MHA Meeting Day

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Narrator:  It's morning time and the sun is shining bright Deku wakes up and doesn't remember what happened last night until he sees the two naked females next to him playing with his hair.  Good morning handsome~  Ochako and Himiko say with pleased and warm smiles on their faces.  Deku smiles.  Good morning beautiful ladies~  The females smile.  H-how did I do last night?  Oh Izuku you did amazing~ Toga says.  R-really?  Yes Deku of course we wouldn't lie to you especially about this handsome~  Deku smiles brightly with joy he's glad he did well for them.  How did we do handsome?~  Toga says.  Amazing just absolutely amazing beautiful ladies~  The two females smile brightly they too are extremely happy to have done well for their first time.  Since they were all already naked they decided to take a shower together and then get dressed.  After their shower the three close friends walk outside of Deku's door and then see Tsu and Mina there waiting. 
Deku:  O-oh h-hey girls
Tsu:  What were you three doing?
Narrator:  The three blush bright red.  Tsu and Mina know what this means.
Mina:  You know you owe me and Tsu right Deku?~
Narrator:  Deku blushes bright bright red.
Himiko:  Sorry Izuku darling we tried to spare you from these two as well but it wouldn't have been fair~
Deku:  W-wait you two set me up?!
Himiko and Ochako:  Mhm~~
Deku:  Oh boy hehe
Tsu:  And be ready after the meeting~~
Deku:  O-ok.
Narrator:  After the ladies talked to Midoriyah they all headed to the meeting.  With Sparkplug and Kaminari.
Sparkplug:  Ugh I'm so tired of this.
Kaminari:  Tired of what beautiful?
Sparkplug:  I told you to stop calling me that.
Kaminari:  O-oh s-sorry.
Narrator: Sparkplug looks at Kaminari and sees that he's hurt she feels bad.
Sparkplug:  Look Kaminari I just-
Kaminari:  Save it Jiro.  I'm leaving gotta get ready for the hero meeting.
Sparkplug:  No wait Kaminari wait!
Narrator:  Jiro grabs onto Kaminari with tears threatening to spill, Kaminari sees this.
Kaminari:  Save your tears for someone who deserves them Jiro stop wasting your time with me and I'll stop wasting my time with you. 
Narrator:  Jiro's heart breaks into thousands of pieces.  Did he just say what she thinks he just said?  Jiro's tears and sadness turns into rage as she uses her quirk to throw Kaminari onto her bed she pins him down and Kaminari is shocked it all happened so fast. 
Jiro:  You listen here and you listen very freaking carefully.
Kaminari:  J-jiro-
Jiro:  SHUT UP
Narrator:  Silence.
Jiro:  Now please just listen.  Kaminari you are an amazing guy and I know that that is the cheesiest thing a female can say now but I don't care.  Kaminari I love it when you call me beautiful I do I really do but there's so much about me that I still haven't told you about my past life with relationships.  I'm so use to being used by every male I'm with and they would always call me beautiful to catch me to reel me in and never let go.  It's just a trigger but Kaminari I do love it when you call me beautiful it's just the memories that ruin it.  I'm trying my best to get better at controlling them but it's hard.  I am deeply in love with you Kaminari.  Deeply in love with you, and I hope and pray you still feel the same.
Narrator:  Kaminari is speechless this is all happening so quickly but he heard everything and listened to every word and he understands how she feels.  Kaminari looks at Jiro and grabs her and kisses her Jiro is shocked by this but gladly kisses back.  I know how you feel Kaminari says.  Jiro gives a shocked expression but then smiles knowing that he isn't mad at her.  I'm not mad Jiro just please try to work on it.  I will i promise.  But you won't be alone I will be by your side Jiro i always will be just ask for my hand and I will be there for you Jiro.  Jiro cries harder thank you so much Kaminari she says as she hugs him deeply.  Your welcome beautiful Kaminari says as he too hugs her deeply.  Jiro smiles, he called me beautiful.  30 minutes later everyone is at the meeting.
Deku:  Mr.Aizawa what makes you call this meeting.
Eraser head:  It's.... about Shigiraki.
Narrator:  Toga turns pale and everyone sees it.
Toga:  Tomura....
Narrator:  Just then Dabi walks in and sits next to his brother.
Toga:  Toya!!
Dabi:  Hehe hey Himiko.
Eraser head:  Not to be rude you two but please let's focus up.
Narrator:  Toga and Dabi both nod their heads yes.
Eraser head:  Thank you.  Now I've heard word that Shigiraki was planning on breaking out of prison and this would mean we could have another war.
Deku:  Another war?
Ochako:  Mr.Aizawa with all do respect but doesn't this seem kinda of far fetched?  I mean he is in the most highly guarded place in all of Japan.  There's no way he's going to be able to break out.
Eraser head:  I am in 100% agreement with you Ochako.  But word from the officers and other guards there is that the place is slowly starting to collapse which means he'll be able to easily escape if it does turn out to be true that the place is getting old quickly.
Dabi:  Hmmmm.
Eraser head:  Yes Dabi?
Dabi:  It could have something to do with his quirk still.
Shoto:  What do you mean brother?
Dabi:  Tomura was no weakling especially after everything that had happened to us in the past.  His regeneration has went sky rocket it's ridiculous.
Toga:  Don't forget Toya throughout the time of us fighting the heros at the time he only grew stronger especially after the experiments he went through prior to the war.
Dabi:  I honestly surprised the war we had ended victorious for us.. well.....
Shoto:  No brother you are apart of our group now.  You and Toga.
Dabi:  *smiles*. 
Himiko:  Mr.Aizawa I have something else to say. 
Eraser head:  Please go ahead Himiko.
Himiko:  Well I believe that the reason this is happening is because his quirk is still actually active.
Narrator:  Everyone looks shocked.
Eraser:  Care to explain what you mean Himiko?
Toga:  Of course.  Well Tomura's quirk was one that could be delayed not stopped.  Awhile back in the war when he awakened from his capsule when we looked around the area we could tell his quirk was still active even being in a deep slumber, so thinking about it now with him awake and his rage slowly building I feel like his quirk is still active in a way.
Eraser head:  Interesting we will have to look into that Toga thank you for your information.
Toga:  *nods her head*.
Deku:  *is looking down while thinking*.
Eraser head:  Midoriya is everything ok?
Narrator:  Everyone is looking at Deku who then looks down with a frowning expression.  Toga puts her hand on Deku's lap and he looks up and smiles. 
Deku:  Well I do know a place where we could ask questions.
Eraser head:  Where is it?
Deku:  Well I'm banished from going there now.
Narrator:  Everyone looks in shock.
Ochako:  Banished?!
Tsu:  What did you do to get banished?!  Ribbit.
Deku:  I killed a Villain down there turns out it was the mayor's son.
Narrator:  Everyone is shocked. 
Mina:  You.... killed someone?
Deku:  I told you my dearest Mina I've taken on a new philosophy since the war.  Not everyone can truly be saved.
Mina:  Well that is true.
Eraser:  So tell us how many have you killed?
Narrator:  Just then hawks walks in and when Toga sees him she's glares with the intent to kill everyone knows the history of the two and they look at Toga and instantly get worried.
Hawks:  Hey everyone.  *looks over and sees Toga and feels the guilt wash over him*.  G-good afternoon Toga.
Narrator:  Toga just stares at him, a cold stare that feels like Hawk's wings could freeze up then break any minute now.  Deku rubs Toga's shoulders and she snaps out of her raged stare and she smiles at Deku. 
Eraser head:  Now young Midoriya tell us how many Villains you have killed.
Hawks:  Whoa wait Deku you've killed?
Narrator:  Toga glares at him again and hawks immediately puts his head down.
Deku:  Yes I have but I've only killed villains that enjoy making people suffer not villains that i call friend then betray them and kill them unjustly without provocation.
Hawks:  I deserved that.
Deku:  But I've killed 10.  One of them being muscular.
Eraser head:  I was wondering whatever happened to him. 
Deku:  But back to the main point that little town is probably our best shot at understanding what's going on with Tomura's quirk.
Eraser head:  It will be difficult we'll have to keep you undercover.
Deku:  I understand.
Eraser head:  Also young midoriya were your eyes red or green at the time of the killing?
Narrator:  Deku's eyes flicker between red and green. Red.  He says.  Well then we will need you to try your best to keep your rage in check.  Aizawa says.  I understand. Deku says.  Well with that everyone your dismissed.  30 minutes later everyone is out eating lunch, Deku is with the girls.
Ochako:  I still can't believed you killed Deku.
Deku:  I honestly didn't want you guys to ever know but at the same time he was asking for it.  The guy had just got done killing his own mother and younger brother.
Toga:  Seriously?!
Deku:  Yes.  And when the mayor walked in all he saw was me with his son's dead body surrounded by his wife and other child. 
Tsu:  Ribbt ribbit so you were already in a bad spotlight.
Deku:  Yeah. 
Mina:  Don't worry we will help you no matter what. 
Narrator:  Deku smiles while at another table Bakugo and Kiroshima are with Jiro,Kaminari,Shoto,Momo, and Dabi.
Dabi:  So we all going agree that Midoriya killing seems a little off?
