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She was on her bed with a book and notebook in front of her, a highlighter in hand, and a pen in her mouth. She had her earbuds in and was moving her feet to the rhythm of the song blasting in her ears.

He knocked softly on her door and heard her singing. She sounded like an angel. Bodhi recognized the song. It was Jolene, the Dolly Parton version. He listened for a while until he knocked again. He slowly opened the door and saw her lying on her stomach on the king-size four-post bed. She was swinging her feet to the beat.

Four-post bed. I knew it. She looks so cute.

He was wrong about the comforter. It was actually navy blue. He was right about the stuffed animals and the ungodly amount of pillows.


She didn't respond. He wondered if he should just leave or try something else to get her attention. The song had changed, and she was now singing a song that Bodhi would have never thought would be something she would listen to. He listened to the lyrics.

'It's just your typical hardcore casual sex. Single but were lovers. Crazy for each other...' She sang the My Darkest Days song. She was head-banging and using her hands to the beat.

She smiled wildly; wow, PerriI never knew.

He watched her. He couldn't get over how cute she looked. And how great her ass looked. It was taking everything she had not to reach out and feel it. Or bite it. He felt himself start to grow. She had her hair down, swaying with her head movements. She looks so fucking cute!


She bounced up, flipped over, and landed in a seated position. She looked at him like he was a stranger.

She took her earbuds out. "Bodhi?"

He laughed. "Last time I checked, I was."

"What are you doing in my room?" It came out a little rude. She didn't mean for it to be. And without your shirt on.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I could go. I didn't mean to disturb the concert."

She smiled. "Sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out like it did. Umm, can I do something for you? Did Holden send you? Are we out of toilet paper?" Out of toilet paper? This is how I die; of embarrassment.

He started walking around her room. He stopped at a corkboard full of pictures she had on the wall. He saw several pictures that had him in them. One of them had Annie in it at one point, but you could only see her arm now since Perri had cut her out. It made him smile.

She noticed him looking at the board. She felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her when her face started to burn. "Can I do something for you, or did you just come in to snoop around my room? I can leave if you would like. Give you a little more privacy. Would you like to know where I hide my porn?"

God, she is so funny. I love her sense of humor. "No. You can stay while I snoop. I don't mind." He turned his head and smiled.

His smile made a warm sensation between her legs. She quickly looked away and stared at a picture of her grandparents.

He picked up a Puka shell necklace she had hanging on a push pin on the board. "You still have this?" He ran his fingers over the rough shells a flood of memories washed over him.


⚡"But Mom, why can't I spend my money on it? It's my money!"

"It's just a cheap trinket, and you don't need it." Mrs. James turned, leaving her daughter alone in the gift shop.

Her shoulders slumped, and she put 'the trinket' back on the necklace stand. He watched her shoulders slump. She followed her mother out of the store.

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