at that, he's passing. Then again, I hope he can catch himself because if not I've just lost a friend anyway.

I was almost to the end so I spin my skateboard and it goes back to the stick. I drop it so when it hits the floor it'll unfurl.

I jump onto the crane hook and wonder how we ever came up with this before droppibg onto the bar and swing around a few times to wait for the skateboard.

I get on it and once again almost loose my balance. I narrowly avoid crashing and can't even look back to see if Bryan's dead.

I get into level two and look back the first chance I get because Bryan needs help if he fell. To my plesant surprise, he's alive.

That sounded wrong.

I swerve around a car that decided to teleport in front of me and almost get run over by someone else.

Horns blare at me but I keep skating. I have to swerve multiple times and don't get a chance to look behind me because I'll get run over if I do.

I manage to get to X and stop waiting for Bryan. Minutes later he comes into the area but he's panting like he just finished a marathon.

"Why . . . are . . . you . . . This is . . . Fun?"

I grin at him. It was better when he was actually close but it was his first go. He shakes his head. "You're . . . crazy"

I laugh and start jumping on the pillars that have no spot in the park. Eyes had to put them in. At least it made it fun.

I hear him groan before I get past the second one. "I can't do that!"He yells after me.

I wait for him at the top and he calls on the first one. I laugh and he tries again. He falls more than his fair share and only makes it to the platform because I help him.

He lays on the ground panting, not able to talk. After a while he looks at me. "I asked what . . . you did for fun. Not . . . as a death wish"

I can't help but laugh at that. I gesture where we came from and he stares at me horrified. "That was fun?!" I nod. He bangs his head on the ground.

"You're crazy. You're crazy" he mutters and I shrug. It could be true for all I know.

"Okay, you don't like bars, You never talk, and a death wish is fun. Got it. Just, anything else you got up your sleeve?"

Oh if only he knew.

"I don't like that face man" Bryan says finally catching his breath.

I shrug and climb down from the platform. I go through my backpack and find my sketchbook. I flip to a new page and write a quick message to him before leaving.

Meet me back here tomorrow at 4:30

Should I show him the fort? No, I needed permission from Eyes or Ears first. Might as well do that now because while Nur gave me a goal for school, he didn't set a curfew.

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