MHA News From The Prison

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Warning lemon in this chapter and the next 3 chapters.
Narrator: It is morning time Bakugo wakes up to see that Jiro is not with him. He panics for awhile, which he then gets up and goes to ask everyone else where she is. Guys have you seen Jiro? No we haven't you need our help? Ida says. Yes please I'm worried. Ok we'll help Todoroki says. Everyone goes around the school helping Bakugo look for Jiro. Mineta,Shoto, and Momo look on the east wing of UA while Deku,Mina,Toga,Tsu,and Ochako look on the north wing. Bakugo searches downstairs and Ida decides to check the south wing of UA.
Ida: Ok I haven't really seen anything yet-
Narrator: Just then Ida sees Jiro and Kaminari both laying down in the hallway. Ida is nervous because he doesn't know how Bakugo will take this, but he rings everyone upstairs to meet up with him. What's wrong? When Ida points down the hallway everyone sees what he sees and they all take silent steps towards the two sleeping heroes. They all just stand there not really knowing what to do.
Mineta: Do we wake them up?
Kiroshima: No if we try to wake Denki up his electricity will go beserk.
Mina: Really?
Kiroshima: Yeah.
Deku: How do you know?
Kiroshima: It's happened before.
Narrator: Just then Denki slowly begins to open his eyes and when he fixates on the figures in front of him he then sees the faces of his classmates.
Denki: Hey everyone. *he says in a very drowned out voice*.
Ochako: Good morning Denki.
Denki: Why are you guys staring at me like that?
Narrator: Bakugo points down to his lap and when Denki sees what he's pointing at he sees Jiro sleeping peacefully on his lap. Denki then recalls everything that happened late last night.
Denki: Oh I remember now.
Ida: What happened?
Denki: We talked things out. We're friends.
Narrator: Everyone smiles. Close friends you mean? Everyone looks down and sees a smiling Jiro and then Denki smiles as well. Yeah close friends. The two hug one another and everyone smiles.
Mina: Well I'm glad this drama is over.
Deku: Same.
Ida: What should we all do now?
Denki: Well I'd say let's all get dressed and then head down to the cafeteria and eat.
Jiro: Sounds like a plan.
Narrator: Everyone nods their heads. 45 minutes later All might and Aizawa were having a private discussion.
All might: So what is it Aizawa?
Aizawa: There is word from the prison.
All might: I'm listening.
Aizawa: Well Shigiraki and the other villains have woken up.
All might: Well Shigiraki was already awake the others weren't.
Aizawa: You know what I meant.
All might: Yeah yeah yeah anyways?
Aizawa: Anyways the head chief there said that the ground is beginning to mold and the villains cells are beginning to deteriorate.
All might: That's not good.
Aizawa: What do you think we should do?
All might: Do you think we should pay a visit?
Aizawa: No there's honestly most likely very little that we could do but I would say that we could give some money to the prison to quickly advance their cells so that the villains won't be able to escape.
All might: Do you really think the principal will do that? Hasn't he had some confrontations with people in that prison before?
Aizawa: I believe so but I don't believe he would allow the past to ruin our future especially if it mean's Shigiraki is let lose again.
All might: Well I hope your right. Because if not then we are in some deep trouble.
Narrator: In the fuchu Japan prison. RAAAAAAAGH. Shigiraki yells as he bangs his head on the bars of his cell.
Spinner: You shouldn't do that Shigiraki.
Mr.Compress: Yeah agreed it'll hurt you master.
Shigiraki: My apologies everyone I'm just really really irritated.
Shigiraki: Thank you Nomu.
Spinner: I'm so sick and tired of being in here.
Mr.Compress: I pretty sure that we all are. This place is so disgusting and it makes me feel like as if I will never be able to continue my amazing show.
Shigiraki: Oh trust and believe your show will resume once we get out of here.
Spinner: And when do you thnk that'll be?
Narrator: Just then the head chief walks in.
HC: Your all still alive? Surprisingly.
Shigiraki: Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?
HC: Well for one you can't, two your stuck behind bars for trying to destroy Japan for all of no reason.
Narrator: It goes silent in the prison Shigiraki remembers everything and he feels the rage come back. No reason no reason MOMMY!!! no reason no reason DAD!!!! NO REASON?!!!!!!
Narrator: Just then the head chief pressed a button and then in Shigiraki's cell he begins to be electrocuted. Shigiraki scream and flailed he couldn't handle the electricity running through his body. MASTER Mr.Compress and Spinner yelled EUUUUEUUU Nomu screeched as he began to punch his cell bars the HC sees this and tries to electrocute the numo but it isn't fazed by it what so ever. The HC then stops electrocuting Shigiraki and he falls to the ground.
Spinner: YOU MONSTER!!
