MHA The mayor and The Vigilante

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Narrator:  It was morning time once more and Deku wakes up and sees Mina and Tsu next to him naked playing with his hair like Ochako and Toga did.  Hehe good morning beautiful ladies~  Deku says.  Good morning handsome man~  Mina and Tsu say.  How did I do?  Deku ask.  You did amazing handsome~~ They both say.  How did we do?~ Mina ask.  You both did absolutely amazing Deku says.  Thank you handsome~ Tsu says.  Just like Toga and Uraraka since they all were already naked they decided to get in the shower together and then get dressed.  15 minutes later Deku,Mina, and Tsu all go back to their room where Ochako and Toga are waiting. 
Toga:  So how did it go?
Mina and Tsu:  Amazing~
Ochako:  Mmm sounds good~
Deku:  Hehe.
Narrator:  The five of them all sit down together and just talk and catch up on a lot.
Mina:  I'm so tired.
Tsu:  Same.
Himiko:  That's how we felt after our night with Deku as well~
Ochako: Got that right~
Narrator:  Mina and Tsu blush bright red.
Tsu:  Midoriya my little siblings want to know when will you see them again.
Deku:  Whenever I can honestly.  I missed them.
Tsu:  Ok good because they have a surprise for you.
Deku:  Hehe really?
Tsu:  Yup.
Ochako:  Does anyone else feel home sick?
Mina:  Yeah I do but the only way for me to not think about it is I just remember I have all of you.
Deku:  Same.
Toga:  Izuku how's your mother doing?
Deku:  She's ok the last time I talked to her she said that she was doing just fine even though her being in the hospital scares me.
Ochako:  Howcome Deku?
Deku:  Because I just don't like seeing her there.  They keep telling me she's fine but if she was fine they would've sent her home by now and not still have her in the hospital.
Tsu:  You think they are hiding something from you?
Deku:  Yes.  But my mother herself told me that she was fine and that nothing was happening behind the scenes and that she's just waiting to be released.
Mina:  Well all we can do right now is just hope for the best that she gets released soon.
Deku:  Right.
Mina:  Jeez my head hurts.
Tsu:  How come?
Mina:  I don't know I haven't gotten much sleep lately.
Himiko: Has something else been going on with you mentally?
Mina:  Yeah I've just been remembering..... past events.
Narrator:  Silence falls over the room a sensation of dreadfulness drowns the room.  Everyone knows what Mina is talking about.  Deku looks at her Mina sees the look he's giving and hugs him deeply Deku gladly hugs her back.  Hey everyone I'm going to go get a drink really quick.  Mina says.  Everyone nods their heads.  Mina walks down the hall where the water fountain is she's been parched for some hours now.  When she gets down the hall she feels a sense as she is being watched and doesn't like it whatsoever but she shrugs it off and then proceeds to get a drink of water which her body enjoys as she feels the cold sensation of her body being rejuvenated and the ice cold water running down her throat.  Ashido.  A familiar voice calls out to her and she looks up and sees Bakugo.  She steps back remembering that night and those awful memories.  No no please don't run away.  Hearing bakugo pleads she is shocked someone like bakugo would never plead.  Bakugo sees the fear she has and it breaks him.  Mina.  I'm sorry.  Mina has a look of confusion and also uncomfortableness why is he just now apologizing for something he did a year ago?
Mina:  It took you this long... to apologize to me?
Bakugo:  Mina I know I was never a kind person.  I was also selfish and self centered.  But even with that type of personality I should have never did the things that I did to you that night. 
Narrator:  Mina feels a wave of anger wash over her.
Mina:  Why?  Why did you do it?
Narrator:  Bakugo can feel tears threatening to spill by the second.
Bakugo:  Because I thought that I could do whatever I want and I saw you as easy to get at the time.
Mina:  You took advantage of the fear that I had of you at the time but you mainly saw me as being nice,happy,caring, and loving easy to get?
Bakugo: ...Yes.
Narrator:  There is another long pause as Mina looks down the hallway and sees Deku who sees Bakugo, Deku's eyes turn bloodshot as he dashes his way down the hallway and his energy is felt throughout the entire school yet only Ochako,Toga,Tsu, Kiroshima,Kaminari,Jiro,Momo,Shoto, and Ida were the ones to sense it and go outside to the hallway where they saw the three Mina,Deku and Bakugo talking.  They all knew what they were talking about it was all in the looks of Deku's eyes.
