MHA They're back

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Narrator:  A couple of days have passed by and nothing has really seemed off with anyone.  Deku and the entire class are in the living room watching Television and are enjoying some morning snacks.
Deku:  So how is everyone?
Mina:  We are good Deku how about you?
Deku:  I'm good Mina thank you for asking.
Mina:  Of course!
Narrator:  Deku and Mina share a smile.
Deku:  What about you girls how are you guys?
Toga,Uraraka and Tsu:  We are good Deku! *they all say with a smile and Deku smiles back at them*.
Bakugo:  Today feels like a really great day.
Kiroshima:  Definitely agree with that.
Denki:  Say what should we do today?
Momo:  I don't know babe what should we do?
Bakugo:  Oh wow another confirmed relationship?
Denki and Momo:  Yes.
Jiro:  Congratulations you two.
Narrator:  Jiro hugs them and Denki and Momo hug her back.
Tsu:  Hey Tokoyami you ok?
Tomoyami:  Yeah I am Tsu I'm just tired
Tsu:  That's understandable
Ida:  Tired from what we've been off class for 2 weeks
Mei:  Well he could have been training dear
Tokoyami:  That's exactly what I was doing too.
Ida:  Well my apologies.
Tokoyami: your good my friend.
Shoto:  It's been awhile since our television hasn't you know just went straight to the news.
Mina:  Now that you say thar your right.
Kiroshima:  Let's just hope it doesn't.
Toga:  Yeah.
Dabi:  Himiko is everything ok?
Himiko:  Yea Toya sorry was just remembering somethings.
Uraraka:  Do you want to talk about it Himiko chan?
Toga:  No it's ok Ochako chan nothing serious.
Tsu:  You sure Ribbit.
Toga:  Yup.
Mina:  We're always here for you Himiko chan.
Toga:  Thank you Mina chan.
Deku:  Let's see if there's anything else on tv.
Narrator:  Just then Erie,Samidare and Satsuki all run in and everyone sees them and is happy.
Everyone:  KIDS
Erie,Samidare and Satsuki:  HEY GUYS.
Narrator:  Everyone hugs them and then sees All might,Eraser head and Endeavor walking behind them they all greet their senior heroes.
All might:  How have all of you been?
Ochako: We've been good All might how about yourself?
All might:  Hehe just hanging in there.
Shoto and Dabi:  Hey dad.
Endeavor:  Hello my sons.
Erie:  Hi Mr.Aizawa!
Eraser head.  Hehe hello Erie.
All might:  What are you guys watching?
Deku:  Eh we just threw on the tv. 
Ida:  There's seriously nothing good to watch.
Kiroshima:  Agreed maybe we should watch the news.
Jiro:  You think so?
Kiroshima:  Yea.
Jiro:  Well ok. 
Narrator: Jiro changes the channel to the news.
News Lady:  Welcome back ladies and gentlemen I am your channel 1 news Lady and for some saddening news we have just heard word from downtown that the League of Villains have returned all of them being the ones that were locked up Mr.Compress,Spinner,Nomu and Shigiraki they have been reeking havoc downtown from the U.A. academy.  Word has also been spread throughout Japan that the reasoning behind the more pale days and the clouds becoming more grey in color is do to another secret Nomu that Shigiraki and the other villains have been hiding as of right now.  We've also wanted to make it clear to everyone that the head chief of fuchu Japan prison is dead an unknown suspect must've freed the villains none of us know who exactly it is but when he is found we will bring him to justice. 
Narrator: The T.V. turns off and everyone sits there and stands there pale as snow as if anything left of life has left their body.  Dabi and Toga are the ones the most shocked and afraid.
Mina:  N-no way.
Deku:  They killed the chief.
Uraraka:  B-but there's no way that person was able to sneak in like that, that prison is the most heavily guarded prison in Japan.
Tsu:  Then how was he able to sneak by everyone so easily to where he could kill the chief?
Himiko:  It's Twice.
Narrator:  Everyone turns around and looks at Toga.
Dabi:  Himiko.
Himiko:  Toya it is Twice no regular person let alone villain would've been able to do that.  It's him.
All Might:  I can't believe it.
Endeavor:  It's going to be another war all over again.
Eraser head:  Are we really even ready?
Narrator:  All might and Endeavor look at one another both of them look shook to the core.  They themselves can't even answer that question.
Mina:  No no no no why?  Why another war why?!
Narrator:  Deku holds Mina and Mina embraces him.
Deku:  I don't know Mina but we will all get through it together.  We are all a team no matter what.
Narrator:  Mina and everyone else gives Deku a smile.
Deku:  Now one thing that stood out is that she mentioned something about another Nomu. 
Shoto:  But father I thought you got rid of the other Nomus
Endeavor:  There were many more even after Shigiraki awakened his quirk and it seems like it's nowhere near as strong as it used to be which is huge relief.
Eraser head:  But if you look at the damage dealt it looks like his decay is still aboe to destroy anything in its way which is not good for us.
Endeavor:  Damn it.
Dabi:  Me and Himiko no how his quirk works the most we've been around it long enough to know.
Himiko: Looking at the tv it looks like he has to get used to it again he seems fully recovered but his form with his quirk seems an little off. 
Tsu:  So what should we do as of right now? Ribbit ribbit.
Momo:  Our best shot would be to head out now and help those who are in need.
Denki:  But we have to be careful as well now that the league is back smaller villains with quirks are definitely going to be out helping them as well like little henchmen.
Bakugo:  So you think we should deal with them first?
Kaminari:  Definitely.
Kiroshima:  Well the longer we sit here the worse it'll be for those civilians!
Jiro:  Right let's head out now.
Ida:  Ready everyone?
Everyone:  Ready!
Narrator:  Hours later The heroes of U.A. are in their hero costumes and are out and about looking out for smaller villains to take care of.  Ok everyone let's momentarily split up but into groups and then let's get back together around noon.  Me,Mina,Ochako,Toga,Tsu and Toya will go east.  Bakugo You,Jiro,Shoto, and Mineta go west.  Denki you,Momo, and Kiroshima go south, and Tokoyami, you, Ida, and Mei go North right now it's 2:00 let's me back up around 4.  Got it?  Deku says.  Got it!!  Everyone says and with that everyone is off.  Deku and the girls and Toya all head east there is a bunch of air bnb's down this area and some of them are destroyed Ochako sees someone dangling by the edge of the building.  GUYS LOOK!!  Ochako yells Everyone sees the lady.  OCHAKO HURRY HERE.  Deku yells as he uses black whip to throw her closer towards the lady and when Ochako gets close enough she touches the woman and has the woman float downward towards the ground.  The lady gives them thanks and they head off to the next places.  Just then Deku sees three villains attacking 2 different couples and this enrages Deku as he charges up one for all.  TSU YOU AND MINA GRAB THEM WHILE I TAKE CARE OF THEM!  IZUKU THERE'S ANOTHER COUPLE BEING CONFRONTED BY VILLAINS ME AND OCHAKO WILL GET THEM.  Toga yells.  GOTCHA!  Deku yells back.  Deku,Mina and Tsu all head to the first couples and Deku using one for all at 5 percent is able to knock out the Villains and Mina and Tsu grab the couples and give them to the authorities to help take them to a shelter.  With Toga and Ochako Toga whips out her knives and throws them at the first villain they both hit him in his legs and he falls to the ground screaming in pain.  Ochako takes care of the other villain by lifting him into the air and dropping him making him break his legs.  Ochako doesn't like hurting people but she will not let the innocent be harmed for doing nothing.  Just then a villain with a grass bladed quirk tries to ambush Ochako Toga screams for Ochako to turn around and once she does she is met with flames burning the grass bladed villain, it was Toya.  Thank you Toya Uraraka says, no problem Toya replies.  Just then Deku,Mina and Tsu meet up with the three of them.  Is everything ok over here?  Deku ask.  Yes everything is good Toga replies.  Ok let's keep searching.  The six of them jump in the air and continue to look for more people in need of help.  On the west side with Bakugo,Jiro,Shoto, and Mineta, Bakugo is searching around for any villains and civilians Jiro then stops and looks down and sees four villains on top of a building surrounding a innocent boy about to drop him.  GUYS DOWN THERE!!  Bakugo,Shoto, and Mineta all look to where Jiro was pointing at Bakugo without saying a word rushes towards the villains and so does Shoto, but then Bakugo screams.  JIRO YOU AND MINETA WAIT DOWN BELOW MINETA YOU GIVE THE BOY A SAFE LANDING JIRO YOU KILL THEM WITH SOUND!  Jiro smiles when he says kill them with sound as she remembers that faint memory.  RIGHT she yells back.  OK mineta yells.  The villains are surrounding the boy, and when they see Bakugo and Shoto coming in hot they decide to push the boy off the roof.  MINETA NOW Bakugo yells.  GOTCHA.  Mineta throws his balls onto the ground making a sticky but safe landing for the boy.  When the boy is done falling he sees that he is still alive and feels grateful he hugs Mineta and Mineta gladly hugs back.  