HC: Oh I'm the monster?! You became a villain because people judged you for your quirk changing your outer appearance. Do you understand how pathetic that is of a reason to become a villain? You deserve to be treated like worthless trash.
Narrator: Spinner sits there and just stares blankly into the HC eyes rage filling his body.
HC: Now all of you remember I have the ability to kill you right here right now. But I choose not to because I want you guys to be spared of that, even though it's what all of you deserve. Now anyways I have to go I came in here to check on you guys but seems like nothing has changed. Anyways bye boys.
Narrator: The HC leaves and Spinner and Mr.Compress call Shigiraki's name. No response. MASTER. I-I'm fine I-I just need rest.
Mr.Compress: We need to get out of here now.
Spinner: Agreed.
Narrator: Back with everyone else at U.A.
Deku: This food never fails to be amazing.
Mina: Agreed.
Ochako: I swear this food is going to kill me because of how good it is.
Tsu: I can agree on that ribbit ribbit.
Himiko: I love strawberries.
Ochako: Same Himiko Chan.
Toga: I'm glad Ochako chan.
Deku: I haven't had strawberries in a long time.
Mina: Here Deku have one of mine.
Deku: You sure?
Mina: Of course.
Narrator: Just then Mina was going to give Deku one of her Strawberries but she stops. Uh uh open wide.
Deku: Are you being serious right now?
Mina: I am being so serious open wide
Narrator: Deku opens wide.
Mina: Here comes the chu chu train. CHOO CHOO CHOO CHOO.
Narrator: Mina then puts the strawberry in Deku's mouth and he eats it while blushing.
Toga,Ochako and Tsu: Our turn.
Deku: Wait what?
Tsu: Open wide.
Narrator: Deku blushes and opens his mouth again. Ochako,Himiko, and Tsu all make choo choo sounds like Mina did and then give him their strawberries one at a time.
Deku: You girls know how to make my day.
Mina: Well it's our job to.
Himiko: Couldn't agree more Mina.
Ochako: Same.
Tsu: Ribbit Ribbit same here.
Ida: You five are something else.
Shoto: Let them be it's always entertaining to see you five having a good time.
Kiroshima: Agreed.
Jiro: Bakugo Denki you two ok?
Bakugo: Yeah I'm fine.
Denki: Yeah I'm good.
Jiro: Ok I was just making sure.
Narrator: The two males smile at her and then everyone else smiles happy that everything is ok.
Ochako: So what should we do now?
Himiko: I don't know Ochako chan did you have anything in mind?
Ochako: I actually did but I forgot I was hoping someone would have something in mind so that I could remember what I wanted to say Himiko chan.
Deku: Did it have something to do with going outside?
Uraraka: Oh it actually did! Hey Mina remember what we were supposed to do today?
Mina: Oh you mean go outside and walk around the city?
Uraraka: Uh yeah... what's wrong?
Mina: Well there's word downtown.
Deku: Downtown?
Froppy: What could be talked about downtown besides the daily?
Mina: Some villains are beginning to come back out of hiding.
Himiko: Seriously?
Mina: Yeah.
Tsu: Sounds like it has something to do with Shigiraki and the rest.
Mina: Yeah.
Deku: Wait how do you know this Mina?
Mina: Well I overheard Aizawa and All might talking about Shigiraki and the other villains the second part is I went out today and there was a lady telling me that she saw villains trying to break into this house so I stopped them and they said when Shigiraki and them escape more then just them will be resurfacing from the shadows.
Deku: That's just fantastic. So now villains are coming back I just want us to have peace.
Mina: We want the same thing Deku and we will get it, we all just have to work together.
Deku: Agreed.
Himiko: I'm honestly not surprised at this point. The lower level of villains only came out whenever the bigger villains were out. When All might defeated all for one the first time all the villains went into hiding. But I guess since they've heard word from the streets that Tomura's coming back I guess they're getting their confidence back.
Ochako: Is it too much to ask for us to just live normal lives anymore?
Deku: Well us becoming heroes were sacrifices that's the job and that's the job we all signed up for. But we're all still just now reaching adolescence, I don't think we're ready for another war.
Tsu: It'll just be hard the last war we won, but it resulted in many casualties.
Jiro: Our only hope is that we stick together during all of this.
Denki: I can agree. It just seems that with all that build up anger Shigiraki will be stronger. But at the same time it seems like he's actually gotten weaker in a way.
Jiro: What makes you say that Denki?
Denki: Well if shigiraki still had the strength and the amount of power he had after the war he wouldn't have a problem breaking out but they did form the prison to specifically cancel out quirks so it's hard to honestly say especially when our own teachers and principles are hiding things from us.
Jiro: I totally understand that.