Bakugo:  D-Deku wait.
Deku:  I only went over to the table yesterday out of spite because these four beautiful ladies wanted to talk to the others and you dare threaten to hurt Mina again?!
Mina:  Deku stop, stop.
Narrator:  Mina gets in front of Deku spreading her arms out to prevent him from hurting Bakugo.  M-Mina but he-  I know I know let us talk it out ok?  Deku looks at Bakugo a cold but harsh stare.  Deku Mina says as she softly holds his face so it's meeting her's.  Her calm eyes into his dominant primal eyes.  Deku calms down and Toga,Uraraka and Tsu all hold onto him.
Mina:  Now, Kachan.
Narrator:  Everyone is surprised they've never heard her call Bakugo by his first name.  Bakugo's eyes widen with the also surprised calling of his real name.
Mina:  You hurt me a lot with the events that you and Kiroshima did.
Narrator:  Kiroshima still feels the guilt eating away at him inside. 
Mina:  But I forgave Kiroshima for his part in it all because he came to talk to me about it and because I didn't want to stay mad at him what you did to me Bakugo broke me because it seemed to me that you didn't even care about what you were doing to me. 
Bakugo:  N-no I did care I was just being selfish I was being stupid I was thinking about how it made you feel but I tried talking myself into believing that only my feelings mattered Mina I'm so sorry for what I did I know it hurt you and I am truly deeply sorry for what I did.  I know I was wrong
Narrator:  Mina for the first time ever has heard Bakugo the egotistic maniac admit he was wrong and she has a look of shock but also of being pleased on her face. 
Bakugo:  I have changed Mina I really have and Deku I know no matter what you still don't like me and Kiroshima for what we did but please know that I am sorry for hurting someone close to you as someone who was once close to you.  B-but this isn't about me and Deku.  Mina please know I am sorry for what I did to you and with just a chance please let me-
Narrator:  Mina does a small sprint up to Bakugo and hugs him.  I forgive you Bakugo.  Bakugo let's the tears fall harder now as he holds Mina back Mina looks over at Kiroshima and hugs him as well she saw he was crying as well knowing that he still felt guilty for everything.  Kiroshima hugs her back crying as well.  I forgive both of you.  She says as she hugs both of them.  Everyone looks on and Deku's eyes have been reverted back to green.  As long as you two don't do that to me again we'll all be good.  Friends?  Mina says.  Bakugo and Kiroshima nod their heads and smile, Friends. 
Himiko:  Do you feel better now handsome?
Narrator:  Deku nods his head and smiles.  Moments later everyone heads back into their rooms and relax for a little bit longer before they have to leave to go to the small town. 
Tsu:  Well that happened.
Ochako:  I'm just glad no one got hurt.
Narrator:  All four of the females turn to look at Deku who looks away smiling.
Deku:  I wasn't going to kill him.
Toga:  Teh yeah right Izuku your eyes were literally bloodshot.
Mina:  She does have a point Deku. 
Deku:  I didn't like you two being by yourselves.  I still don't trust them when it comes to them being with you by yourself or if it's just the three of you.
Mina:  I know and I appreciate you being there for me Deku.
Endeavor:  Hey come on everyone we gotta get moving. 
Narrator:  Ochako,Tsu, and Toga all head out Deku and Mina are the only two left on the room.  Deku and Mina stand up and before Deku could walk any further Mina hugs him tightly around his neck Deku, who is surprised but gladly hugs her back around her waist.
Mina:  Thank you for being there for me my handsome Izuku.
Narrator:  Deku is shocked beyond belief this is the first time she's called him by his real name.  Deku holds her tighter and says. 
Deku:  Your welcome my beautiful Pinky.
Narrator:  Mina smiles so happily. He called me by my hero name.  She thinks to herself.  I love it.  On the bus ride there everyone was talking to one another explaining what they will do once this is all over. 
Jiro:  Babe can we go to the concert tonight?  After you know our mission?
Kaminari:  Of course beautiful that's fine by me.
Mina:  I'm so glad you two finally made it official.
Kaminari:  Same.
Shoto:  Say bakugo should we go to that museum we talked about earlier?
Bakugo:  Let's just focus on the mission at hand right now.
Dabi:  Hey pops how much longer we got?
Endeavor:  10 minutes.
Deku:  I forgot how close this place is.
Toga:  It seems like we were in here forever we just decided to not start talking until now. 
Tsu:  Ribbit ribbit I agree honestly there was nothing to really talk about.
Ochako:  Until now at least.
Mina:  Yeah.  It is an uncomfortable silence until that one lucky person decides to break it.
Ida:  Say midoriya what all did you do when you were gone again?
Deku:  I was training and helping others out in certain areas and I was also having some time to myself.
Mineta:  Was this one of the places you were helping at?
Deku:  Before being banished?  Yeah.
Narrator:  Silence fills the bus.
Eraser head:  What do you plan on doing now that your going back if your cover is blown. 
Deku:  If we are ambushed by a tough villain then I will kill the villain if we aren't then I will stay quiet.
Endeavor:  Our best bet is to keep you in the middle of the crowd.
Shoto:  Why you say that father?
Endeavor:  In my experiences no one really looks in the middle of a huge crowd unless times have changed.
Dabi:  We'll try our best to keep you covered Deku.
Deku:  Thank you Toya.
Dabi:  Don't mention it.
Aizawa:  We are here.
Narrator:  Everyone gets serious Mina,Toga,Tsu, and Uraraka cover Deku in the dark robe and other clothes.  And they all head off the bus.  After walking for sometime everyone looks around and sees how grey and shallow this place is the sky above is purple which then is swallowed into darkness of the clouds the people of this small town look distraught and tired as if they could all collapse at any minute.
Mina:  Jeez what happened to this place?
Himiko:  Everyone looks so sad and depressed literally.
Deku:  After the death of the mayors children and wife this place went into a state of something like the great depression.
Tsu: And they believe your to blame?
Deku:  Yea
Uraraka:  Well if we have the chance we will try to prove your innocence.
Narrator:  Deku gives a warm smile to Ochako who smiles back at him with the same warm smile.  As the group continues to walk down the street they see a house and a lady is sitting outside humming her son to sleep while a bunch of other people are inside having a party.
Aizawa:  Excuse me ma'am.
Lady:  Yes?
Aizawa:  We are wondering if you could point us in the right direction of the mayor's house?
Lady:  Wait your from UA right?
Aizawa:  Yes I am i have a few words I need to discuss to the mayor with.
Lady:  Well just keep going straight and you'll see a giant red house.
Endeavor:  Thank you ma'am.
Narrator:  Before the group can walk off any further the lady says.
Lady:  I don't really know if he's in the mood to have super long conversations though!
Aizawa:  How come?
Lady:  Awhile back a vigilante by the name of Deku came a supposedly killed his family.
Narrator:  Everyone hears how the lady says "supposedly".
Endeavor:  Ma'am you say supposedly do you believe it wasn't him?
Lady:  Even as a vigilante that boy was still caring he helped some younger heroes save people in this area.  He even helped save my little boy right here.  After the mayor banished him we were attacked by more villains and he's to stubborn to call Deku for help.  Everyone in this town including myself knows that Deku wasn't the one to kill his family.  It was his own son that killed the mayors younger son and wife.
Narrator:  Everyone turns pale.
Aizawa:  Ma'am that's a pretty bold statement.
Lady:  All of us in this town have proof because one night the mayor's son came and destroyed our national park the following month Deku came and stopped his son but one key thing we all saw was that the mayors older son who turned out to be a villain reached his mother and younger brother first at the time Deku was on the street screaming why would you want to kill your own family and then got up and chased after him.
Endeavor:  He was screaming on the street why is that?
Lady:  The mayors son had a quirk where he was able to trap someone within a paralyzed state if he had used a certain technique with his fingers I forgot what the name was but he had paralyzed Deku for a couple seconds do to him being in a hurry we all saw it happen.  Deku is innocent but the mayor said if we dared speak out against him he would banish us too. 
Narrator:  Deku's blood starts boiling the rage builds up in his body Toga and the girls feel it and put their hands on his heart and he feels this and calms down.