Just then Bakugo Shoto and Jiro all attack the villains the first bakugo simply grabs and throws off the roof the second one Shoto uses his fire side and it sends the second villain flying away burning while he does so the third one Jiro creates a disruption in the ground with her ears and it sends the thrid one flying and then she jumps into the air and kicks him back down into the building that was already destroyed by the villains hands, good thing everyone was evacuated Jiro says to herself.  Wait where did the fourth one go?!  Bakugo says.  Just then Jiro hears something familiar she senses sound waves coming from behind her and she smiles.  Oh so you have my Quirk huh?  The fourth villain charges at Jiro and Jiro gladly excepts the challenge.  The villain using his hands instead of his ears pounds his fist on the ground and it creates rocky pillars that come from sound vibrations and Jiro sees this and smiles. Amateur she says to herself as she quickly creates the same disruption and it cancels out the villains pillars.  The Villain is shocked and Jiro quickly using her ears forces them inside of the villain and she sends shockwaves through his entire body making him fall to the floor unconscious.  The three of them then go back down to the ground where Mineta is and they see the boy has been taken to the authorities.
Bakugo:  Great Job everyone now let's head back out
Jiro,Shoto and Mineta:  Roger that.
Narrator:  The four of them head back out.  With Denki and his team they see only villains raiding the streets. 
Denki:  Well guys looks like we have some cleaning to do.
Kiroshima:  That's always fun.
Momo:  Don't worry boys we should be good.
Denki and Kiroshima:  Right!
Narrator:  All the villains look up and see the three of them and they all charge at the heroes.  One of them has a electric quirk just like Denki and he has a huge grin on his face Denki charges at that one and collides with the villain in a destroyed house.  Kiroshima sees a villain that has steal blades for a quirk and he slams that Villain onto the ground and finally Momo sees a female villain and she has swords that can stretch in length and can explode at will.  Denki and the electrical villain are going at it dishing out punches but Denki evades the villains punches and then shocks the villain.  The villain then let's out a discharge and it engulfs the entire house, but when the villain sees that Denki isn't taking any damage his eyes widen with shock.
Villain:  W-who are you?!
Kaminari:  That's not important the real question is why are you doing this?
Villain:  It's all for Tomura shigiraki!!
Narrator:  Denki looks disgusted as he absorbs the electricity the villain was releasing and then lets out his own discharge paralyzing the villain.  Kiroshima is holding the steel bladed villain down while in red riot.
Narrator:  The villain tries to cut through Kiroshima's armored skin but can't and Kiroshima prepares a headbutt while in red riot and when he collides his head with the villains an explosion is emitted and when the dust clears Kiroshima is standing tall.  Momo is still in the air with the female villain. 
Momo:  Your swords did you create them specially?
Female Villain:  What's it to you?
Momo: We have the same quirk you could've used your quirk for good!
Female Villain:  Well i wasn't privileged like you little girl!
Narrator:  Momo gives a glare at the villain and she throws the villain downward on top of a building the two females begin to exchange blows with their blades and Momo slices the female villain's leg and she screams in pain.  YOU BRAT the female villain screams in rage as she gets up and attempts to attack Momo but Momo dodges with ease and she slices the female villains other leg and the villain drops down not being able to move.
Momo:  Why?  why would you become a villain?
Narrator:  There is a pause and the two females look at one another.
Momo:  Your.... brothers?
Female Villain:  Yes those two down there, they are all I have left and we tried asking everyone for help and they all turned us down and seeing people like you who were born into wealth and privilege SICKENS ME TO THE CORE!!!  PEOPLE LIKE YOU DONT CARE FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME AND MY BROTHERS YOUR SELFISH SICK BASTARDS!!!
Narrator:  Another long pause.
Momo:  Your wrong not everyone who is born into wealth and privilege are bad.  I'm not!  I care for everyone even those who are bad even those who are evil, and you wanna know why?  Because those were are living a poor life have never had someone to truly care for or help them.  I feel bad for you and your brothers I do!  And when this war is over and if I'm still alive I will visit you in prison and with my money I will help you and your brothers back on the right track! 
Narrator:  The female villain begins to cry she's never had this before.  When on the ground the cops take the villains away.
Female Villain:  H-hey Ms
Momo:  Yes?
Female Villain:  Did you really mean it? 
Momo:  *with a serious face and her fist clenched*  Yes I did, and you can count on me!
Narrator:  The female villain smiles as she and her brothers are taken away. 
Kaminari:  What did you guys talk about?
Momo:  I'll explain later baby.
Kaminari:  Ok love.
Narrator:  Just then Deku radios in for them to hurry back Tokoyami and his group had no issue but a couple of injured people and they hurry back to meet up with everyone else.  When everyone is met up back on the same street they all begin to talk.
Deku:  Ida,Mei, and Tokoyami are you guys sure there were no villains and just only people?
Mei:  Yes I also made a new baby it acts as a device that can detect an enemy it can tell the difference between good and bad.
Ida:  Amazing babe is that what you were making this whole time?
Mei:  Yes it took a super long time but I finally managed to finish it.
Ida:  How many more do you have?
Mei:  Buckets full honey.
Tokoyami:  Outstanding.
Deku:  Bakugo how were you guys?
Bakugo:  Everything was good nerd a couple of villains and innocent people.
Deku:  What about you guys Denki?
Kaminari:  Same thing.
Deku: That's weird do you think they were targeting our sports specifically more then Tomoyami's?
Momo:  Most likely the south part of this country has never been the most wicked.
Jiro:  But saying that why would they destroy those places then?
Ida:  I don't know maybe it has something to do with the league.
Dabi:  Most likely it does.
Deku:  What makes you say that Toya?
Dabi:  Tomura has always like grand entrances and setting up surprises.
Shoto:  Grand entrances?
Toga:  You don't think they were actually hiding down south right?
Mei:  Th-that's impossible my device would've went off.
Toga: The only way I see your device not working is if Twice was there.
Mina:  Why do you say that Toga?
Himimo:  Twice was always good at cracking devices and making them useless, but I see that being nearly impossible because Twice never liked being down south of Japan.
Uraraka:  How come Himiko?
Himiko:  Because it was always peaceful and he hated that we couldn't live in peace at the time.
Froppy:  Jeez sounds like we still have a slight mystery to solve Ribbit.
Twice:  No mystery needed to be solved young ones.
Narrator:  Everyone hears that familiar voice Toga and Dabi turn pale because they know that voice all too well. 
Toga:  T-Twice?!
Twice:  Hello Himiko long time no see Toya.
Narrator:  Toya is pale as he is truly seeing twice in front of him, but Toga steps forward with tears in her eyes.
Toga: I-I missed you.
Twice:  I missed you too Himiko.
Narrator:  Just then Shigiraki, Spinner,Nomu and Mr.Compress jump down from the building and make their presence known.  Deku tenses up when he sees Shigiraki his ehes flickering between red and green. 
Shigiraki:  Hello Midoriya~
Deku:  Shigiraki *he says while growling*.
Narrator:  Toga sees them and backs up slightly.  Twice beckons her to come back.
Twice:  Himiko come back to us think about all the times we can spend together again.  No one telling us what to do how to live!
Narrator:  Toga smiles and walks back towards Twice.
Uraraka:  T-Toga?
Narrator:  Just then Toga looks back at Uraraka when she says her name Toga then looks at everyone else they all look at her with eyes looking as if saying, please don't leave".  Toga looks back at Twice and flashbacks come back to her with all of their laughs and all of their smiles and hugs, but then she looks back at her new family and her memories with them come back as well and she remembers how they all told her she is the best thing in the whole wide world, and then she remembers when Uraraka said.  "Do you think I'm cute?"  "The cutest girl in the whole world".  The she has a memory of her and Izuku.  "I will always be here for you Himiko.  No matter what.  Thank you Izuku, of course Himiko Toga".  Toga looks back at Twice but with sadness in her face she steps back towards the heroes Twice feels his heart sink, and Tomura looks on in disgust as she backs up towards Dabi and Deku.  What about you Dabi? Tomura says are you coming back?  Dabi gives them a glare.
Twice:  Very well then you've all chosen death and your deaths will be slow and painful so get ready.
Narrator: With tears in her eyes Toga ready's her self and so does everyone else and the final war will begin.

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