7 1 0

(Trigger warning. This chapter contains the subject of eating disorders.)

He was a nervous wreck. He was going to see her after three months. So much had happened that he wanted to share with her. 

Three weeks earlier, he got a call from the Newcastle Eagles. They are the best team in the British Basketball League. He was due to arrive in Tyne, England, in two days. His truck was already packed full and ready to go. He was supposed to report yesterday, but by some miracle, his manager, Oliver Kress, convinced them to allow him to show up a couple of days late so he could tie up loose ends. He still couldn't believe he had a manager. He hadn't told anyone about the call, not even the other Musketeers. He was going to break the news today. He wouldn't be back till next June. The Season runs from mid-September to the middle of May. He was already missing home, and he had yet to leave.

How was he going to feel when he saw her? Should he say hello? Hug her? If she would even let him near her. Should he pull her aside and finally kiss her? 

He was sweating despite the air conditioning in the truck being on full blast. His stomach had been in knots for what felt like the entire summer. He couldn't concentrate. He would stop while practicing and stare into space. He was only making 75% of his free throws. 

He needed to get it together. Coach MacLeod and Oliver went to bat for him and convinced Paul Black and Ken Nottage, the team's owner, to give him 1000 euros over the average top pay. It wasn't near NBA money, but he wants to get his foot in the door. Rumors were swirling that the point guard on the Texas Drillers and Oklahoma Stallions would retire by next summer. Bodhi wanted the job. But so did every other point guard on the planet with dreams of the NBA. 

He ran his fingers through his hair. He was planning on cutting it short, but the P.R. manager for the team told him to hold off. She said it looked sexy and would make for better press with the female fans. They were trying hard to pull in a larger fanbase, and he was going to help with the female demographic. He had put on ten more pounds of muscle over the summer to help the cause. He was now 6 foot, 3 inches and 238 pounds. 

He pulled into the drive. An enormous number of cars were in the drive and on the side lawn. Charlotte must be losing her shit. He ran his hands over his face. He felt like he was going to vomit. He pulled his hair back into his signature ponytail, exposing his freshly shaved sides. He took a deep breath and got out of the truck into the Tennessee heat. It was a hot and humid day, a perfect day for a swim. 

Holden met him in the driveway by the back fence. He had asked him to let him know when he was close. He needed to talk to him before he went to enjoy the festivities. He knew it had to be about Perri.

"Hey, man." They did their handshake they have done since they were kids. "Thanks for coming. Umm, I just wanted to talk to you real quick."

"Let me guess, Perri doesn't want to see me and wants me nowhere near her."

Holden's face fell.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Bodhi asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"It's not exactly that."

"What else could it possibly be?"

"She's had a rough summer. Her depression has come back. She's..." He paused. "She's sick, Bodhi. She doesn't want you to see her."

"What? Sick how? Does it have to do with what she was in the hospital?"

"It kind of has to do with the hospital stays."

"Well, why would she not want me to see her?" He tried looking around him.  "I want to see her. I need to see her," he said, stepping forward.

Holden stepped in front of him, trying to stop him.  It was no use. Bodhi was much larger than Holden now. He pushed his way past him.

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