Chapter 4 - The One who render speechless

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It was a busy day at my office with meetings and schedules. I just slip into my office for a quick breather, when a timid knock sound at my door before a red head pop into my office. It was the newbie journalist, Victoria. She was supposed to meet me early in the morning regarding the update for the interview. After a small nod and quick smile from me, she enter my office and walk straight to my table.

"I have already arranged the interview with the agency as per your order. I just want to go through some questions with you before I go there. But only if you have time." She was fidgeting for my response. She is still new to my team.

A quick glance at my diary tells me that I'm finished for the day and I indicate her to take a sit. After brainstorming and guiding her for half an hour, I was relief to know that she understand my scope for the article and even take charge with right questions. I am delighted.

By twelve, I have finished all my pending work for the day and packed my laptop and handbag for much needed weekend rest at home. The peak of being the head editor with my own team is I could work from anywhere, anytime. I have the most amazing team who are efficient and brilliant beyond words. They don't need me to breathing down their neck which makes my life easier.

I poke my head into my chief, Mathew's office to update him on current events. Just as I informed him about the second interview with the sportsman, I can see lines on his forehead.

"Maya, I know you are done for the day. And I totally believe your capability in guiding Victoria in conducting this interview too. But can you be a doll and be there with her to make sure everything turn out perfect. I don't want to take any chances." Mathew is a perfectionist and he want to make sure his team is everything like him. The second interview itself is already a huge blow to his ego and anything going wrong is already bothering him.

I can already see his brain working on all the possible of 'what if'. So to save us both the headache and disappointment, I agree and walk out into the sun and head into my car. I caught a quick lunch before driving to my appointment. This is where I thank all the fast food franchises. Seriously they save me both money and time.

With the promise of wine and soak at the end of the day, I pull of the main road into a long path, where I found myself in front of a big and tall building of glasses and steel pillars.

I was stunned for a moment and I have to double check my GPS to make sure I'm at the right place. After confirming the address, I drive up to the huge steel gates, looking for the intercom. Just as I announce myself, "Lenny from Furybloom", the gate open with a welcome note.

If I thought the place was beautiful from far, it's even better up-close. I was taking a moment to soak up the beauty before I stumble out of my car. A beautiful girl with wide smile greets me at the door. She have a very confident aura about her. As I was closing in on her, her eyes looked past me and with a confused gaze settle on me.

"Lenny?" she question softly.

I put my hand out for a hand shake and confirm her thought by introducing myself. "Hi. I'm Mayalenny. But I usually go by Lenny. I'm the head editor for Furybloom. My colleague will be joining us soon."

She nod her head and introduce herself as Breetha and usher me into the receiving lobby which is beyond words for a sport faculty. I was openly glancing around the place. This place should be making millions if this building is any indication.

"The owner is a very rich man who loves luxury for everything he owns. For sure you know about this since you are here to interview the man himself" she whisper loudly gauzing my reaction at the information.

The OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang