MHA The Darkening Days

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Narrator: After Shigiraki and the others have escaped fuchu Japan prison they went back to their original hideout.
Shigiraki: Hehe looks the same brings back so many memories.
Twice: It sure does.
Mr.Compress: If only Toga and Dabi were here to see this.
Narrator: Silence fills the room.
Twice: We will get them back. It will just take time especially since you all need time to recover.
Shigiraki: We've had enough time to recover trust me my power from Decay hasn't went down that significantly.
Mr.Compress: Plus you must remember twice me and Spinner haven't really had anything happen with our quirks so our only best bets of destroying Japan is with you and Shigiraki.
Spinner: Of course you too Nomu.
Narrator: Nomu smiles.
Twice: Well I also have something else that could possibly work for us.
Shigiraki: What would that be?
Narrator: Twice then lead the group down to a secret laboratory and down there is a nomu the same tank that Shigiraki was in.
Shigiraki: Twice... what is this?
Twice: Well I'm glad you ask Tomura because you remember that villain nine from awhile back?
Shigiraki: Yes.
Twice: Well let's just say that I managed to get some of his DNA and transfer it into the Nomu.
Narrator: All the villains are shocked.
Spinner: But how?!
Mr.Compress: That's not possible!
Twice: Well my dear friends I managed to get some of his blood earlier on before he was killed I dug my blade deep in him without him noticing and managed to get a huge portion of his blood.
Shigiraki: But how will this benefit us?
Twice: Think about it Tomura the way he was able to best Deku and the other heroes effortlessly and now combining his quirk with the regenerative powers and abilities of that of a Nomu would be a deadly combo.
Shigiraki: Ahhh I understand. Will this nomu be under our control?
Twice: Yes and No.
Narrator: Shigiraki growls but Twice quickly interrupts.
Twice: But the best part about it is that we have a remote control that could subdue it and put it into a calm state.
Spinner: Tomura with all do respect and you too Twice, but this is risky if that thing loses control or even possibly betrays us it could kill us all. Think about it it's quirk and regenerative capabilities will be through the roof!
Twice: Objection!
Shigiraki: What have you to say Twice?
Twice: Tomura your power is not where it used to be, but your regenerative powers are before you got your mega form your quirk awakened and was only able to level the city with anything in it's way will be turned to decay and then eventually dust. That is really all we need to destroy the heroes plus with my ability to make clones Mr.Compress able to summon anything at will and Spinner able to harden his outer scales to a more dense level and with Nomu pretty much being All might just with a regeneration factor and stronger we are practically unstoppable.
Narrator: There is a long pause Shigiraki is really thinking if this is truly worth it. He knows how powerful Nine was and how he was able to destroy almost anything that came in his way until Deku and Bakugo shared one for all and destroyed Nine. Shigiraki knows the risk, but his ego and rage towards all of Japan is to great.
Shigiraki: Let's do it.
Narrator: Twice smiles with glee, but Mr.Compress,Spinner and the Nomu all seemed scared and shocked. Twice sees this and reassures them.
Twice: Oh come on guys trust me. Here if you guys will feel better I will make it to where we have full control over it.
Narrator: Everyone then feels more at ease with themselves and the plan that Twice has came up with as they all look at the floating Nomu in the chemical bounded canister. Later that day at U.A. everyone is relaxing Deku and the girls are relaxing as well.
Deku: This has been the best weeks we've had so far.
Mina: Hehe yeah I can definitely agree with that for sure.
Toga: Oh Izuku by any chance can I have some more of your blood?
Deku: Of course Himiko I'll give you some later I promise.
Himiko: YAY!!
Ochako: Hehe everything has been well so far I honestly feel like nothing is going to happen.
Tsu: Well let's not jinx it Ochako ribbit.
Ochako: Hehe right of course.
Tsu: Hey Ochako and Toga I forgot we were supposed to go help out my siblings and Erie with their quirks remember?
Himiko: Oh snap right!
Ochako: We'll be back you two.
Mina and Deku: Ok.
Narrator: Just then the three girls leave and Deku and Mina are alone together for the time being.
Mina: So Deku how have you been?
Deku: I've been good Mina how about you?
Mina: I've been good.
Narrator: Mina looks down, Deku gets closer to her and holds her.
Deku: Are you sure pinky?
Narrator: Mina smiles when he calls her by her hero name. She holds him back.
Mina: Yes I'm ok Deku I've just been thinking about a lot lately that's all.
