17. Pharaoh Hamet

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Donner slightly opened the door and peered out into the hallway. The hallway was clear but that didn't mean the guards weren't still searching for them. He quietly closed the door and walked over to Worm.

"Any luck on getting that open yet?"

"First one is always the hardest" with a small click the lock on the cage opened and Worm helped the woman who hurt her hand out of the cage "One down five more to go"

The woman thanked Worm "Why are you helping us? Surely you would have found an exit if you hadn't stayed."

"Mind the fact you're very beautiful" Donner rolled his eyes but let Worm continue speaking "Our captain would kill us if we came back and told her we left you ladies in these cages."

"You're captain is Kate Oliver right?"

Worm nodded and went to work on another lock.

"Isn't she that werewolf girl? Why is she in Maganti?"

Donner answered this time "Just traveling through and of course Kate attracts trouble. We're trying to find a way out of the city and Kate has noticed the problems in this city. Knowing her she'll try to fix as much as she can."

"Probably knock that pharaoh off his high horse" another click and Worm got another lock opened, letting a woman in a blue dress out of the cage.

"Yes but I still don't understand why your captain would care that we're locked in cages?"

"Trust us on this, Kate sees someone in trouble she'll help. Just who she is." Donner silently opened the door to check once more.


This is probably the worst possible place I could be right now. It was certainly a long walk but I don't think Kate imagined I be led right to the pharaoh himself. He sat there on his throne with a smug look upon his face. Dressed in the finest robes that he probably had slaves make for him. Tanned skin with spiked blonde hair. Gold bracelets lined his left wrist. He stood up and clapped his hands "Well done I must say!"

I didn't know if I should say something back to him or not so I kept my mouth shut.

He noticed "Don't be afraid my friend, go ahead and speak your mind."

Still didn't want to speak.

"Ok not a talker, I get it." He walked down the steps that lead up to his throne "Pharaoh Hamet and don't worry I already know your name. Hellstrand is such a strong name, very good."

One of the guards handed Hamet a glass of what looked to be wine.

"How do you know my name?"

"He speaks!" Hamet took a sip from the glass "Simple, your wanted poster just came in. Bad timing for you I must say, bet that uh, messed with whatever plan you had going."

He handed me my poster. Sure enough there was my face with about $1,000 slapped on it.

"Interesting news that came along with it though, it said something along the lines of Hellstrand last seen leaving with the Wolf Pirates. Sure you might know this but the captain would be, name is on the tip of my tongue, ah! Kate Oliver!"

I stiffened. What does this guy want?

"Relllaaaxxx you're actually free to go. You're wanted poster isn't much to care about. You can walk out of this pyramid with your friend in the med bay if and only if, you tell where Kate Oliver is? You see her bounty is quite a substantial one. So Hellstrand, is she here in Maganti?"

I didn't say anything.

"Now would be the time to talk."

He glared at me and I looked him straight in the eye "No, I parted ways with her after leaving my home. I don't know where she is."

He didn't budge for a moment then took a sip from his wine glass.

"I saw that man that's in the med bay hurt so I brought him here."

"You would waste your gold on a random man you met in my city?"

He's not buying it, think of something dammit. He has a huge ego maybe I can feed on that.

"How else will he be able to work for you? Seems a waste to let him sit there and whine that he's hurt. Not a very productive citizen."

"Alright" he nodded "Makes sense to me."

Of course it would you prick.

"You had Kate Oliver's trust though, you could have grabbed her at anytime and gotten her reward."

"You see me right? I'm pretty much the weakest guy in the room. Kate Oliver could break me in half with just her finger."

He nodded "Sounds about right. Not everybody can be strong like me. Still, letting an opportunity like that go doesn't make you a smart man. Take that as a compliment!"

Really? Was I complimented even once? A guard hurriedly walked over to Hamet and whispered something to him.

Hamet smirked as he looked at me "You wouldn't happen to know anything about some intruders hiding on the lower level would you?"

I shook my head, not very convincing but he dismissed the guard to take care of it.

"Hellstrand, if you see Kate Oliver again let me know first. You may leave now. Oh, remember, I have my eye on you."

"Of course but about the guy I brought in...will he.."

"I couldn't care less, guards take him back outside."

The guards grabbed my arms and practically dragged my ass outside. They shut the double doors behind me before I could say anything. I made my way down the ramp in the hot blistering sun. Walked down a few alley ways before a familiar face jumped down from the roof above.

"Where's Julian?" Kate asked.

"Apparently being taken care off, the guards took me away once we were in the med area. That pharaoh is a piece of work."

"Wait, you met him?"

I took out the wanted poster and handed it too her "Now I'm officially a wanted man thanks to you. I would still probably be trapped in that pyramid if my reward was a lot higher."

"Matt, we knew they would make you a wanted man eventually. Why is this such I surprise to you?"

"I don't know maybe because now that I see dead or alive it makes things much more harder. The pharaoh didn't really care about my bounty but I'm pretty sure other people out there will. All because the mighty Kate Oliver had to stop by to save a crew mate."

"Really? You want to do this now?"

"Do we really have anywhere else to go? Which by the way is also your fault. Hear about a really bad guy controlling people and here she comes to save the day. Well you know what you've so far made my life hell and that's saying something since my life was already shitty."

"What the hells your point?"

"You can't save everyone Kate. Just look around you, at this city, this is how things are here. You will just make matters worse for everyone."

"Right, this is how things are here. I see it, I saw little girl watch her father get whipped to a bloody mess. I guess you know I shouldn't have stepped in and let the whip hurt the girl as well cause that's how things are here right? Tell a boy that I can't get medicine for his dying sister because that's just how it is here right? I know i can't save everyone but I'm not going to stand by and watch them get hurt when I know I can do something."

She shoved the wanted poster against my chest "Meanwhile you can just sit here and worry about your name on a damn poster."

She climbed back up to the rooftop and disappeared out of sight.

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