MHA Thank You

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Narrator:  It was morning time and Deku wakes up and sees Toga playing with his hair while they both are undressed. 
Himiko:  Good morning Handsome~
Deku:  Hehe Good morning beautiful~
Himiko:  You were amazing last night Izuku~
Deku:  You were amazing last night too Himiko~
Narrator:  Just then Deku and Toga decided to get dressed and once done Toga smirks at the door.  Come in girls~  Toga says.  Deku is confused but then sees the door opening and it's Mina,Tsu and Ochako.  Two more to go~  They all say.  O-oh jeez Deku says.  Just then all of them are sitting down while eating some food they brought up from the cafeteria. 
Deku:  So how are you ladies doing?
Mina:  We've been good Deku how about yourself?
Deku:  I've been amazing because I have all of you.
Narrator:  The four females blush.
Mina:  That's so sweet of you Deku thank you.
Himiko:  Thanks so much Izuku for your kind words.
Ochako:  Your the best Deku.
Tsu:  Ribbit ribbit thanks Midoriya.
Deku:  I only want to make the four of you happy that's my goal.
Mina:  Well you've already succeeded with that.
Narrator:  All the females smile at him.  Deku smiles back.
Deku:  I'm glad.
Narrator:  Just then Samidare and Satuski Tsu siblings knock and they could tell it was them because of their voices.  Ochako let's them in and everyone says hi. 
Tsu:  Where's Erie?
Erie:  I'm right here.
Narrator:  Just then Erie pops up from behind Samidare and everyone gives her a smile as she smiles back at them.
Tsu:  What brings you guys here?  Ribbit ribbit.
Satsuki: Ribbit we just want to check on you big sis.
Samidare:  Is that a problem ribbit.
Tsu:  RIbbit of course not ribbit.
Mina:  I always found it lovely and funny when the three of you say ribbit.
Tsu:  Hehe sometimes we do say it on purpose to make you guys laugh.
Himiko:  Really?
Tsu:  Yup.  But most of the time it isn't command or purpose most of the time it's literally just our dna taking over.  Or our natural abilities taking control.
Ochako: I can understand.
Satsuki:  Say Ms.Ochako you haven't thrown up in so long!
Ochako:  I was thinking the same thing I guess my body has just gotten used to my quirk, which I'm glad for thank god. 
Mina:  Yeah I'd definitely say all of us have gotten use to our quirk.  Now that I'm actually thinking about it Deku can you use one for all at full cowling now?
Deku:  Yes Mina I can.
Erie:  Then how come in the last couple battles we've had Deku you didn't use it at full cowling?
Deku:  The villains weren't a big enough threat for me to use full cowling.
Erie:  Oh ok I understand.
Deku:  Say you three how's your training been?
Samidare:  It's been good master it's just that we are tired like really tired.
Deku:  Well I'm proud of you guys so now I will take all of us to the pool.
Erie:  Really?!
Deku:  Yup.
Narrator:  Everyone jumps up in the air excited.  30 minutes later the crew is at the pool and everyone is having an amazing time.  Deku and the girls are in the pool alongside Tsu's siblings and Erie.  AHHHH SAMIDARE DON'T DUNK ME!!!  Erie yells playfully.  I'm GONNA DUNK YOU!!! Samidare dunks Erie and Erie goes under the water and she comes back up and laughs Samidare then looks at Satsuki his younger sister and gets underneath her and then picks her up.  YOUR NEXT SISSY.  WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!!!!!!  Samidare dunks her as well and she swims underneath the water for awhile before coming back up and laughing with her brother and Erie.  Just then Deku picks up Samidare and is getting ready to dunk him.  YOUR TURN!!  Deku yells.  NO WAIT THIS ISNT FAIR!!!!!  Deku dunks Samidare and they all laugh just then Uraraka touches Deku and she makes Deku float.  OCHAKO WAIT NOT THIS HIGH UP!!  RELEASE.  Just then Deku falls back into the pool but he falls safely and not all the way to the bottom and he laughs alongside Uraraka.  Just then Uraraka looks behind her and sees a shadow and it's Mina and Toga jumping into the pool.  HI OCHAKO CHAN!!!!  They both scream.  WAIT GIRLS WAIT!!!!! Just then Mina and Toga jump on top of Ochako and bring her down with them in the water they all laugh and are having a good time.  Tsu looks at the group from the balcony and smiles she sees her siblings having so much fun and she smiles at them and cries.  Mina looks over at Tsu and sees her crying and when she sees what she's crying at she smiles for her because it was her siblings and Mina swims up to Deku and kisses his cheek and then whispers in his ear.  Deku looks up and sees Tsu crying, Tsu sees them looking at her and she wipes her tears off her face.  Deku and Mina nod and Deku kisses Mina's cheek back.  Tsu walks off knowing that Deku is going to come talk to her.  A few minutes later Tsu is walking down the hallway of her and the others room and she feels someone touch her shoulder and she sees it's Deku. 
Deku:  Tsu is everything ok?
Narrator:  Tsu looks down and then back up with tears in her eyes. 
Deku:  Tsu what's wrong?
Narrator:  Just then Tsu wraps her arms around Deku's neck and she let's it out.
Tsu:  Oh midoriya thank you so much for making them smile.  You don't understand how long it's been since I've seen them so happy whenever it was just us three I had such a hard time making them smile and it made me feel like I was worthless and a complete failure and I didn't even know what to say to them.  I love them so much and seeing them smile again makes me so happy and I know your the reason for their happiness.  So thank you so much Izuku.