Deku: Talk to me beautiful.
Narrator: Mina smiles and Deku smiles back.
Mina: I've just been thinking about my past and my future. My past events still come back every now and then but regardless of them I still persevere and push them away.
Deku: Those events...
Mina: Yes.
Narrator: Deku's eyes flicker from red to green Mina sees this and she holds his face down to hers and his eyes remain green.
Mina: Your eyes haven't done that in awhile.
Deku: I-I know and I'm sorry I just hate remembering that night when you came crying to me it still breaks me every time I think about it.
Mina: I'm sorry.
Deku: No no it's ok I'm tlad you came to me rather suffering in silence.
Mina: Thank Izuku I appreciate that.
Deku: Of course Mina.
Narrator: They both smile at one another.
Mina: But with my future I'm just afraid of how it'll turn out.
Deku: What do you mean?
Mina: I'm afraid I'll end up being alone again.
Deku: Wait what do you mean again Mina?
Narrator: Tears start rolling down Mina's face Deku sees this and is sad and concerned.
Deku: Mina?
Mina: Oh Izuku before I came here I used to be so lonely I rarely was able to see my mom, dad, and brother because they are always on business trips and they told me to work hard and make it into U.A. to make friends and never be alone. It's just been so hard Izuku.
Narrator: Deku lifts up Mina's face to where she is looking at him he kisses her and she kisses him back.
Deku: Mina no matter what happens I will always be here for you. I know the pain you've struggled with and I'm so sorry a kind hearted person like you had to go through so much pain, but I want you to know that no matter what happens you are a strong young woman and any guy would be lucky to have you and you should be proud of how far you have come I am proud of you Mina Ashido.
Narrator: Mina's eyes twinkle as she stares into Deku's eyes and she smiles with so much happiness. She hugs Deku tightly and he gladly hugs her back tightly as well.
Mina: I love you Izuku.
Deku: I love you too Pinky.
Narrator: They both smile. And when they are done hugging the girls come back and see them and they smile.
Tsu: I hope we didn't interrupt anything.
Mina: No no girls you didn't everything's ok.
Ochako: Ok that's good.
Toga: Guess who we brought back!!
Erie: Hi Deku!
Deku: Hey Erie!
Samidare and Satuski: Hi Deku!
Deku: Hey Samidare and Satuski!
Narrator: Deku and the three young heroes have a group hug.
Deku: So what should we all do?
Ochako: I think we should stay in here and relax honestly Deku.
Deku: Ok sounds good to me. What about you guys?
Mina: Yup I'm good with that.
Toga and Tsu: Sounds good.
Erie,Samidare and Satuski: YAY!!
Narrator: With that the group stays in their room and relaxes. With Shoto,Momo,Denki,Ida and Mei. This group is simply out on the roof top relaxing and enjoying themselves before Bakugo,Jiro,Kiroshima and Mineta all join them.
Denki: Hey guys.
Jiro: Hey Denki how are you?
Denki: I'm good Jiro how about yourself?
Jiro: I'm good thanks for asking.
Denki: Of course.
Bakugo: Sup Icy hot.
Shoto: Why do you always call me that?
Bakugo: Because your fire and ice goof ball.
Kiroshima: Did you really call him a goof ball?
Mineta: Wow Bakugo being nice is crazy.
Ida: Jesus Bakugo stop being so loud.
Narrator: Silence fills the group Jiro steps in front of Bakugo in an attempt to protect him.
Jiro: Watch your mouth Mei.
Mei: I-I'm sorry I have a migraine and it hurts badly and him screaming made it worse, but I should've said something more respectful. I'm sorry Jiro.
Narrator: Jiro looks at Mei and honestly she smiles, she too yells at Bakugo for being so loud all the time but it just triggered her when another woman yelled at her man.
Jiro: It's ok I understand just don't let it happen again please.
Mei: I promise it won't.
Narrator: Just then Mei clenches onto her head and Ida grabs her softly and gives her some medicine.
Ida: Don't worry baby I got you.
Mei: My hero.
Everyone: Aww.
Kiroshima: Say Denki you wanna go out later?
Kaminari: Go out where?
Kiroshima: I don't know like probably roof jumping.
Kaminari: Sure I'm down.
Kiroshima: Bet.
Narrator: Momo looks at Shoto and sees that he's visibly upset.
Momo: Shoto is everything ok?
Bakugo: If it's because I called you Icy Hot I was just messing around.
