Chapter 2 - The One who have sharp bite

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The morning come faster than I expected. After an early jog and simple English breakfast of muffin and coffee, I am currently working on my recent article by our newbie sport journalist for our online newsletter. To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. Her writing style is good but the content is very vague. I have read few article about the same sportsman from different publishers and our story is almost similar.It only talks about his  achievement and his future plans but nothing is about the man himself. It's almost like the world knows everything about him but at the same time nothing about him.  

So after shooting an email to the journalist to redo the article with few suggestion of questions to consider, I politely demand her to set an appointment with the sport agency as soon as tomorrow since the article is due next week. My boss was actually very interested by the said boxing champion of 3 years and even planning a collaboration with him for a biography which is difficult than it appear. If anything this article might be the stepping stone for that to happen. I can't mess this up. As I was finishing up my other article, Tessa literally dragged herself into the room and reach for my cup of coffee.

After few sips of coffee, Tessa rudely interrupt my work with

  "Why the hell are you even up early in the morning to work? You will be very free after our morning trip to my ex's house".

I just tossed my hair back and answer that I feel like finishing up early for the day. Which obviously was a replied that earned me a raised eyebrow and prob me for answer. I finally carved with 

"I have a blind date courtesy of my mother tonight. The guy is in New York for a conference and I was supposed to meet him at 7 in LeCoucou"

She was stupefied for a moment before rushing around the house mumbling that I was the most ridiculous woman who is indifferent about her future. I remind her that he is the first of many blind date and she was not in her right mind yesterday for this talk. That eventually brought back her situation with her boyfriend or soon to be ex-boyfriend. So after running over every possible awkward situation of running into him during this trip, she confirm with me that he won't be at home after a brief call with her brother.

During our drive of half an hour, Tessa fill me with her so called 'love story'. Apparently, her brother played a huge role in bringing in him to her bored life. To answer my raised eyebrow, she reconfirm my thought that her brother and her boyfriend was best buddies since college. After her brother's career hit off, he automatically offer his best friend the job of being his trainer which chained them at the hip. Gradually they often meet each other and the attraction was too much to be ignored that she was in a serious relationship within few week. She was even thinking of designing her own wedding gown when shit the fan. But she was glad since according to her "lace is fucking expensive babe. I would have wear it to his funeral if I found it later than yesterday."

Once we reach the well groomed uptown, I was in awe of the guy's house. Like seriously, how much does a trainer make to own this type of house? It's either he inherited the house or Tessa's brother is a big shot who pay really well. If later is the case, Tessa needs to set me up with her brother if I end up alone. I was mumbling in my mind, or I thought so until I heard a chuckle.

"That could be certainly arrange IF you even end up alone. I was begging you before about this remember. Maybe you are good for him but I'm not sure if he is good for you. However, I don't mind playing cupid if you promise me the position of maid of honour at your wedding?" Tessa sprout nonsense with sparkling eye. 

I discharge the idea by reminding her about first one of many date for tonight. I certainly don't want to put any ideas in her mind that might lead her on. I will be better off with having no expectation rather than being disappointed.

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