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(irl, messages, tiktok)

LELA AND BRADY have been getting really close these few days. they have been facetiming and texting non stop, they were both really happy.

right now Brady and Lela are on facetime, Lela is laying on her stomach while Brady is laying on his back.

"no caption america is cool but ironman is where it's at" Lela explained over facetime making Brady mouth drop "what is wrong with you?" Brady asked making Lela laugh "you know nothing" Brady said making Lela frown.

"i was literally obsessed with marvel since i was like four, my fifth birthday was literally marvel. i'm still obsessed by the way" Brady's amused about this information "wait how old are you?" Bandy asked "i'm sixteen" Lela said with a smile, Brady loves her smile "damn, you're literally a baby" Brady laughed.

Lela gave him a dirty face jokingly "and how old are you?" Lela asked "i'm seventeen" Brady whispered "huh?" Lela heard him but she wanted to be dramatic so she put her right hand on her right ear as she put her right side closer to the camera "seventeen" Brady said louder making Lela laugh.

"you're literally a year older then me" Lela rolled her eyes "when's your birthday?" Brady asked "in a few days" Lela smiled "in a few days!?" Brady asked shocked "yeah" Lela shrugged "why didn't you tell me? what day is it?" Brady asked "i don't like my birthday because it's literally two days after Christmas so the twenty-seventh" Lela explained.

"i kinda understand, mine is two days before new years" Brady said "damn, so you were about to be a o six" Lela said.

"yup, so what are you going to do for your birthday?" Brady asked "probably going to do a small family and friends gathering" Brady nodded "what are you going to do?" Lela asked "go out to eat with friends probably" Brady shrugged making Lela nod "understandable" Lela said making Brady smile and nod.

they talked for a while till Lela's mom yelled for her to go downstairs for dinner "i'll call you later" Lela said with a smile "okay but ima stream" Brady said making Lela nod "then i'll text you later" Lela said. m

Brady nodded then heard Lela's mom yell for her again making Brady laugh and Lela embarrassed "okay ima go, bye Brady" Lela said with a wave "bye Lela" Brady said main h Lela hang up.

Brady nodded then heard Lela's mom yell for her again making Brady laugh and Lela embarrassed "okay ima go, bye Brady" Lela said with a wave "bye Lela" Brady said main h Lela hang up

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MVLTY.EDIT_, He really blushing and smiling to them 😭😭

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