Lady:  I hope one day Deku comes back and just beats some sense into that man.
Narrator:  Deku silently laughs.
Endeavor:  Thank you ma'am we will be on our way now.
Lady:  Ok be safe.
Everyone:  We will and you too.
Narrator:  The group walks further into the town and everyone begins to look at them and realize that the group is from UA.
Tsu:  Do these people know us?
Mina:  Probably not but it seems like they are familiar with our appearances.
Ochako:  What makes you say that Mina?
Mina:  We're heroes they have heroes too but not big time heroes.
Ochako:  Fair enough.
Himiko:  I really hope we can find this mayor so i can drink his blood.
Ochako:  No no remember you can't.
Himiko:  Oh right sorry.
Deku:  Don't worry Toga I'll find some blood for you later ok?
Toga:  Ok Izuku.
Narrator:  Just then the group reaches a big house and like the lady said it's a big red house.
Kiroshima:  Jesus this place is huge.
Mina:  The lady did say a huge red house but this is ginormous.
Deku:  He's so selfish. 
Narrator:  Everyone looks at Deku.
Mina:  Why you say that Deku?
Deku:  He completely fixed his own house and not everyone else's.  He has all that money and only throws it away for himself.  Pathetic.
Mina:  Don't worry we'll try our best.
Deku:  I know and I believe in you guys.
Narrator:  Just then Endeavor knocks on the door and the mayor walks out.
Mayor:  Oh hello Endeavor!
Endeavor:  You know me?
Mayor:  Of course your the number one hero!  Please all of you come in come in!
Narrator:  Everyone walks in making sure it's hard for the mayor to see Deku.  The mayor gives everyone a glass of water.
Mayor:  So what brings you guys here today?
Aizawa:  We were wondering if you knew anything about Tomura shigiraki.
Narrator:  The mayor falls silent.
Mayor:  His quirk is still active.
Narrator:  Everyone falls silent.
Himiko:  How do you know?
Mayor:  Well his quirk has been slowly destroying everything around this town. And wait your Himiko Toga?  From the league of Villians right?
Dabi:  Me and her are villains no longer. *Dabi quickly intervenes*.
Mayor:  O-oh no I'm sorry I was just surprised m-my deepest apologies.
Endeavor:  We had villain rehab and her and my son here made it through.
Mayor:  Y-YOUR SON
Shoto:  My brother.
Narrator:  The mayor looks super shocked and decides to change the subject quickly.
Mayor:  S-so uh why are you guys here again?  J-just asking.
Aizawa:  Shigiraki.
Mayor:  O-oh right.  But yes his quirk is still active it's been slowly destroying this little town and a couple others  reported that they were going to get some water and it turned grey and just turned to dust.
Toga:  That definitely sounds like Tomura's quirk.
Dabi:  Yeah for sure.
Endeavor:  We were also told of your experience with a vigilante?
Mayor:  Deku.  Ah yes the murderer.
Narrator:  Everyone feels Deku's energy rise.  The girls again calm him down.
Endeavor:  Tell me were you there when your own son decided to come back and destroy this place?
Mayor:  My son may have been a villain but I know there was still good in him.
Aizawa:  But if your son was destroying this place and taking innocent lives without a second thought he must've loved being a villain.
Mayor:  How dare you!
Endeavor:  Endeavor:  That vigilante you call a murderer helped your remaining people survive and you banished him.
Mayor: He killed my wife and sons!!
Narrator: Silence fills the house.  The mayor begins to cry.
Mayor:  I was yelling at both of them while they were fighting for what seemed like hours.  I told Deku just subdued him and let me get through to him.  But he didn't listen my son paralyzed him with his quirk and then went running afterwards my son went into this house looking scared and then Deku got up and collided with my son into my house and when i get into the room all i see is my family dead.  I had the right to banish him.
