Tell me You Don't Feel the Same!

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Felix's POV

You avoided me like the plague the next few days, never staying alone with me. Subtly, or so you thought, getting away when I tried to reach you. It hurt me. I seized the first opportunity I got to trap you with me. Changbin, you and I were in your room together discussing and when he left I locked the door and turned around to face you. You looked at me in disbelief.

"Felix, don't do this..." "It is time to be honest, Hyunjin." I was trying to keep my voice steady. "I don't know what you want to me to say, Lix." "Look at me." I demanded. I came to you and lifted your chin with my hand. I wanted  you to look me in the eyes. "Tell me that I am the only one who feels this way. This tension between us. We need to resolve this." "Felix, I can't." "I don't believe you. How can you deny what happened?" "I am truly sorry about last night. It was wrong on my part. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you." You sounded saddened. "I sincerely apologize for my reckless action. Please forgive me." You said this in one breath. 

Drive a knife through my heart, why don't you. It would hurt less.

"Are you serious?" I yelled, losing my cool. "What is this? Who do you think I am and you throw  me an 'official apology'? You reject me like this..." Your eyes widened at my words. "What? No! Felix, I would never reject you. I care about you and about the others."

Still, nothing I wanted to hear.

"I don't want to jeopardize what we have, what we all have..."

Yeah, make me the villain.

"...the group, our careers."

I know you are right but I want this... can I be so selfish? Do I have to be satisfied with the small taste I got and forget about it?

"I am sorry Felix, I got carried away. The last thing I want is to cause you any kind of pain or stress. Please forgive me." You repeated. I stare at you speechless. You hung your head and walked out, leaving me behind, feeling like a train wreck.

Chris's POV

As we worked for the upcoming comeback, there was little to no time for personal drama. Between the recordings and the dance practices, the various interviews and photo shoots, all the stuff we had to prepare, by the end of the day everyone was too tired for further interactions. Hyunjin acted as expected, in front of others and the cameras but, as soon as work related stuff ended, he basically disappeared, perhaps avoiding being alone with Felix. 

Poor Felix! I feel so sorry for him. He is down bad for that tall ferret.

I watched him try to put on a good show, being bubbly and happy as always but his smile faded every time he realized Hyunjin was gone. I felt sorry for him but I did not think it was a good idea to intervene further. It was there business to work things out.

Hyunjin went to Cannes for a luxury brand. Felix was on edge. He stressed about him being away, about not talking like they used to on the phone every day... Considering the amount of attention Hyunjin received from other people as well, poor Lixie was anxiety personified. "Do you think he forgot about me? Do you think he..." "Felix! Please get a grip!" I yelled frustrated. He pursed his lips. "Just because someone paid him a compliment does not me that Hyunjin will fall for them or that he will forget about you!"

I don't want to deal with teenage angst! I hate drama! Help!

When Hyunjin returned to Korea, he seemed relaxed and happy. He was excited with his new collab and the prospects unfolding before him. Everyone was really happy for him. But, we had to resume our tight schedule for our latest comeback. We had to do the shootings for the new album's unboxing in pairs and he and Felix were assigned together. Felix was so excited to have a one on one interaction with Hyunjin again, even if it was in front of the camera. He had a huge smile on his face throughout the filming. His excitement was over the moon. Hyunjin on the other hand, was bashful and quiet. He barely looked at Felix. In fact, I am pretty sure he was deliberately avoiding eye contact. I can't say I wasn't perplexed by his behaviour. And I got even more frustrated when I had to deal with a desperate Felix, crying in my arms again.

"He hates me Chris. (sobs) He doesn't even want to look at me. He loathes me!" (more sobs) "There there. Don't get carried away now. You know he is a reserved person and an introvert..." "I missed him so much (sobs) I thought he would have missed me too... What did I do wrong? I just love him..." "You did not do anything wrong Felix. Just talk to him, calmly, I am sure you will figure things out."

I wish Hyunjin would finally talk to him!

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