Chapter 10 -The One who is not wrong.

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Previously: My feet froze on the spot. He called my boss since I won't answer him? What the hell is wrong with him? I was silently seething but I put on my smiley face and assured my boss that I would do it at once. Once in the office I dive straight to my phone and called him. He answered on the second ring but I didn't give him the chance to speak. "After the stunt you pulled yesterday, you are now calling my boss?


I was fuming. I was not angry about his action yesterday because I might have reacted the same if the roles were reversed but today's action. Today's action is the one that makes me angry.

I would never in a million years make a scene in his place of work for some misunderstanding. It's a cheap ass move that I hate. Using my boss to make me compliance.

" Speak now. You don't have anything to say to me now Nicholas? What's next? Calling Tessa? Storming into my office like I'm below you?" I seethe to him silently.

All I could hear from other side is his deep breath. He was silent for a few minutes before he said " Sorry that I made you feel like you're beneath me. But I just don't know how to get hold of you. It was never my intention to berate you like this. I'm sorry."

I start pacing around my office to control my anger. It was more of power play on his part that made me mad. I expected him to give me time and space after an incident occurred to put my mind in order. If he finds this difficult, then we're not going anywhere.

"You definitely were being a gentleman giving me time. So sure Mr.King. You called my boss and ordered me to meet you over lunch? Sure I'll be there in your office after 1 to talk about the book. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience you have to face because of me. Meet you in an hour." I sarcastically reply and hang up the phone before making my way to my table to collect my stuff.

During my drive to his office, I go through my emotions, thoughts, and issues that I'm facing now. Surely we can't be like this. I can't be in this mindset if I want to produce the best piece for my publishing firm. I have to be fully professional in dealing with Nicholus if I want to meet expectations.

Whatever feelings must be put aside if I ever want to establish a name in the writing world for me. My personal life should not interfere with my professional one. Hence why I should have never started anything with him. I reach his office with 20 minutes to spare.

Once I parked my car, I bought my laptop and notebook for the meeting. I gave myself a peep talk and mentally prepared myself to get going with this meeting. I am pissed off but I'm going to be fully professional dealing with him during my office hour. Our personal problem can wait.

With that mindset, I locked my car and headed towards the entrance. Once again I was received by Breetha and she ushered me towards a private meeting room with their PR managers. Few eyes registered on me as soon as I walked into the room.

However, much to my disappointment the person I'm mad about is not present in the room. I settle myself in a chair beside and empty chair on the right at the head of the table while Breeta and her two PR managers are sitting opposite of me clearly leaving the head of the table clear for their boss.

"I'm sorry about the delay. The meeting was a sudden last-minute decision from our side since Nico was very adamant about the scope of writing. Since it's our first book ever, we want to get some insight as well as concern to raise. However, he is running a little late due to training and will be joining very soon. In the meantime we can start the discussion." She told me professionally.

Even though I was pissed, I appreciated the distraction. After almost an hour-long meeting, I got the clear line of plan of what's off-limit and private. In the end, all they asked for was to never jeopardize his personal and private life in public. I was allowed to write about him in our monthly pages as long as it didn't set off his image in wrong.

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