Chapter 11 -The One who compromise for her.

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Previously : "I would love to drive you there myself, but it would be suspicious if you leave your car behind, and I don't think you'll allow Henry to touch your car. So drive to your favorite Italian café and I'll be there to open your doors once you park. Drive safely." He quickly kissed my cheeks and closed my door before rushing to his Aston Martin.



Once parked, I did touch up my lipstick and run my hand through my hair to make myself more presentable. I locked my car and walked in my heels to the Italian Café I stumble upon due to my previous article. It's a cute and homey café that usually rich people do not recognise. But I was lucky to know about it.

As promised, Nicholas was waiting with a charming smile by the door. We seated ourselves by the corner away from the prying eyes and order our food. While waiting, Nicholas looked around the place with a calm smile stretch on his lips before his eyes settle on to me. I cleared my throat and jump direct into the situation we land ourselves into.

"So, what do you think we need to do? I don't want to compromise my work quality if we being in each other's presence is going to be a problem." I just blurted out.

"I don't want that too. I will try to be professional with you. During work hour I wont touch you. Will that be enough?" he inquires softly. I can obviously see that he is sorry for how he's behaving with me.

"I don't know. Since meeting you I have broke all the rules that I made to keep it professional. Maybe to avoid putting both of us in difficulty, I can ask one of my team members to cover for me. I can be the second person while someone take the lead." I told him looking into his shaking head.

"I only agree to this to have you near me. This will give us both the chance to learn about each other. If it's not you, I don't want to do it anymore. It have to be you or no one else." He stubbornly let me know. I know its is only offer.

So for the rest of lunch, I practically find way to pacify him with different ways and idea to warm up to the idea of not spending time alone from morning till night. But the man is stubborn as a bull. So, at last we compromise.

"Fine. But I will have another new writer from my team working with me in your office. She will shadow me and make sure we're not alone or vulnerable. This is my final offer." I told him. I don't want to do this, but I lack option at the moment until we can come get comfortable being in each other's present without wanting to jump each other's bone.

So that's how I start my first day of shadowing Nicholas King with my upcoming writer, Victoria who initially cover the article story. Victoria is in charge to publish the first ever article about Nicholas charity and involvement with underprivileged students with my guidance. We worked in perfect harmony for next few days with Nicholas without any 'out of moment' interaction during work hours. After working hours though, I usually end my day with a small but secret date with him in coffee shop or some small café. We make it an adventure to find the most infamous café in town and usually end up talking until the closing time. I loved every minute I spend with him and hit my bed with giggling phone call until one of us sleep first.

We were given a small meeting room as our base. That's were Victorian and I spend most of out time if we're not tailing around him for his schedule. However, I avoid stepping into his training ground and gym hours after making the mistake on the first day as a hormonal hoe.

It turns out, I found sweating, focused and dangerous Nicholas to be mouth wateringly sexy when I unintentionally let moany breath looking at him. Luckily it was Victoria who nudge me with a teasing smile saying the guy I'm dating will be jealous of my reaction to the sportsman. I composed myself very quickly and secretly fantasying him for next 3hours. Right after that session, I waited until I corner him in his office and end up on his huge table with him in between my thighs ready to hump him dry. Unfortunately, Henry walked in on us and broke my hormonal mind. That's my lesson learned.

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