Shoto: It's not because of that.
Momo: Then what's wrong with you Shoto?
Shoto: Don't worry about it Momo.
Momo: I-I'm just trying to help-
Shoto: I don't need your help Momo.
Narrator: Everyone looks shocked Denki sees this and sees Momo's sad reaction and it enrages him.
Denki: What is your problem dude she was just trying to help you out.
Shoto: Be quiet Denki.
Denki: You don't tell me what to freaking do. I don't know what's gotten into you but you better go somewhere else and get that crap checked out.
Shoto: Do you remember who your talking to? I'm above you in our class.
Kaminari: I can care less where you stand in our class yeah I have the lowest academic performance in our class but guees what Shoto I'm still smart enough to make it into U.A. let alone be in class 1-A we both have the same success so your not above me.
Narrator: Shoto shows a shocked look.
Kaminari: What you think I'm scared of you or something because you have a hybrid quirk? Your hybrid quirk means nothing to me Shoto, and I've gotten stronger myself with some more training on my own which is something you don't do so often so who's to say I can't beat you?
Narrator: Everyone turns pale.
Kiroshima: Guys please calm down!
Ida: That's enough you two!
Denki: Matter of fact let's test this right here right now.
Momo: Denki stop... stop.
Narrator: Just then Momo jumps in and stops the two from fighting.
Kaminari: M-Momo?
Momo: Thank you bestie thank you.
Narrator: Denki remembers all of the times him and Momo spent together remembering all the memories Denki smiles and Momo smiles back. Before she turns back around and looks at Shoto.
Momo: Look I know we aren't anything serious Shoto, but you will not disrespect me like that ever again I was just trying to help you.
Shoto: I-I know and I'm sorry I didn't mean it I just don't know how to express my feelings, but that doesn't mean I should've been rude to you. Please forgive me Momo I-I hope we can stay friends. *he says as he puts his hands together while bowing*.
Narrator: Momo sees this and she smiles.
Momo: It's ok I forgive you.
Shoto: Thank you Momo, and I'm sorry Denki.
Kaminari: It's ok man just talk to us we're here for you man!
Shoto: Right! *he says happily*.
Ida: Jesus you guys really know how to scare us.
Mineta: Tell me about it.
Bakugo: So what now?
Kaminari: I'm going to go get ready to go roof top jumping.
Kiroshima: Uhhhh yeah uhh slight change.
Kaminari: Yeah?
Kiroshima: I just saw that I actually need to be downstairs for something.
Denki: Which is?
Kiroshima: I kinda made a mess when me and Testue Tetsue spared so we have to go clean it up.
Kaminari: Oh ok.
Momo: Can I be a replacement Denki?
Narrator: Everyone is shocked at this Momo is acting different.
Momo: Please?
Denki: Of course bestie I don't mind.
Narrator: Momo smiles and so does Denki Jiro feels a little off about this and Bakugo sees it and he holds her and she looks up at him and gives a slight smile. Denki and Momo both walk back downstairs to get ready to go roof jumping.
Jiro: Hey... babe I'll be right back.
Narrator: Jiro follows behind them shortly after they leave.
Kiroshima: You think it bothers her?
Bakugo: I know it bothers her.
Narrator: A couple minutes later Denki and Momo are in their dorm together getting ready to go roof jumping.
Momo: Thanks again for back there bestie.
Denki: Of course bestie I'm just goad it got resolved.
Momo: Me too I wouldn't want you two fighting.
Denki: I understand.
Momo: Oh and Kaminari when you said you got stronger was it after your fight with Bakugo?
Narrator: There is a slight pause for a second Denki looks down and thinks Momo sees this and feels bad.
Momo: I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that.
Kaminari: No no it's ok I was just thinking, and yes it was after my fight with Bakugo. I asked PN if I could have more of the combat droids and he said yes, and after he gave them to me I was able to get stronger with my quirk I don't necessarily get fried now when I over use it rather I can take it now, but my body will jolt of pain every couple minutes.
Momo: Wow that definitely sounds better than becoming fried.
Kaminari: Yeah it for sure is better.
Momo: Hey Denki?
Denki: Yes bestie?
Momo: Do you remember everything that we did in middle school?
Narrator: Denki looks down and then back up and smiles. He walks up to her and holds her hands, and Momo holds his hands back.
Denki: How could I ever forget?
Momo: *smiles at him*. I miss those days.
Denki: *smiles back at her*. Me too Momo.