Jiro:  I was actually going to say the same thing he's changed a lot.
Kaminari:  Yeah the war we had changed him a lot.
Bakugo:  It changed all of us but, I'm pretty sure him taking on this new philosophy will actually help us out a lot. 
Shoto:  What makes you say that?
Bakugo:  During our fight with Shigiraki he was constantly trying to get through to him and it caused even more problems for us but there was a point in that fight where a red glow shined in the sky and I knew it was Deku and after that he defeated Shigiraki almost effortlessly.  Something in him snapped that day, that very moment.  He still hasn't told us why but I'm pretty sure whatever it was it had something to do with Shigiraki killing somebody Deku loved.
Momo:  Do you think it was his mother?
Bakugo:  Impossible he visited his mother yesterday in the hospital where they were keeping her safe away from danger.  Alongside my mother and father.
Kaminari:  I'm honestly glad it wasn't his mother.
Kiroshima:  Same because I already know what would happen if it was his mother.
Bakugo: What do you mean?
Kiroshima:  He told me that if he were to lose his mother every villain big or small would regret choosing the path they chose. 
Ida:  Losing a love one does do something to you.
Everyone:  Ida!
Ida:  Hey guys sorry I'm late.
Momo:  How much did u hear?
Ida:  Everything I was just around the corner.
Bakugo:  Weirdo.
Shoto:  Hush now Bakugo.
Everyone:  *laughs*.
Narrator:  Just then Deku and the girls walk over towards the rest of them.
Deku:  Hey everyone.
Bakugo:  Hey Nerd.
Ochako:  Hey Jiro and Momo.
Jiro and Momo:  Hey girl
Tsu:  Nice to see you guys ribbit.
Kaminari:  Nice to see you too Tsu
Toga:  Hey Toya!
Dabi:  Hey Toga.
Kiroshima:  Hey Mina.
Mina:  Hey Kiroshima.
Narrator:  Mina and Kiroshima share a hug before everyone else talks once more.
Ida:  I'm glad we actually haven't had classes lately.
Deku:  Same it's already bad enough that we still might have to worry about another battle coming.
Himiko:  Well let's try not to think about that.  Even though it might be true.
Dabi:  You don't want to fight Tomura do you Toga?
Narrator:  Toga looks down in sadness.
Toga:  No I don't.
Dabi:  I understand how you feel.  But we can't just let him destroy everything.
Toga:  I know and we won't.
Ochako: I just hope it won't be as bad as last time since All for one is gone.
Deku:  All for one was a big part as to why that war was so bad.
Mina:  So do you think with him gone it'll be easier?
Deku:  Honestly no but I'll be able to beat Shigiraki on my own now since I'm not as weak so you guys don't have to really step in.
Uraraka:  Stop it Deku.
Deku:  *looks at Uraraka in shock*.
Toga:  We already told you that we aren't leaving you to do anything on your own.
Mina:  We refuse to lose you especially when we know we can help you.
Tsu:  Midoriya do you remember what I said?  When you first left UA?
Deku:  I do.
Tsu: I won't let you go., your dear to me and to all of us.  We are with you and you don't have to face anything alone ever again. 
Ochako:  Because we are here for you.
Toga:  Always have been.
Mina:  And always will be.
Narrator:  Everyone smiles.
Shoto:  Nice way to ruin a beautiful moment Explosion boy.
Narrator:  Everyone laughs.  45 minutes later everyone is in their rooms going to sleep.
Toga: Today was amazing guys.
Ochako:  Yeah it was.
Tsu and Mina: We had a good time too.
Deku:  I'm glad all of you had a good time. 
Narrator:  The females hug Deku and Deku hugs them back.  Toga and Ochako leave while Tsu and Mina stay back and Ochako and Toga say.
Toga and Uraraka:  Have fun~
Tsu and Mina:  We will~
Narrator:  Deku is laying down when he there feels something touching him he then sees that it's Tsu tongue and he sees that Mina is now laying next to him kissing his cheek while Tsu is slowly making her way towards him once she does she begins to kiss him as well.  J-jeez you guys weren't joking?  Deku says nervously.  Of course not~  they both say.  Just then the two females undress themselves then undress Deku and see a huge surprise.  Oh~~  Tsu this will be fun~ It sure will Mina~  Tsu goes in to make out with Deku and Deku gladly makes out with her.  After her Mina makes out with Deku next and he gladly makes out with her too.  Firm and soft touches are exchanged from all three of them.. Tsu messes around with Deku's lower region while Mina makes out with Deku more, Deku feels his body pulsing and the two females feel their bodies pulsing as well as they continue to switch positions once done teasing the number 1 hero they all begin their love session and enjoy every last bit of it.

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