Narrator:  Just then screaming is heard outside everyone rushes outside and sees a villain with the power of fire blazing through the town.  Deku wasted no time and went straight into action.  Everyone yelled for him to wait but it was to late.  Deku catches up to the villain immediately who has two children and a woman bounded up it was the lady from earlier and her son and what seemed to be like her other son.  Deku uses black whip and grabs the villain making him lose breath and he drops the lady and her children.  Deku uses black whip again to give them a safe landing when Ochako uses her quirk zero gravity and then releases them safely onto the ground.  YOU RUINED EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KILL THEM.  How do you just have fun killing peopel?!  If i kill them it makes me stronger makes my quirk stronger!!  Now give them back!!  The villain flies down to attack the family when Deku teleports in front of him and knees him in his jaw sending him flying upward and then Deku punches the villain back downward making him collide into the ground.  The villain is more angry then ever.  You BASTARD HOW DARE YOU, YOU KNOW WHAT SINCE YOU WANT TO BE A HERO SO BAD SAVE THIS TOWN FROM THIS!!!  Just then the villain releases a massive amount of heat energy Deku sees a giant fire like energy wave about to engulf the entire town and in an instant he knew this villain did not care for others like the villain stated his selfish nature earlier.  Deku using 35 percent of one for all focuses on the heat wave and blasts it away from the town the fire wave is shown being destroyed in the sky.  Deku teleports towards the villain and puts his entire hand through the villains gut.  Everyone watches this and is shocked.  Deku just killed this guy.  The villain gasps for air and then falls to the ground dead.  The energy wave destroyed Deku's clothing and he looks behind him bloodshot red eyes and the mayor is furious.
Mayor:  DEKU!!
Lady:  Deku?!
Mayor:  I thought i told you to never come back!
Narrator:  Deku just turns around and looks at the mayor.
Mayor:  So you think after everything you've done to me you can just come back?!  Like nothing happened?!  You put this city in a crisis then you have the nerve to murder my family!  Your not a hero your just a vigilante selfish scum!!
Narrator:  Everyone hearing Deku's voice deep beyond what they have usually heard scared everyone.  His voice sounded like that of a demon a creature his bloodshot eyes glowed like laser's homing in on their target piercing through the target's soul which would be the mayor. 
Deku:  Are you being serious right now or are actually this selfish and stupid?  YOU PUT THIS PLACE IN A CRISIS YOU PUT FEAR INTO THESE PEOPLES HEARTS THE ONLY REASON WHY THEY STAY HERE IS TO PROTECT THEIR FAMILIES FROM YOUR TERRIBLE RULE!  And do you seriously believe I murdered your family?!  How DARE YOU FALSELY ACCUSE ME OF SUCH AN ACT?!  While we were fighting I was trying to subdue your son but you want to know what he told me?  He said after he's done killing your wife and son he was coming for you next!  Then he paralyzed me and I said how could you want to kill your own family.  I tried my best to save them but I couldn't but I wasn't going to let your son kill anyone else so I killed him.  I didn't want him to kill you then takeover this town with all of these amazing people.  And you had the nerve to immediately assume I was guilty.  Your a pathetic excuse of a mayor.  And you're damn sure a pathetic excuse for a man.  You neglected your older son from birth and look what it's gotten you.  Lonely and miserable.
Narrator:  Everyone looks on and is shocked by Deku's speech but the mayor isn't.  Everything Deku has said is true and the mayor cries. 
Mayor:  I-I know i was wrong.  I was wrong to doubt your judgment of my son but I just thought that I could get through to him one more time.  See my little boy one more time.  I pushed him for a dream that he didn't really want.  I just wanted to make up for it one last time.
Narrator:  Deku runs towards the mayor and hugs him the mayor releases the tears as he cries into Deku's arms.  I..... forgive you mayor.  T-thank you.  Everyone looks on and is just happy that everything turned out ok.  1 hour later everyone is back at U.A.  Deku has been un banished from the little town and everyone there is happy. 
Mina:  How do you feel Deku?
Deku:  A lot better.
Toga:  Well that's good.
Tsu:  Indeed ribbit.
Ochako:  Everyone in the town seemed pleased with everything you said and did Deku. 
Deku:  That town before i got there looked like a ghost town villains would attack it daily and once i stopped them the town seemed a lot more joyful but once i killed his son it went back to a lifeless place, and now it's joyful again and I hope we can keep it like that.
Mina:  We will be able to we all just have to work together.
Deku:  Agreed. 
Narrator:  Just then the five friends turn off the lights and go to sleep. 
Shigiraki: ....... Midoriya.

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