Narrator: Denki and Momo's breathing gets heavier they both lean in closer to one another their lips newrly touching. Momo goes in closer to Denki.
Momo: Kiss me bestie~
Narrator: With that Denki kisses Momo and Momo gladly kisses back and they both begin to make out before falling on the bed, but they calm each other down before they get to crazy.
Momo: Hehe let's save this for later handsome~
Denki: Ok beautiful~
Narrator: With that the two walk outside of their room and head out to go roof jumping without even knowing that Jiro was on the other side of the door listening the entire time. Jiro feels a sudden rush of sadness,betrayal, and rage towards Momo she never mentioned her feelings or her past life with Denki and now Jiro wants have a talk with Momo. 30 minutes later Ida goes to visit Mei in her workshop and he sees that his beautiful girlfriend is relaxing.
Ida: Hey baby.
Mei: Oh hey babe how are you?
Ida: I'm doing well my love I was just missing you a lot.
Mei: I was missing you a lot too baby.
Narrator: The couple heads up stairs as Ida helps her close her shop for the rest of the day. In their room Ida and Mei lay on the bed before Mei forgets to take a shower.
Mei: Oh crap babe I forgot I need to take a shower I promise I won't be long.
Ida: Ok baby.
Narrator: Just then Mei goes into the bathroom, takes her clothes off and gets in the shower. While Mei is in the shower she hears footsteps and she then hears the bathroom door open she is afraid but then hears Ida's voice.
Ida: Hey baby.
Mei: Jesus baby you scared me.
Ida: I'm sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to.
Mei: It's ok. Anyways what's up?
Narrator: Ida takes off his clothes and Mei knows exactly what's up. O-oh Mei says with nervousness and excitement. May I come in? Ida says in a seductive tone Mei loving his voice and his body says yes and Ida gets in the shower with her. While they are washing their bodies Ida looks at his girlfriend and admires her, and begins to touch her
Mei: B-baby?
Ida: I'm so sorry my love I just can't help but be in here and not touch you, it's just impossible!
Mei: O-oh baby~
Narrator: Ida begins to touch her firmly and attends to her stressed out body tenderly. Mei feels her body relaxing as she slowly loses her mind to her man, and she too then begins to touch him with them now exchanging passionate moans. Ida turns may around and they are now staring at one another they get closer to each others lips and Ida says in Mei's ear. Kiss me baby~ Mei gladly kisses him which Ida kisses back and they hold each other forever while they are in the shower together.
Mei: I love you baby~
Ida: I love you too baby~
Narrator: 30 minutes later everyone is back together and in the cafeteria with the huge T.V. sitting down and eating.
Deku: So how has everyone been?
Mina: You already know me and the girls and the kids have been good.
Narrator: The girls and the kids all smile and Deku smiles at them and then at Mina and Mina smiles back at him.
Kiroshima: Our days have been good besides me having to clean up a mess earlier today.
Mina: Kiroshima!
Kiroshima: Hey Mina!
Narrator: Mina and Kiroshima share a hug before they both sit down.
Mina: How's your day been?
Kiroshima: It's been good how about yours?
Mina: Good. Now tell us why you had to clean up a mess?
Kiroshima: Oh it was when me and Tetsue Tetsue spared.
Deku: You guys made a mess? How?
Tsu: Yeah I was going to say the same thing.
Toga: Maybe from all of the debris that was left?
Ochako: But Debris? Even at the U.A. festival you guys barely made any ruckus.
Jiro: Yeah it was definitely nothing compared to what Deku and Shoto did.
Narrator: Deku and shoto give a slight chuckle.
Mina: Yeah you two wrecked the place.
Deku: Hehe yeah yeah we know.
Mina: Nothing wrong with that though it was definitely a amazing fight.
Deku: Hehe thanks Mina.
Mina: Of course Deku.
Jiro: Does anyone know where Denki and Momo are?
Bakugo: I'm pretty sure they are still out they said they would be out for awhile.
Narrator: Jiro's face is almost unseen to show irritation. Deku and the others pick up in this.
Kiroshima: Well Denki told me him and Momo were done and that they stopped by a restaurant and were bringing their food back here.
Ida: Well that sounds nice.
Mei: Sure does.
Tokoyami: I barely eat food.
Shoto: Howcome?
Tokoyami: I don't know I just haven't been hungry lately. Also have you guys noticed that the days have been getting more pale in color?
