Chapter 12 -The One who plans the best date

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I reached my house in recorded time and took a quick shower before applying minimal makeup and settling my towel-clad ass down in front of my wardrobe, looking into my clothes. I don't know how to dress. Should I dress for a date or should I dress for comfort?

He did say we're ordering food and staying in, but it's also our date night. I was thinking about this with a frown when my phone start blaring with an incoming group call from the Varsha. I smiled widely into the camera looking at her happy face. Initially she had problem convincing her family, eventually they warmed up to her relationship. So I spend the next 10min chatting with Varsha and Annie when suddenly, Tessa pop into our video chat.

"Looking sexy in towel babe. Are you trying to seduce me?" she joked while walking somewhere. She is practically running somewhere. We basically ignore her and talk for another few minute before Annie asked "Not to be rude, but why are you still clad in towel and standing infront of your wardrobe for 15min babe?"

I blushed harder and confess in small voice that "I have a date at Nicholas house tonight. I don't know what should I wear. Should I dress up for date or should I dress up cozy since we're planning to Netflix and chill?"

They automatically tease me and throw me suggestions to dress in comfortable clothes before Tessa said " Wear the jersey dress I bought for Christmas last year. It's both comfortable and elegant. You'll look sexy. Also don't forget the sexy lingerie I bought you" before cutting down the call. After red cheeks and lot of denial, I hang up my phone.

So that's how I tracked down the navy dress that fall few inches by my knee. It fit snugly around by body and highlight my curve. I'm never actually a small and slim type of girl. I'm the curvy and fleshy type of girl who achieve my body after shredding all the extra pounds in college.

People would never believe I'm the same person from my previous photos. I achieve my body through lot of hard work and I have never doubted my look before tonight. Do I look good or am I looking fat in the this dress? I turn myself around in the mirror for 5minutes before scolding myself to thinking like that and quickly pack my bag with my change of clothes for tomorrow.

After that I went into my home garden to quickly harvest few items to bring to Nicholas as I was taught to never visit empty hand as a guest. I prepare a small basket full of fresh herbs, some tomatoes and my homemade chilli oil and garlic butter. I also filled the basket with fresh limes and few lemons. Sometimes being an Indian comes in handy as I always love to plant my own herbs.

I quickly hit the road after sending a text to inform Nicholos. Once I parked my car in front of a stunning double story house, I checked my appearance once again before picking up my bag and gift before heading towards his front door. I ring the bell and wait while checking the familiar surrounding only to realise it's the same street as Tessa's boyfriend's house. The door open with a smiling Nicholos.

I smiled at him and offered my harvest basket before stepping into his house and closing the door behind me. I trade my sandals for fluffy slipper. I was turned around by my waist and pushed against the door with an intense welcome kiss. My hand land on the nape of his neck before I pull him against me and kiss him back. We reluctantly break apart before breathing in each other. He smell so wonderfully delicious.

"Welcome to my humble home. You look stunning." He said before picking up my harvest basket from the table by door and guide me with a kind touch on my back. His palm is just a few inch above my ass. The moment I step away from the front door, I was blessed with a sight of a huge black Malinois wagging his tail excitedly. A dreamy sigh escape me before I took a step towards him.

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