MHA I'm Sorry My Love

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Narrator:  Two weeks have passed by the tension has slowly settled down but Denki still felt much anger but decided to keep it to himself.  It was late at night Jiro was with Bakugo and she decided to get some water she sneakily got up and went down the hall.  When Jiro reached the waterfall she could make out someone's shadow walking up the stairs she stares for a little while longer and then sees who it is.  It is Denki.  He looks super tired and worn out black spots hang from underneath his eyes showing he hasn't gotten much sleep.  Jiro feels a burning guilt inside of her she can feel the tears threatening to spill.  D-Denki!  She quietly yells.  He turns around and looks at her he gives her a glared look.
Denki:  What do you want?
Jiro:  D-Denki w-we need to talk.
Denki:  There's nothing for us to talk about Jiro what's done has been done.  Move on.
Jiro:  You can't be serious Denki.
Denki:  I am you did what you did and it doesn't matter.  It may have been a simple look but it was a look of you still loved him so don't you dare try to sit here and lie to me.
Jiro:  I'm not trying to lie to you Denki.  But please let me talk.
Narrator:  Kaminari is beyond tired at this point he's drained and him remembering what she did isn't helping him any better. 
Denki:  Talk about what Jiro?  It's over and you didn't care whatsoever-
Jiro:  YES I DID!!
Narrator:  Silence fills the air.
Jiro:  D-Denki you are a very very sweet and amazing guy.  I did love you and I still do Denki.  I-I just ended up losing feelings and I know that it would've been better for me to tell you straight up.  Yes it was going to hurt but at least we would've been able to avoid all of this and no one can be blamed but me.  Denki I don't deserve you and I let that thinking get to my head and I'm terribly sorry for hurting you if I could go back and fix everything I would.  I shouldn't have hurt you Denki.  Denki I love you and I'm sorry please I still want you in my life e-even though I don't deser-
Narrator:  Kaminari runs up to Jiro and hugs her.
Kaminari:  I forgive you Jiro.
Jiro:  OH DENKI!  *she yells quietly*.
Narrator:  After the hug they both stare at each other and then Denki has a sad expression and before he tunrs around Jiro stops him.
Jiro:  Denki, please I still love you and nothing will change that.  But please don't leave me I want you to stay in my life please.
Kaminari:  Do you seriously still love me?
Jiro:  Yes.
Kaminari:  You seriously mean it?  Nothing will ever change that?  Even when you and Bakugo-
Narrator:  Jiro stops him. 
Jiro:  Not even lust will change that.  You both honestly feel equally good which is why I'm telling you it doesn't matter to me.  Even if you guys didn't feel equally as good I still wouldn't care.  But seriously you both feel equally as good.
Kaminari:  Wait like.... you mean like.....
Jiro:  Yes I do seriously mean it and I'm not laughing I'm not saying that to say that.  I seriously mean it.
Narrator:  Denki smiles and so does Jiro.  Just then they both feel a wave of tiredness fall over them and they both decide to sleep outside in the hallway.

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