Narrator: There is a pause.
Deku: Yeah I have and it's been a weird feeling.
Mina: Tell me about it. It's a scary feeling in my opinion.
Deku: I can agree with that.
Toga: No but seriously it has been.
Dabi: Glad I wasn't the only one.
Shoto: Of course not brother.
Kiroshima: Do you guys think All might and the others have also seen this?
Bakugo: Probably not if they did they would've said something first.
Jiro: Understandable.
Mei: Shouldn't we probably tell them?
Ida: Maybe we should wait.
Mineta: Why do you say that Ida?
Ida: Because they are still trying to get word from the prison and they are getting worried.
Dabi: You guys don't think Tomura and them got out did they?
Shoto: That shouldn't be possible no one has ever escaped from that place let alone even tried to.
Denki: Hey everyone we're back.
Narrator: Everyone greets them, Jiro is looking at Momo and she feels that rush of emotions again.
Bakugo: How was it?
Denki: Pretty good.
Momo: That was the first time I was able to feel so alive with you in forever bestie.
Denki: Same bestie.
Jiro: Hey Momo can I talk to you for a sec?
Narrator: Everyone is shocked by Jiro's sudden outburst except for Bakugo and Kiroshima. Umm yeah girl of course. Momo says. Ok come on, Jiro says as she walks Momo to their dorm. Jiro closes the door to their dorm.
Momo: So what's up?
Narrator: There is an uncomfortable silence Jiro slowly turns her head to face Momo, Momo feels very uneasy.
Momo: Jiro... What's wrong?
Jiro: So this is what we're doing now?
Momo: W-what? What are you talking about?
Jiro: So you were just going to act like you didn't have feelings for Denki this whole time and then not tell me about y'all being besties since middle school?
Narrator: It all comes together for Momo.
Momo: ...Are you serious right now?
Jiro: So this is what we're doing now Momo?!
Momo: Jiro are you being serious right now?!
Jiro: Yes Momo I am being serious right now, like how could you do this to me?!
Momo: It was none of your business Jiro. For anything I was trying to help you by not telling you.
Jiro: You know your so selfish you know that?! You always think none of us can compare or step up to the great Momo Yaoyorozu well guess what Momo we've been doing JUST FINE WITHOUT TRYING TO BE YOU.
Momo: A-and this Jiro makes you think everything is fine?! I haven't tried to make anyone like me or even try to do things the way I would, and your going to cause more issues over something this small?! I mean come on what are you thinking?!
Jiro: You always looked down on me Momo don't try and deny it!
Momo: I never looked down on you Jiro I always saw you as my equal as my sister!
Jiro: You think sweet talking will help you out of this?! Well it won't work Momo!
Narrator: Just then everyone comes rushing in and Momo and Jiro look at them.
Denki: The heck is going on?!
Narrator: There is a uncomfortable pause. Momo looks at Jiro and when Momo sees Jiro's face she tears slowly starting to form.
Denki: Jiro what's wrong? Bestie what happened?
Momo: She's upset.
Denki: About what?
Jiro: A-about you two.
Narrator: Everyone can now see visible tears flowing down Jiro's face.
Denki: What?
Jiro: Why didn't either of you tell me about your past?
Momo: We didn't want to hurt you Jiro-
Jiro: Momo I want to hear it from him. Denki... why?
Narrator: Kaminari looks down and remembers everything.
Kaminari: We told each other we weren't going to talk about our past to you knowing it would probably hurt you Jiro. But why does any of this matter? Why are you fighting about this Jiro?
Narrator: Jiro lets out a small explosive attitude before catching herself and clenching her fist together and the tears fall down her face harder now.
Narrator: Kaminari and everyone else look at her in shock Bakugo looks on and just listens.
Jiro: I told you back then that I still loved you and cared about you deeply Denki. I-I just thought that this would mean your cutting me off even though I definitely deserved to be cut off by both of you.
Momo: Jiro...
Jiro: I-I'm so sorry Momo and again Denki I-I-I'm so sorry-
Narrator: Denki runs up to her and hugs her once again. I said it once and I'll say it again, I forgive you Jiro. Momo walks up to the two and hugs Jiro as well. I forgive you too Jiro. Jiro's eyes widen and she cries and cries thanking them for everything. Bakugo smiles. Thank you to the both of you Denki and Momo he says in his head. On a rooftop somewhere the league of Villains stand there and look at U.A. Shigiraki begins to laugh hysterically.

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