Bakugo: Honestly it feels like it'll be easier now since all for one is gone. I say that because he was another big factor in the war. I just hope that if we are to be in another war I hope this one goes by a lot faster then the last. This time we need to get rid of Shigiraki quickly. I know as heroes we want to try and save everyone.
Deku: But we can't it's heartbreaking, but we can't allow other innocent people to suffer or die because we try to save one person instead of thousands or even millions of others.
Mina: Definitely Agreed.
Himiko: As much as it will hurt to see him again especially being on the opposite side of him now. I won't let him hurt you guys. Your all family to me you guys gave me a chance when you guys sure didn't have to. I will help you guys as much as I can.
Uraraka: And we will be there for you and help you as well Himiko chan.
Tsu: Ribbit ribbit got that right.
Mina: Got that right.
Deku: Couldn't agree more.
Narrator: Everyone smiles. Later in the day Ida and the others were out kicking it laying back and relaxing. Ida,Mei,Shoto,Momo, and Mineta.
Ida: It really feels good to have some off time.
Shoto: Yeah that's for sure.
Mei: How long do you honestly think this will last? I gotta get back home with my babies!
Ida: Mei day please relax just take some time off babe.
Mei: Ok baby.
Shoto: Wow you guys made it official?
Mei and Ida: Yup!
Momo: Congratulations you two.
Ida and Mei: Thank you!
Shotot: What's wrong mineta?
Mineta: Nothing I'm just tired.
Momo: Well you certainly have changed a lot.
Mineta: You really think so?
Momo: Yeah for sure I'd definitely say your likable now then you were back then.
Mineta: Was I that bad back then?
Everyone: Yes.
Mineta: Well I'm sorry guys.
Momo: Don't sweat it, it was the first time you saw females like that so it doesn't really matter. It only became an issue when you started being a pervert.
Mineta: O-oh ok again sorry.
Momo: Nah it's ok I've forgive you.
Narrator: Momo says this as she hugs him and Mineta smiles and hugs her back. Just then Dabi walks in.
Dabi: Hey everyone.
Shoto: Hey Toya!
Dabi: Hey little brother. What's going on out here?
Momo: Nothing much just talking and relaxing. Also Ida and Mei have made it official over here.
Dabi: Congratulations.
Ida and Mei: Thank you!
Narrator: Just then Hawks flies down and sees everyone and says hello. Dabi just stares remembering what Hawks did.
Hawks: Hey everyone.
Everyone besides Dabi: Hey Hawks!
Hawks: O-oh hey Dabi.
Narrator: Dabi gives him a cold stare and then begins charging up his fire. Shoto sees this and quickly intervenes.
Shoto: Brother no!
Dabi: He's a murderer.
Shoto: I know what he did was wrong but you can't just kill him!
Dabi: He's one of the many reasons as to why I hate our Pop's generation of heroes. You gain my friends trust then betray him and murder him?! I should've killed you when I had the chance you stupid hawk.
Narrator: Just then Toga hears all the commotion going on and come outside to see what was going on and when she sees Dabi enraged she looks at who he is upset with and when she sees Hawks oh it was on.
Shoto: Oh crap no.
Momo: Toga no!
Ida: Where's Deku and the others?!
Mei: I-I don't know!
Hawks: N-no Toga please! This is all a big misunderstanding! I-I was just-
Himiko: Just what?! Trying to kill Toya like how you killed Twice?! My best friend!
Hawks: N-no Toga!
Narrator: Deku and the others rush outside and see what's happening all they have to do is look at Hawks then Toga and Dabi.
Deku: Toga no!
Toga: I-Izuku?
Deku: Yes Toga it's me and the girls and everyone else it's ok. *He says as he begins to rub his hands all throughout her arms to try and calm her down, and as he predicts she begins to calm down*.
Toga: B-but he was going to kill Toya! I came out here and I saw Toya's fire blazing!
Hawks: No I wasn't!
Momo: No no Toga that's not what happened.
Toga: T-then then why was Toya's fire blazing?
Toya: Toga. I set my fire ablaze because I saw him. I remembered what he did. I wanted to kill him. That's why my fire was ablaze.
Toga: Well I can't blame you!
Narrator: Toga tries to aggressively turn around towards Hawks but Deku,Mina,Ochako, and Tsu all keep her close and as quickly as she tensed up she quickly began to calm back down. Hawks stands there in shock and in sadness. He didn't know he caused this much pain.
Hawks: Dabi, Toga I.
Dabi: Don't you even dare try to apologize. Your apology means nothing. You murdered someone close to us. Yes we were villains but yet you heroes went by a philosophy where everyone could be saved. Yet you had the nerve to not only betray but then murder?! You don't deserve to call yourself a hero. Your nothing like a hero. Your pathetic. Please don't forget that I could've killed you if under the right circumstances. But I know my hatred for you is nowhere near as blood boiling as Toga's hatred for you is.