Narrator:  Deku for the first time hears Tsu call him by his real name Deku smiles but then remembers what she said.
Deku:  I will always be here for you and your siblings Tsu.  You mean the world to them and for you to feel like you don't make them smile is completely crazy for you to even think.  Do you know how many times they come talking to me about how much they love you and how much you make them smile?
Tsu:  H-how many?
Deku:  Over a billion times!  *He says with a happy expression*.  Tsu you do make them happy and they even tell me they would never ever wish for a different sister because your the best sister in the entire world Tsuyu Asui.
Narrator:  Just then Tsu's eyes widen and her sad expression goes to a very happy expression she heard Deku call her by her first name for the first time in so long Tsu smiles and holds Deku tightly.  Deku returns it with holding her tightly as well.  Thank you so much Izuku, Tsu says.  Of course Asui, Deku replies.  They both stare into each other's eyes and then Deku feels something tugging at his lower region.  He then sees it's Tsu's hand he looks at her and blushes.  Come on Izuku~  Tsu says with a seductive tone.  This early?  Deku replies.  Of course~ Tsu says.  Just then Deku and Tsu get into the dorm and they undress themselves and Deku and Tsu being to make out after awhile Tsu uses her tongue and her and Deku french kiss after doing this Deku and Tsu lock eyes for awhile.
Tsu:  I love you Izuku Midoriya~
Deku:  I love you too Tsuyu Asui~
Narrator:  After sometime Deku and Tsu are finished and they breath heavily.
Deku:  H-how did I-I do?
Tsu:  You did amazing~
Deku:  Thank you Asui~
Tsu:  Of course Izuku~ How did I do?~
Deku:  Amazing Asui~
Tsu:  Thank you Izuku~
Deku:  Of course Asui~
Narrator:  After this Deku and Tsu both get dressed and just then the girls walked in on them and Tsu gives them a seductive smile.  They all know what this meant but decided to play along.
Mina:  Oh what were you two doing?~
Deku:  Uhhh ehehe
The girls:  One more~
Narrator:  Deku laughs and then smiles.  Deku and Ochako look into each other's eyes and smile at one another. 
Himiko:  How was it?~
Tsu:  Absolutely amazing~
Deku: Absolutely amazing~
Ochako:  Well that's good to hear~
Mina: Sure is~
Deku:  So what do you girls want to do now?
Mina:  Well we can just relax but me and the girls and the kids have to get in the shower.
Deku:  Wait where are they?
Ochako:  In the bathroom right outside of our dorm across the hallway. 
Tsu:  Oh ok.
Himiko:  Yup don't worry if something is to happen I go stab stab.
Mina:  We know Toga.
Deku:  Speaking of something related to stab stab here you go Toga.
Narrator:  Just then Deku shows Toga a bottle of blood.  Toga smiles widely at the scene.
Deku:  It's mine I put some in for you a couple hours ago and just forgot to tell you.
Narrator:  Himiko runs up to Deku and hugs him making her towel fall off revealing her naked body.  Everyone laughs and begin to play with one another.  A couple hours later at the prison.  Shigiraki and the others are slowly but surely losing their minds. 
Mr.Compress:  Yes yes we do if we don't soon I might have to kill one of you just for amusement.
Shigiraki:  No one will be getting killed.  Understood?
Mr.Compress: Ugh yes master.
Shigiraki: Don't worry Nomu we will get out of here soon.
Spinner:  How many times will you say that Tomura?
Shigiraki:  As many times to make sure I don't descend into madness.
Mr.Compress:  To late for that.
Nomu:  Aaaaaaa.
Shigiraki: Fair enough.
Narrator:  It all goes silent and Nomu looks at the bars and sees that it's rusting away the nomu then remembers something that it has kept hidden away from everyone.  A second quirk.  The Nomu laughs and everyone sees this and is confused.
Shigiraki:  Did nomu just... laugh?
Spinner:  He did.
Mr.Compress:  Nomu what's so funny?
Narrator:  The nomu looks at them and then at the rusting away bar and he puts his hands around it and anred spark of light shines and they all see that the bar is slowly but surely burning and turning to dust just then the nomu breaks the bar and they all look at each other and then smile.
Shigiraki:  Nomu keep going with all of the bars I will lend you some of my strength that I have left with my quirk.
Nomu:  Eeeuuuu.
Narrator:  Back with Deku and the others all of the girls including Erie and Satsuki were playing with each other's hair while Deku and Samidare play the game.  Just then Deku looks at Samidare and Satsuki they nod their head.  They walk up to Tsu and Tsu looks confused as to why they are doing this. 
Samidare:  Sissy your best sister in the whole wide world and we couldn't ask for a better sister.
Satsuki:  Your our shining light and morning star.
Samidare:  Your the light at the end of our tunnel.
Satsuki:  And your our protector.
Samidare and Satsuki:  We love you big sister we always have and always will.
Narrator:  Tsu begins to cry hard and she hugs her younger siblings tightly and they both hug her tightly back. 
Tsu:  Oh you two.
Narrator:  Tsu then looks at Deku and gives him a smile, Deku smiles back.  Mina,Himiko, and Ochako all sit next to Deku and smile at Tsu and her siblings Erie snuggled her way in between Deku's lap and smiles at the siblings as well.
Erie:  Mission complete.
Deku,Mina,Toga, and Uraraka: Mission complete.

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