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"Let her out, let her out, let her out!" echoed through the classroom. Lucy Gray Baird had emerged victorious, winning the 10th annual Hunger Games. The cheers filled the air, yet for Lillian, the celebration was bittersweet, weighed down by the recent loss of Wovey.

Coriolanus took pride in his accomplishments, but for Lillian, her hope did not yield success. She speculated that Wovey's proximity to the tank might have been a factor in the event not working. The weight of Wovey's longing for home and the realization that she would never see her family again added a profound layer of sorrow to the tragedy that had unfolded.

Tigris gently pushed Lillian back into the room, where Coriolanus met them. He hugged Tigris warmly and then, with a burst of joy, lifted Lillian out of her chair, spinning her around. In that moment, her laughter rang out, a brief respite from the heavy emotions that had consumed them previously.

Once Coriolanus put her down, Lillian went to try and find her parents, successful, she went to talk to them about her mentee. Lillian wanted to take a trip to district 8, she wanted to meet Wovey's family, make it right to them, tell them the beautiful stories about their beautiful girl.

Lillian wished to stay and talk to Coriolanus, but two peacekeepers led him into a different room before she could catch up.


"Lucy Gray?!" Coriolanus called out into the empty room. He spun around until he saw a table with two items resting on it. Slowly approaching, he tried to get a better look, recognizing his parents' belongings. The sight stirred a mix of emotions, and the room held an air of anticipation as he confronted the unexpected discovery.

A voice from the shadows started to talk, "I told you Mr. Snow, cheating will be punished. More poetically than even I could have hoped." Highbottom started with as he walked down the steps to meet Coriolanus.

"Lucy Gray, where is she?" Coriolanus asked ignoring the professors words. "I would be more worried with your own survival if I were you." He said making it to the table. "It's fitting, that both your parents could be here for your big moment." Coriolanus still hasn't said anything, he knew he was wrong but it felt right.

"That compact, how many time did I see your mother use it? I wonder, to powder her beautiful face. And now, we both know that tribute from eleven didn't die of disease, or that lumberjack from seven. And that old handkerchief, we found it in the snake tank, appropriately, condemning you with you father's initials," Coriolanus could tell Highbottom was enjoying this.

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