Narrator: Hawks looks at Toga and she looks at him and glares. Again her friends keep her calm. Hawks feels guilt run through his body.
Hawks: T-Toga I'm so sorry.
Toga: Your not sorry. If Toya doesn't kill you. If I don't kill you I promise you somewhere out there someone will kill you for us. And I pray they make it burn, they make it sting, until your final breath leaves your f****** body.
Narrator: Everyone stands there pale but they all knew Toga's hatred for Hawks ran too deep. Everytime Toga sees Hawks or even thinks about Twice and what happened to him. She's a ticking time bomb ready to explode, a stick that is under immense pressure ready to snap. Her rage can be delayed but never erased. Toga loves her friends her family. The sad truth is that is when it comes to her pain do to her mental health she sees them like an offer of escapism but never an escape from her rage. They know this because she's told them before but she reassured them that she did still truly love them which she does and they always tell her there is no need to explain. Not for that. Not for her pain. They all understand completely. Toga and the rest of the group walk back inside of U.A. Hawks is left there in his thoughts. Later that night. With Toga and the others.
Mina: How do you feel?
Toga: Grateful.
Deku: Grateful?
Ochako: Why do you feel grateful Himiko chan?
Tsu: Ribbit.
Toga: Because I have you four.
Narrator: Deku,Mina,Ochako and Tsu all smile.
Himiko: I hate seeing him I just can't stand him he has the nerve to talk about heroes needing to save, heroes needing to always protect people and he did what he did. I WANT to KILL him.
Narrator: Just then Himiko feels someone touching her and she looks up and it's Ochako.
Ochako: We understand you Himiko chan. We do. We really do. But you know we can't let you do that.
Narrator: Himiko stares down as in a sign of defeat.
Himiko: I know.
Ochako: Please Himiko we're only trying to do what's best for you. We aren't trying to prevent you from living the way you want to either but-
Narrator: Himiko holds Ochako, Ochako was surprised at how quickly Toga did it.
Toga: I know you aren't trying to. And I understand.
Narrator: The two females hug while their friends smile.
Toga: Just please keep him away from me.
Ochako: We will.
Narrator: Later that night everyone is asleep. Deku wakes up and feels a wave of emotions coming over him he breathes heavily and not knowing he woke up Mina. Mina stares at him from her bed in their room. Deku,Mina,Toga,Tsu, and Ochako all shared a room together most of their other fellow classmates shared a room as well like Momo,Shoto, Jiro,Bakugo,Denki etc. So the school decided to make their rooms together based off of the people they see their students hanging out with. Deku gets up and sneakily opens the door and then closes it. Mina waits for a couple of seconds before she too gets up and sneakily opens the door and then follows behind Deku. Deku is downstairs on the super huge couches that the school bought. Everyone's room was upstairs on the second floor while the teachers rooms were on the third floor. Deku? Deku jumps a little bit he didn't except Mina to be awake.
Deku: Mina what's wrong? You scared me.
Mina: Sorry for scaring you handsome and I heard you breathing heavily so I got worried.
Deku: Oh beautiful I'm fine thanks for checking on me though.
Mina: Do you want to talk about it?
Narrator: Silence.
Deku: Yeah we can talk about it. Come lay down with me if you want of course.
Mina: Hehe of course I do.
Narrator: Mina lays down with Deku on the huge soft couches.
Deku: I was just remembering a lot of things that have happened over the past couple of months now.
Mina: Like what Deku?
Deku: Just everything Mina. Everything with us. Me,you,Himiko,Ochako and Tsu. I've just thought about all of you. Even Tsu's little siblings and Erie. You all mean so much to me I love all of you so much and so deeply.
Mina: Oh Deku~
Deku: Mmm yes Mina?~
Narrator: Just then Mina and Deku begin to breathe heavily their bodies are on fire. Deku can't hold himself back and he begins to softly touch Mina's body.
Mina: O-oh D-Deku.
Deku: I'm so sorry Mina but please I can't help myself please let me continue.
Narrator: Mina loves seeing Deku like this she herself doesn't want him to stop.
Mina: Oh my strong man please keep going~
Narrator: With this Deku continues to softly and firmly touch Mina, she feels herself slowly losing her mind she feels so good. Mina begins to touch Deku as softly and firmly as he was touching her they both feel great.
Mina: O-oh I-Izuku~
Izuki: Yes my Alien Queen?~
Narrator: Mina smiles bigger then ever.
Mina: Y-you called me by my nickname~
Izuku: Of course I did~
Narrator: Deku and Mina continue this for a little bit longer before they both decide to take it to the next level. They undress themselves and they begin their love session with passionate touches and kisses. They both make out before saying.
Izuku: I love you Mina Ashido~
Mina: I love you too Izuku Midoriya~

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